Let's Talk About the Radicalization of Young White Males Online


Jul 16, 2012
DFW Metroplex
Brehs is this a meme they created?:



May 2, 2012
Now, allow me to quote myself and expound on my thoughts now that I am in front of my laptop at work.

People (black people especially) need to understand that these white supremacists are taking their pro-white racism to astronimical levels.

You ever wonder why black americans seem to be prone to all sorts of diseases and seem to get cancer and other stuff other races are not prone to?

Alot of current white supremacists are college educated, medical doctors, scientists, technicians, engineers. etc. They are literally doing what they can in every single industry to mitigate and tailor the population of non-whites on a global scale. Whether that's developing pharmaceuticals that have chemicals and other things in them that have negative and crippling impacts on blacks but does nothing to whites, them studying the concentration of melanin to use for themselves, or creating medicines and other methods that will help whites live longer, while having negative impacts on blacks. With gentrification too, you have to understand that that is a whitening process in an of itself. It's revanchist (the french word for "revenge"), and most of these white supremacists are realtors, building owners, bankers, and the heads of corporations that will give legs up to their own people in order to proliferate this "whitening" process.

Many law enforcement officials, judges, lawyers, are also white supremacists that work together to fukk over black people in the judicial system.

People forget whites put their own race first and ethics and other morals second. They own the hospitals, labs, banks, businesses, everything neccessary to carry out their goals en masse.

Spot on.


Gentleman at Dawn, Pornstar at Dusk
Jan 30, 2016
Deep down they see nikkas as cooler and stronger than them.

That's all what it boils down to at the end of the day. I've learned that in white american families, there's always that one relative that tells mythological stories to a younger relative about black people like we're greek gods or some shyt. On top of that, the media conditions them that blacks are cool,strong,have natural swagger etc..

So imagine being a white kid living in small town idaho with no real life experiences with black people, the only knowledge you have are the mythological stories your family tells you and the images you see on tv. It's all about fear but the difference between this fear and fears of the boogieman,ghosts,ghouls etc is that black people actually exist and they know it. This is why they're so obsessed with us in the comment sections,porn and in general.

It's like when your big brother tells you to watch out for the boogieman under your bed and you're like "he aint gonna do nothing to me:rudy:"

"You hear that boogieman! you ain't gonna do nothing!" (while standing in the living room lol)

Same shyt, whites are told blacks are monsters so they hide behind the internet out of fear.


Gentleman at Dawn, Pornstar at Dusk
Jan 30, 2016
That's usually what it boils down to.

And if you notice, on their forums they always feel the need to post videos of blacks getting beat by whites or non-blacks on some "see, we're tougher than them!" shyt. It's as if they felt blacks were stronger than them but some how that video makes them feel more masculine.

Again, FEAR.
May 26, 2012
White Trump voters voted racially and for racial reasons. The overwhelming majority likely do not realize this. Most of those few who do will likely not admit it. But it is reality. There is now a budding racial consciousness among white Americans. Van Jones laments this. He is visibly shaken by this. As always whites are not allowed to vote for their interests to the exclusion of non-white interests. Whites are supposed to set their interests, if it could even be said that they have interests, aside in favor of multiculturalism. This is coming to an end, and it is ending because, frankly, we are angry. We are angry at a President who openly takes sides against white police officers in favor of black criminals. We are done seeing our towns and neighborhoods overrun by nonwhites who bring crime and violence with them. We are sick of sanctimonious, condescending “talented tenth” negroes, like Van Jones, who spread the lie that the rest of their race can achieve what average whites can, as long as we subsidize their entire existence. Whites lashed out against the direction this country is taking because on some level even the most racially unaware white Trump voters understand that their days are numbered and that the status quo does not favor them. If white identity politics is making its way into the mainstream, and it appears to be doing just that, the left has no one but themselves to blame.

Jones gets downright laughable as he whines that nonwhites do not want to feel “thrown away to appeal more deeply to others.” This is exactly what the Democrats did to the white working class. Working class whites were taken for granted and abandoned by the Democrats in a country their ancestors founded, in favor of literally everyone else. Once again whites are expected to extend a courtesy to nonwhites that is explicitly denied to whites when the tables are turned. But nonwhites have no right for redress. Jones can be as indignant at the idea of whites looking out for themselves as he wants, but it makes no difference. We owe nonwhites nothing. Jones says he received text messages from Muslim friends of his asking if they should leave the country. Yes they should. This is not their country. They need to go back to their own homelands. To put it simply, this country still belongs to white Americans. We are, for now, still the majority. It is ours. The United States of America was built by white people for white people.

As for Van Jones’s question as to what liberal parents should tell their children about Trump’s election, tell them how you have used and abused the majority population. Make sure your children know that in your bigoted public school curriculum white children are taught to despise their own culture while exalting the cultures of others. Remind your children that it was perfectly fine every time you bullied whites who attempted to organize for their own interests. Finally, you can tell them that white Americans elected Donald Trump because their country is being stolen and they want it back. Of course this would require a modicum of honesty, which is not a prevalent trait among liberals.

So yes, Van Jones is right. The white election of Donald Trump was a whitelash. It was whites exercising their power as the majority. It was whites voting as a racial block, like everyone else does. Donald Trump did not win the popular vote. That does not matter. He won the white the vote; the only vote that there should be in this country. It is to white Americans and white Americans alone that Donald Trump has an obligation to represent in the White House. This only gets worse for the left from here. We will undo the failed policies that followed the disastrous Hart-Cellar Act of 1965. The nonwhite tyranny over the white majority in this country is over. We are taking our country back, and you will not stop us.

This is the real altright.


Aug 5, 2015
This is the real altright.
This is what many don't get. Especially all the minorities who voted for Trump, blissfully unaware.

Some might think they're woke but not many are aware of this outright deception and manipulation.

This sentiment exploded when Obama came in and it's been slowly and effectively gaining traction.