August 22, 2015 at 4:05 pm
Will do.
Also, on an unrelated note, this really cracked me up:
Hallmark is going to make some dolls for children, but only the ones that get the most votes. The Negro Mermaid doll had by far the most votes at 16k. White cop had only 2k. Then 8chan /pol/ all trolled and voted the White Cop doll and it now leads with 34 000 votes and the Negro Mermaid is still at 16k.
This Trump White Supremacy is real. Actors from "Sillicon Valley" on HBO got harassed last night
I'm convinced these alt-right cats would prefer a nation of ONLY white men where they play baseball and fukk eachother with loaded M4's in the back of their F-250s
That's the thing. They have multiple aliases trying to pass their views off as mainstream and not that radical. It then becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy where others might buy the rhetoric.
that would imply most of these alt right fakkits are rednecks. some might be, but a lot of them are in cities, the dylan klebold types that 15 years ago would've taken out their frustrations by shooting up their school. now they have the internet and found other fakkits like themselves that troll ***** and reddit in their spare time to take out their pent up sexual frustrations on "cucks" and "libtards"
They want non-whites in America exterminated and America to be 100% white.I can't help but chuckle a bit to myself because now ALL minorites about to get lit. None of that safe pass for white shyt from Asians and White Mexicans either....Trump's America want all nikkas gone...ALL nikkaS..
I'm convinced these alt-right cats would prefer a nation of ONLY white men where they play baseball and fukk eachother with loaded M4's in the back of their F-250s
...I thought this was public knowledge.
This type of *trolling* (downvote trolling videos, white supremacists subscribing just so they can immediately dislike and post vids on ***** and Reddit so they will be swarmed by people making racist comments and upvoting them, sharing manuals online on white supremacy, posing as black people online, -- the instant I see, "As a Black person, I think this is fine," I KNOW ITS A WHITE -- sharing codewords and buzzwords on how to talk about Black people without explicitly saying '******,' etc) has been going on for YEARS. Literally. Years.
I'm on YouTube and I have a video right now with over 6,000 downvotes (SIX THOUSAND. There are vids with MILLIONS of views that don't have that kind of ratio) because it was on the front page of Reddit for TWO WEEKS. I was swarmed with downvotes and racist comments. Racist white YouTubers like The Amazing Atheist and white nationalist twitter celebs also regularly sic their thousands or even millions of rabid racist white fanboys on us and push the idea that because it's so many of them, they have to be right. I've had to disable the like/unlike option on several videos and I have to heavily moderate comments.
If this is new to y'all then y'all have not been paying attention. Cut THAT shyt.
Also, if this really is new to you, then you should all read this article:
The white flight of Derek Black
It really outlines how white nationalists made a concerted effort to rebrand themselves among young white males and push the alt-right racism mainstream.
It's because of those vibes that they're resorting to this bytchmade shyt.Jesus christ these nerds are going out of their way making up power point presentations and strategies to be effectively racist. I thought the reason i didnt experience much racism is because im physically intimidating to most cacs and give off that "ill whoop ya ass" vibe but they on some call of duty militant war plan