If you can then do it. It matters to me.I can. But it doesn't matter to me.
I want to focus on the origin of Sudan claim you made about SPECIFIC Ghanaian tribes
you have not shown anything to substantiate this claim
If you can then do it. It matters to me.I can. But it doesn't matter to me.
I want to focus on the origin of Sudan claim you made about SPECIFIC Ghanaian tribes
you have not shown anything to substantiate this claim
There's nothing connecting the peoples to each other.Yeah and?
If you can then do it. It matters to me.
1. You have no proof. Ewes aren't related to Akans, whether they travelled with them or not. Ewes are related to the original inhabitants of Ghana, the remnants being the Ga tribe. Ewes have always been in West Africa - from Benin to Nigeria. Cut the bullsh* call yourself the professor, you should be familiar with genetics and dna
it doesn't really matter to me, so if you care enough go prove/disprove whatever you believe on the subject
back to the Sudan origin claim, what is your basis? besides a supposed migration
1. You have no proof. Ewes aren't related to Akans, whether they travelled with them or not. Ewes are related to the original inhabitants of Ghana, the remnants being the Ga tribe. Ewes have always been in West Africa - from Benin to Nigeria. Cut the bullsh*t.
2. The Akan tribe first migrated to West Africa during the first millennium. Since you claim you're Ghanaian, you should attend a festival or two next time you travel. Or simply go ask an elder. A quick google search pulled up what I copied below but I suggest reading Hebrewisms of West Africa, an excellent book written around 1930 by Joseph Williams, an incredible African (white) scholar of that era.
A Brief History of Ghana
Year 00 AD
500 The modern Ghana was inhabited in pre-colonial times by a number of ancient kingdoms, including the Ga-Dagames on the eastern coast, The Ashanti are thought to originate from the Far East of Africa from the ancient Sudanic empires via the Ivory Coast, where they still inhabit. Other suggest that they traveled with the Ewes, Ga-Agdambes, Yoruba’s, Ibos and Hausas. The Ashantis inhabit the central and Southern Ghana. Ashanti in land, Fante along the coast and inland. Farming began earliest on the southern tips of the Sahara, eventually giving rise to village settlements.
790-1076 The ancient Empire of Ghana that once ruled territory in the area of Mauritania, Mali and Senegal.
10 C Akan migrants moved southward then founded several nation-states including the first great Akan empire of the Bono which is now known as the Bron Ahafo region in Ghana.
This is why I asked you whether African-Americans are West Africans....I wanted to see what logic you were using. You buck danced and asked for clarification rather than just answer the question the way it was asked.
IDK about the other two books but explain to me what was theoretical BS about Hebrewisms of West Africa?I've read "Hebrewisms of West Africa" just like i've read "Bablyon to Timbuktu" and "African Who Wrote The Bible". It's all theoretical BS. Like I said humanity started in that part of Africa so you can link any human being back to that all depends on how far you want to go back and to what lengths you are willing to go to prove a particular theory. Your timeline is correct....BUT for example, Ashantis were not Ashantis until they touched down in West Africa. The Akan identity was developed in Ghana/Cote d' Ivoire (were they became a people). You can't trace a people back to a time when they did not exist. These people did not exist as an entity in The Sudan.
You didn't provide any clarification. And still haven't. But a majority of the Africans who were shipped here came from West Africa. You're talking about something that occurred from the 15th century to the 20th century.This is why I asked you whether African-Americans are West Africans....I wanted to see what logic you were using. You buck danced and asked for clarification rather than just answer the question the way it was asked.
There was no such thing as a place called India at first breh - what are you talking about.
NTM Everyone looked like variations of black Africans up into like 10K years ago. Indian history go back wayyy further than that and India just so happens to be one of the place that recieved the most African Migration. " encyclopedia or historical record " says that IT was one of the first settled.
Just in case you're more ignorant than you're seeming - these people were still black at this time, SMH
This is when we first started seeing Asian looking people and most of those were still darker than I am.....
You will have to only count the last 4000 years to even make a weak attempt disconnect Africa from India.
The eighth incarnation of the supreme God Vishnu in Hinduism - (cough) Kishna - Means Black. ijs If we don't believe they are referring to black people for worship - we can just pay attention to what the word black meant in Ancient india - IT meant "the Attractive One" or most beautiful... or all attractive.
The first group that traveled to Asia died out.... there is no genetic trace and no traces of their tools. About 75K years ago all of arabia and india turned back into a desert the nubian and other african people moved into the area that was similar to their own climate.
According to this there was a first wave that mated with the Neanderthals. Most non-africans had 1-4% Neanderthal. They mated with 'human like beings'
Below is were you come from...
I'm not linguistically or culturally African...I said in this very thread that if you go back far enough everybody came from Africa. only a fool would dispute that.
We aren't debating whether or not the first settlers of south Asia came from Africa, we are debating whether or not the first civilization to arise in that area was culturally, linguistically, or archaeological wasn't.
I'm not linguistically or culturally African...
However, those people were more African than me ..........
I said in this very thread that if you go back far enough everybody came from Africa. only a fool would dispute that.
We aren't debating whether or not the first settlers of south Asia came from Africa, we are debating whether or not the first civilization to arise in that area was culturally, linguistically, or archaeological wasn't.
You didn't provide any clarification. And still haven't. But a majority of the Africans who were shipped here came from West Africa. You're talking about something that occurred from the 15th century to the 20th century.
you are not African
1)you might not even Black lol (you said half your fam is German)
2) that is it why it's stupid for you to claim India was Black and/or African and then claim you have any type of connection to Indus Valley culture and civilization.
4) Your Blackness is in question and doubtful
Not our lives.... a person born in america isn't from those places. I see now that your limited understanding is what's holding you back. I'm speaking about those people in those places - not connecting people born in 1980s America.These two @So called BlackKing and @TheProffessor are pathetic Afrocentrics
They go back thousands of years in history all in an attempt to connect their pathetic lives to the civilizations of Egypt, Ethiopia and India.