Religion/Spirituality Lets talk about the role of Africa in early Christianity..


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
LOL @ Clyde Wynters

the same guy that said the Olmecs were Black

you guys have no shame, such a shameless people using whatever theory to give you a self-esteem SMH
dude, what what the fukk are you so upset about. The Olmecs erected numerous structures all over with Afrocenteic features. Why the fukk is it so preposterous that the Olmecs may have been of African origin?

You really need to learn more about your own history, because it's obvious your clueless.


Jun 4, 2012
There are people on st0rmfr0nt who post "studies" that somehow prove the white race is superior, I don't entertain garbage like that either.

And I don't see how I'm getting emotional, all I did was disagree with the idea that Jesus was an an African and that Africans were the originators of every civilization outside their own continent.
If someone was on here saying that it was an Indian Monk who popped off MA with the Monks in China.... I wouldn't say they were Indiancentric... I would fall back if they have evidence to support it.
Historically, the ancient city states of Mesopotamia in the fertile crescent are most cited by Western and Middle Eastern scholars as the cradle of civilization.

They are referring to the first large urban center due to mass fertile land. Essentially the first historic 'nation'.. Historically historians wanted this to count as the first civilization - but clearly our ideas of civilization have been incorrect. By today's standards those people wouldn't be 'civilized'.

You listen to :

Instead of :,_1st_Baronet who actually studied the shyt and had experience in the region??? Who used African languages to decipher cuneiform writing who was supported by others at the time (who weren't white jewish or french or german) who made it clear that the founders of the Mesopotamian civilization were of Kushyte origin.?? I guess these white guys wanted these groups to be black for some reason and are all a part of some black-washing conspiracy

Lets remember that people made tools nearly 2 Million years go. Had religious beliefs and traditions around that same time.
Also, lets note that 13K years ago the people in Eastern Mediterranean region were descendants of African and were black.
smh at anyone who thinks Africa didn't even have 'civilizations' until 7k years ago - when 20k years ago they had music, religion, culture, traditions, group hunting, and kept animals.

The Sumerians, and their neighbors the Elamites, as well as groups like the Hatti and Hurrians & Urartian, pose problems for this thesis. None of these groups seem to be Indo-European or Semitic, the two dominant language families of Near East by ~1,000 B.C. You have in the ancient Near East then a situation where the light of history reveals before us not the diversification of Indo-European and Semitic speaking farmers, but rather a host of unique and disparate peoples, all simultaneously lurching toward literate civilization, one after another. Something just does not add up in my models. Genetics will not solve the puzzle, but it may help in elucidating relationships. The origins of the Sumerians are murky, but many scholars have suggested that they may have arrived from the south (the oldest city, Eridu, is in the south). Others have suggested that the Sumerians descended from the mountains of the northeast. Though I presume that the people Arabia have changed a great deal since antiquity, it would be interesting if it was found that the Sumerians resembled the Qatari (at least the Eurasian component) more than they did the modern Assyrians

For millennia, the southern part of the Mesopotamia has been a wetland region generated by the Tigris and Euphrates rivers before flowing into the Gulf. This area has been occupied by human communities since ancient times and the present-day inhabitants, the Marsh Arabs, are considered the population with the strongest link to ancient Sumerians. Popular tradition, however, considers the Marsh Arabs as a foreign group, of unknown origin, which arrived in the marshlands when the rearing of water buffalo was introduced to the region.

To shed some light on the paternal and maternal origin of this population, Y chromosome and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation was surveyed in 143 Marsh Arabs and in a large sample of Iraqi controls. Analyses of the haplogroups and sub-haplogroups observed in the Marsh Arabs revealed a prevalent autochthonous Middle Eastern component for both male and female gene pools, with weak South-West Asian and African contributions, more evident in mtDNA. A higher male than female homogeneity is characteristic of the Marsh Arab gene pool, likely due to a strong male genetic drift determined by socio-cultural factors (patrilocality, polygamy, unequal male and female migration rates).

Evidence of genetic stratification ascribable to the Sumerian development was provided by the Y-chromosome data where the J1-Page08 branch reveals a local expansion, almost contemporary with the Sumerian City State period that characterized Southern Mesopotamia. On the other hand, a more ancient background shared with Northern Mesopotamia is revealed by the less represented Y-chromosome lineage J1-M267*. Overall our results indicate that the introduction of water buffalo breeding and rice farming, most likely from the Indian sub-continent, only marginally affected the gene pool of autochthonous people of the region. Furthermore, a prevalent Middle Eastern ancestry of the modern population of the marshes of southern Iraq implies that if the Marsh Arabs are descendants of the ancient Sumerians, also the Sumerians were most likely autochthonous and not of Indian or South Asian ancestry.

Also, let remember that during Bilical times, as some people mention.... when middle easterners would want to hid amongst a people they would go south and blend in with the black races.

India for most of human history and the make up of it's people:
The descendants of early modern humans in India
The Andaman and Nicobar Islands is located in southeast
of the Indian subcontinent. It is inhabited by the enig-
matic tribes who have remained isolated from the rest of
the world for centuries. There are two distinct tribes in
the Andaman and Nicobar Islands: (i) those who share
physical features with African pygmies and other Asian
Negrito people, and (ii) Mongoloid people those who
share physical features with the Southeast Asians.
Was there an Aryan invasion?
It is commonly believed that there was an Aryan invasion/
migration to India from the west. However, there is prolonged
debate on this topic. It has been well established that various
castes and tribal populations of India have a common late
Pleistocene maternal as well as paternal ancestry and minor
east and west Eurasian ancestries. Most of these studies
presumed that the detected west Eurasian genepool may be
the Aryan component. Interestingly, both the ANI and ASI
ancestry components of the Indian populations are found to
harbour higher haplotypic diversity than those predominant in
west Eurasia. The shared genetic affinity between the ANI
component of northern India and west Eurasia was dated prior
to the Aryan invasion These realities
suggest the rejection of the Aryan invasion hypothesis but
support an ancient demographic history of India


May 1, 2012
Only on the coli could you be darker than my finger in my avi...and NOT be black

it's amazing how emotional certain posters get when challenged on what they believe....

son really said don't take my indian history away from me....:dead:
fucc is a India when compared to Africa....

Jesus went to stay low in Egypt ....what race where those ppl???? could he hide within a group of ppl he doesn't look like ??? :dead:

Use common fuccing sense....

he asked for information..yet brought none to the table...we know how Indians feel about black...cacs aren't the only ppl that hate us...let us remember that

Great thread...:whew:

:heh: only one getting emotional here is you obviously. The points I made were clear enough.


Dollaz make Sense $$ ABM Commas After My Commas
May 16, 2012
ABM Headquarters The Flossy Life
:heh: only one getting emotional here is you obviously. The points I made were clear enough.

You quoted me....

I ain't even mention you


Points???..I didn't see any...I seen you ask for proof ..receive it...and ignore it

while you brought nothing to dispute it but your word :russ:

Jesus was black...can you repeat that...or does it fucc you up too much to even comprehend that.......



May 1, 2012
If someone was on here saying that it was an Indian Monk who popped off MA with the Monks in China.... I wouldn't say they were Indiancentric... I would fall back if they have evidence to support it.

They are referring to the first large urban center due to mass fertile land. Essentially the first historic 'nation'.. Historically historians wanted this to count as the first civilization - but clearly our ideas of civilization have been incorrect. By today's standards those people wouldn't be 'civilized'.

You listen to :

Instead of :,_1st_Baronet who actually studied the shyt and had experience in the region??? Who used African languages to decipher cuneiform writing who was supported by others at the time (who weren't white jewish or french or german) who made it clear that the founders of the Mesopotamian civilization were of Kushyte origin.?? I guess these white guys wanted these groups to be black for some reason and are all a part of some black-washing conspiracy

Lets remember that people made tools nearly 2 Million years go. Had religious beliefs and traditions around that same time.
Also, lets note that 13K years ago the people in Eastern Mediterranean region were descendants of African and were black.
smh at anyone who thinks Africa didn't even have 'civilizations' until 7k years ago - when 20k years ago they had music, religion, culture, traditions, group hunting, and kept animals.

You can't just make up your own definitions for terms like "civilization," it doesn't work that way. Everything in those links describes mankind in early stages on it's way towards civilization. They made tools, so what? What African languages were used to decipher Cuneiform? The link you gave didn't specify. I did a quick google search and the first site that pops up is this: what a surprise, another Clyde Winters site :deadmanny: that's ya man, though, I got you.


custom user title
May 9, 2012
dude, what what the fukk are you so upset about. The Olmecs erected numerous structures all over with Afrocenteic features. Why the fukk is it so preposterous that the Olmecs may have been of African origin?

You really need to learn more about your own history, because it's obvious your clueless.

WTF are Afrocentric features

I thought African people were diverse according to yall

your ignorant


custom user title
May 9, 2012
Only on the coli could you be darker than my finger in my avi...and NOT be black

it's amazing how emotional certain posters get when challenged on what they believe....

son really said don't take my indian history away from me....:dead:
fucc is a India when compared to Africa....

Jesus went to stay low in Egypt ....what race where those ppl???? could he hide within a group of ppl he doesn't look like ??? :dead:

Use common fuccing sense....

he asked for information..yet brought none to the table...we know how Indians feel about black...cacs aren't the only ppl that hate us...let us remember that

Great thread...:whew:

is blackness only about skin complexion


Dollaz make Sense $$ ABM Commas After My Commas
May 16, 2012
ABM Headquarters The Flossy Life
Classic thread...dudes are saying does it matter about your skin color does that black

that truck dude is a clown ...seriously

yall 2 dude have to remember the time frame we are dealing with....I think it's safe to assume the time period that we are discussing...that if you are as dark as my finger....YOU WOULD BE BLACK

shame on the black family that took in this clown truck dude when not one Indian family..including your own fam wanted yo stinky ass.....

black ppl we.too damn good


May 1, 2012
Classic thread...dudes are saying does it matter about your skin color does that black

that truck dude is a clown ...seriously

yall 2 dude have to remember the time frame we are dealing with....I think it's safe to assume the time period that we are discussing...that if you are as dark as my finger....YOU WOULD BE BLACK

shame on the black family that took in this clown truck dude when not one Indian family..including your own fam wanted yo stinky ass.....

black ppl we.too damn good

:heh: you salty as fukk my guy stop it. This means so much to you it's pathetic.

what does the time frame have to do with anything? your arguments are trash, I'd rather deal with facts and history, not your pedantic interpretations of bible verses.


Dollaz make Sense $$ ABM Commas After My Commas
May 16, 2012
ABM Headquarters The Flossy Life
:heh: you salty as fukk my guy stop it. This means so much to you it's pathetic.

what does the time frame have to do with anything? your arguments are trash, I'd rather deal with facts and history, not your pedantic interpretations of bible verses.

so time frame has nothing to do with it?? Are you really that clueless

Last edited:


May 1, 2012
so time frame has nothing to do with it?? Are you really that clueless


Why don't you stop drive by posting and expand on your points? You've added nothing to this discussion, all you're doing is acting frustrated and riding dikk.

You're the one who needs to "deal with" the fact than Jesus looked like an Arab and not you. Its ok though, life goes on.

Black Hans

Follow Jesus. Be Beautiful
May 8, 2012
John 14:6
Egypt is often neglected when discussing the role of the growth of Christianity because we all know white historians have a terrible habit of either downplaying or ignoring all together the contributions of African is history. Many people are therefore likely unfamiliar with Egpyts role in the early periods of Christianity.

During Christianity's infancy, its followers were getting persecuted terribly, especially around 100-300 AD. It was very common for leaders in Axum (capital of early Ethiopia) to send soilders to protect persecuted christians all throughout Africa and the middle east, especially Yemen. They were even an integral member of the Council of Nicea, which convened around 325 AD, to establish universal truths that Christians across the world were going to adopt. The main concept they established that meeting was that Christ is fully God and Man, one and the same. Ethiopia, The Romans, The Byzantines, The latin kingdoms, East and Western Europe and and other powerful christian bishops of various Christian nations agreed upon these items.

However, it was during another council, called the Council of Chalcedon in 451, where the official SPLIT in the christian community arose. The European faction wanted to SEPARATE God into a divine being and a "human" form. {Of course this led to artists of the time creating the notorious "white Jesus" image that subsequently was used by demonic church leaders to indoctrinate people for millenia.} The Ethiopian Jews i'm sure realized this was a bad idea and SPLIT with the Christian Church, forming their own church based on monophysite philosophies. The Egyptians created the Coptic Church of Egypt, the Ethiopians created the Ethiopian Orthodox Church.

So this is just to explain that YES, Christianity was in Africa BEFORE the demonic slave traders arrived in the 1600's, waving their flyers with white Jesus and their edited and altered bibles. White folk simply turned Christianity into a vehicle for demonic brainwashing instead of a vehicle for salvation, and for that the devil has rewarded them handsomely...:devil:

The first non-Jewish convert in the Bible was an Ethiopian :yeshrug:.


Jun 4, 2012
You can't just make up your own definitions for terms like "civilization," it doesn't work that way. Everything in those links describes mankind in early stages on it's way towards civilization. They made tools, so what? What African languages were used to decipher Cuneiform? The link you gave didn't specify. I did a quick google search and the first site that pops up is this: what a surprise, another Clyde Winters site :deadmanny: that's ya man, though, I got you.
lol, those links and that info didn't come from Winters. It's disrespectful for you to diss a man who has done more research than you - like Winters... but that's not from him. lol, you can't dispute any of the information... or make valid point, so you try to pigeon hole the point as a last ditch effort.

And I didn't make up any of those definitions. It's sad that you are sooo brainwashed you can't see that 1+1 = 2