Cluster together genetically? What does that even mean? Ewe's are NOT genetically related to Fantes so I'm not sure what you're talking about. Ewes were, however, related to those who USED to occupy what is now Ghana TODAY.genetically, Ga's, Fantes, Ewes, Asantes, Dagombas cluster together tho
No proof that tribes in West Africa once resided in East Africa? Are you sure about that?we are not Sudanese nor do we descend from there?
there's no historical proof of this
despite having what might seem like cultural similarities
No proof that tribes in West Africa once resided in East Africa? Are you sure about that?
And what correlation does that have with what I said? I said specific tribes trace their migration back to the area known as Sudan TODAY. Which BTW, wasn't called Sudan then.I never said East Africa, I said Sudan specifically and was referrering to Ghanaian tribes
No encyclopedia or historical record say anything about Africans colonizing Asia. That's something you are going to have to prove if it's a position that you are going to promote. quoting outdated opinions isn't proof, and I already explained why.
Indian civilization is Indian history, not African history.
According to the genetic and paleontological record, we only started to leave Africa between 60,000 and 70,000 years ago. In fact, the human population likely dropped to fewer than 10,000. We were holding on by a thread.
These early beachcombers expanded rapidly along the coast to India, and reached Southeast Asia and Australia by 50,000 years ago. The first great foray of our species beyond Africa had led us all the way across the globe. Slightly later, a little after 50,000 years ago, a second group appears to have set out on an inland trek, leaving behind the certainties of life in the tropics to head out into the Middle East and southern Central Asia. From these base camps, they were poised to colonize the northern latitudes of Asia
Just in case you're more ignorant than you're seeming - these people were still black at this time, SMHAround 20,000 years ago a small group of these Asian hunters headed into the face of the storm,
This is when we first started seeing Asian looking people and most of those were still darker than I am.....The rise of agriculture around 10,000 years ago—and the population explosion it created—has left a dramatic impact on the human gene pool.
What stories are waiting to be told in your own DNA?
Most of Asia is “a blank map, if you will, in its prehistory”, says Petraglia. Scattered fossils record the archaic peoples — Homo erectus, Neanderthals and the recently identified Denisovans — who had the continent to themselves before modern humans moved in. But few artefacts and no convincing fossils record this arrival. Researchers have mostly relied on the DNA of people today to reconstruct the ancient story.
Geneticists collected mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) — which is inherited only from the mother — across much of Asia, focusing on isolated native groups thought to be descendants of early human settlers in their areas. They identified distinctive mtDNA variants, or haplotypes, and compared them to create a family tree of the African exodus.
A second round of human arrivals gave rise to East Asians starting between 38,000 and 25,000 years ago, Rasmussen and his colleagues propose. As in Reich’s study, most current Asian populations studied by Rasmussen’s team lack Denisovan DNA.
By the time of the second human migration into Asia, early arrivers had displaced or replaced Denisovans in Southeast Asia, Hublin suggests.
Further investigations of the genetic history of Australian aborigines will reveal much about human evolution, Hawks predicts. Unlike most people today, these hardy foragers have DNA uncluttered by the relatively recent evolutionary legacy of agricultural lifestyles.
They aren't related to Fantes and I challenge you to show something that says otherwise.paternally they are
I deal with reality not fantasy. You should try it sometime.
You don't like when cacs claim your shyt so don't claim my shyt.
And what correlation does that have with what I said? I said specific tribes trace their migration back to the area known as Sudan TODAY. Which BTW, wasn't called Sudan then.
Yeah and?I know it wasn't called Sudan back then
leave out the irrelevant facts
humanity originated in that region of central east africa
humanity is connected so technically the world has its roots there
LMAO @ your sh*t. Do you have any factual proof that Africans weren't in Asia at the time? Go ahead, show it.
They aren't related to Fantes and I challenge you to show something that says otherwise.