Let's Talk About the Radicalization of Young White Males Online


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

Lies in the Guise of News in the Trump Era
NOV. 12, 2016
IF you get your news from this newspaper or our rival mainstream news sources, there’s probably a lot you don’t know.

You may not realize that our Kenyan-born Muslim president was plotting to serve a third term as our illegitimate president, by allowing Hillary Clinton to win and then indicting her; Pope Francis’ endorsement of Donald Trump helped avert the election-rigging.

You perhaps didn’t know that Clinton is a Satan worshiper at the center of “an international child enslavement and sex ring.” Or that Chelsea Clinton isn’t Bill Clinton’s daughter, but a love child of Hillary’s by another man — or that Bill has his own love child with a black prostitute.

Oh, the scoops we miss here at The Times!

None of those items is actually true, of course, but all have been reported by alt-right or fake news websites (the line between them is sometimes blurred). And one takeaway from this astonishing presidential election is that fake news is gaining ground, empowering nuts and undermining our democracy.

As I’ve argued for most of this year, I think we in the mainstream media — especially cable television — sometimes bungled coverage of Trump. There was too much uncritical television coverage of Trump because he was good for ratings; then there was not enough investigation of his business dealings, racism and history of sexual assaults, and too much false equivalency that equated the two candidates as equally flawed.

More broadly, we in the mainstream media are out of touch with working-class America; we spend too much time chatting up senators, and not enough visiting unemployed steel workers.

Yet for all of our sins in the mainstream media, these alt-right websites are both far more pernicious and increasingly influential. President-Elect Trump was, after all, propelled into politics partly as a champion of the lie that President Obama was born abroad and ineligible for the White House.

Even now, only 44 percent of Republicans accept the reality that Obama was born in the U.S.

While the poisonous 2016 campaign is behind us, these alt-right websites will continue to spew misinformation that undermines tolerance and democracy. I find them particularly loathsome because they do their best to magnify prejudice against blacks, Muslims and Latinos, tearing our social fabric.

The venom directed at minorities is staggering: Alt-right kooks suggest that Obama is literally the devil and is trying to destroy humanity through vaccines.

A BuzzFeed investigation found that of the Facebook posts it examined from three major right-wing websites, 38 percent were either false or a mixture of truth and falsehood. More discouraging, it was the lies that readers were particularly eager to share and thus profitable to publish. Freedom Daily had the most inaccurate Facebook page reviewed, and also produced the right-wing content most likely to go viral.

Some of the people promoting these sites aren’t even conservatives; they’re foreign entrepreneurs trying to build websites that gain a large audience and thus advertising dollars.

Alt-right and fake news sites for some reason have emerged in particular in Macedonia, in the former Yugoslavia. BuzzFeed found more than 100 sites about U.S. politics from a single town, Veles, population 45,000, in Macedonia. “I started the site for a easy way to make money,” a 17-year-old Macedonian who runs DailyNewsPolitics.com told BuzzFeed.

Facebook has been a powerful platform to disseminate these lies. If people see many articles on their Facebook feed, shared by numerous conservative friends, all indicating that Hillary Clinton is about to be indicted for crimes she committed, they may believe it.

These sites were dubbed “alt-right” because they originally were an alternative to mainstream conservatism. Today they have morphed into the mainstream: After all, Steve Bannon, the head of Breitbart, one of these sites full of misinformation, ran Trump’s campaign.

It’s particularly troubling that alt-right sites agitate for racial hatred. Freedom Daily lately has had “trending now” headlines like “Black Lives Thug Rapes/Kills 69 y/o White Woman.” In fact, the killer was black but seems to have had no connection to the Black Lives Matter movement, and the murder happened in 2015.

There are also hyperpartisan left-wing websites with inaccuracies, but they are less prone to fabrication than the right-wing sites. Indeed, the Macedonian entrepreneurs originally came up with leftist websites targeting Bernie Sanders supporters but didn’t find much reader interest in them.

Rather, the problem with mainstream news sources is in part that we’re out of touch with many of the ordinary voters whom we purport to care about.

And one way in which we’re disconnected is that we don’t hear about or respond to these falsehoods in the alt-right orbit. I think that’s a mistake: When Americans come to believe lies such as that the pope endorsed Trump, or that Barack and Michelle Obama unendorsed Clinton, those are assaults on our political system and we should challenge them.

The landscape ahead looks grim to me. While the business model for mainstream journalism is in crisis, these alt-right websites expand as they monetize false “news” that promotes racism and undermines democracy. Worse, they have the imprimatur of the soon-to-be most powerful person in the world.
May 26, 2012
The jew is a master manipulator, a hypocrite, and ultimately a traitor. The jew has been one step ahead of whitey for a LONG time - manipulating whitey for years across multiple countries. All white nationalists hate the jew for the same reasons.

For the record the jew is classified as WHITE :wow:

I was just flagged for race baiting with this post :what:

Allow me to clarify a bit. This is the White Nationalist view of Jews. I said in a previous post that there are some LOGICAL reasons they dislike them. I used 3 words to point out THEIR mindset regarding jews. Let's break it down right quick:

Manipulator: It's on record that jews/jewish interest have funded multiple social unrest issues around the world. Usually involving some form of socialist/communist agenda. Examples would be some funding during the Civil Rights Era up until now with Soros ON RECORD for funding BLM. Not even gonna get into the finance industry...

Hypocrite: They're calling the Jews hypocrites because they'll support and fund things like "social unrest" and mass immigration in other countries but they won't allow that shyt in Israel.

Traitor: They're classified as white yet they go against white interest. The white nationalist jump back and forth between admitting they're white and being butthurt about it, but it is what it is.

My position on jews is "They're white". When whites and jews have an issue i think "let them hoes fight". Those are white problems, i have my own black problems :yeshrug:

If we can't discuss race openly (and without threats of violence), how are we supposed to discuss the racial issue? Specifically in a fukking AltRIght thread? :martin:
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Benjamin Sisko

Still that resident truth-bringer
May 29, 2013
I was just flagged for race baiting with this post :what:

Allow me to clarify a bit. This is the White Nationalist view of Jews. I said in a previous post that there are some LOGICAL reasons they dislike them. I used 3 words to point out THEIR mindset regarding jews. Let's break it down right quick:

Manipulator: It's on record that jews/jewish interest have funded multiple social unrest issues around the world. Usually involving some form of socialist/communist agenda. Examples would be some funding during the Civil Rights Era up until now with Soros ON RECORD for funding BLM. Not even gonna get into the finance industry...

Hypocrite: They're calling the Jews hypocrites because they'll support and fund things like "social unrest" and mass immigration in other countries but they won't allow that shyt in Israel.

Traitor: They're classified as white yet they go against white interest. The white nationalist jump back and forth between admitting they're white and being butthurt about it, but it is what is.

My position on jews is "They're white". When whites and jews have an issue i think "let them hoes fight". Those are white problems, i have my own black problems :yeshrug:

If we can't discuss race openly (and without threats of violence), how are we supposed to discuss the racial issue? Specifically in a fukking AltRIght thread? :martin:
Bu bu bu this forum is black owned, right @ridedolo ?
May 26, 2012
Ya'll gotta study these people:

Personally I don't care if you hate dindus, I just want to be able to better market pro-white to normies. Fact is running around screaming "kill the non-whites" aint that easy to sell and if we can't sell this, then what's the fukking point? Now, I'm not saying that those of you who do feel this way should stop, I'm just saying lie about it untill people can warm-up to the cause.

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Crayola Coyote

Jul 20, 2015

I've been watching this chump for YEARS. This guy is very important.

I was actually making a thread about him earlier this year, going into detail about his brand of "Intellectual" racism but i scrapped it. Didn't think thecoli was ready for that :francis:

For the record - Stefan Molyneux, Mike Cernovich, and Milo Yiannopoulos are NOT AltRight. They just agree with every altright position minus the OUTWARD racism (which they either ignore, deny, or justify - but never condemn)

I can't watch his videos. He always deny racism and makes it into something else like "when will xyz get over racism when oppressors have tried to make things better for xyz" dude is a clown

Crayola Coyote

Jul 20, 2015

The nerve of these people. This white nationalism is just a copy cat version of black empowerment. "Africa for African but but white countries for no whites? " they took pan africanmism mottos and switched it up with "white genocide" to justify harming people as if every non white is fukking with them for 500 yr . White ppl make up ways to have other people hate them. They are inherently evil. THIS trump nonsense is gonna fukk them over heavy


Sep 10, 2015
Yeah I been seeing this shyt over these years. These young white dudes latched on to that shyt out of frustration of not being able to pull women. Its always easy to blame someone else for the reason your uninteresting pale lanky ass cant get a lady interested.

The sad thing is after seeing that shyt fester and grow, I reached out looking for predominantly black spaces online to discuss shyt.... Found Boxden and Coli and damn near wept as nikkas is out here posting PAWG's and Cac bytches every other thread like they are the salt of the earth; while shytting on black women MAJORLY.

Bruh we losing this fight out here hard, on both fukking fronts. And the sad thing is, we treat the shyt like its a joke.


Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
There's a whole other side of the internet DEDICATED to popularising far-right ideology among young white males. The leader in this is probably /pol. I've been meaning to talk about this for a while. But they even have SF bowing down to their tactics.

These motherfukkers are :demonic: .

You think all those popular white supremacist posts online are by accident? They try to sway public discourse in a number of ways. For example they collude to post a WS talking point on popular viral videos esp those dealong with race and then thumb each other up to get it to the top. Other times they dress up in blackface and cosign WS points to trick people. They have done this recently with the Lil Wayne video on BLM.

This is the tip of the iceberg.

@ThreeLetterAgency posted some tweets from a girl breaking some of this down.



Why not push for a certain ideology among young black males to counter it,you fukkin hopeless victim?

You the type of coward azz black guy who would be too scared to fight or kill a white boy raping your mom or lil sister.

Fukkin' coward.

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Black people situation won't change much..if anything cacs will get bolder and try get physical with us and get cut down.
Ultimately cacs themselves will bear the biggest brunt of this massive L..

Yeah, white supremacy went to overdrive and gonna implode on itself. They may have the government, but they will burn out.


Jun 20, 2013
The nerve of these people. This white nationalism is just a copy cat version of black empowerment. "Africa for African but but white countries for no whites? " they took pan africanmism mottos and switched it up with "white genocide" to justify harming people as if every non white is fukking with them for 500 yr . White ppl make up ways to have other people hate them. They are inherently evil. THIS trump nonsense is gonna fukk them over heavy

The most ridiculous thing about the "Africa for Africa but no white countries for whites" is the white Americans who want to apply that non sense to the US :mjlol:

These people are fukking morons