Dollaz make Sense $$ ABM Commas After My Commas
Why don't you stop drive by posting and expand on your points? You've added nothing to this discussion, all you're doing is acting frustrated and riding dikk.
You're the one who needs to "deal with" the fact than Jesus looked like an Arab and not you. Its ok though, life goes on.
Arabs have nappy hair now??

Jesus was a arab

Did you not read the points that you were constantly getting smacked on the head with...
you haven't even disputed numerous points in this thread...and you have brought no documentation or any type of evidence to back your opinions
basically im just running the victory lap on you
Jesus was black...he had dark skin and hair like wool
only a clueless jackass would deny these two traits are defined as BLACK. traits
what fuccing Arab has nappy hair that isn't a black Arab???..HE CANNOT ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS he s not a Cac he s a PAP ..why did Jesus go hide and try not to be seen around BLACK ppl....are you really this stupid or were taught a lie
All he will do now is troll questions he thinks doesn't have definitive answers..while ignoring the obvious..I see you PaP with it
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