Kool G Trap I'm surprised that you would dap up something that narrow-minded. I would expect that you would come across more of those types than I would coming from the South. Such a perspective is very limited, and really is just a didactic over-embellishment of a simple observation. Saying "being gay isn't a lifestyle, it's natural sexual orientation" in the context of my post and my interpretation of the previous post is an entirely pointless distinction to make. I thought it was clear from the context of my post, that I mean many people while they believe that gay people should have the rights they're striving for, they do not understand how one can partake in that sort of relationship.
The type of person who would vote for same-sex marriage legislation, but you'll never catch visiting a gay bar even with friend and who is sometimes disgusted with two guys kissing each other. Someone recognizing you as a human being entitled to equal rights does not mean they have to like you. His framing of my argument departs from equality to "you should like us" and it's wrong if you don't. That's asking far too much from each individual person. Someone being "uncomfortable" or "disagreeing" with such behavior doesn't make them the scum of the earth or entirely wrong. I mean you're sitting here dapping up VVD who has constantly used the words fakkit and has previously attested to how homosexual stuff disgusts him, yet he's in here trumpeting for gay rights. It's right there in front of your face. People can feel whatever they want as long as it doesn't transform into behavior that limits the rights of others, or it doesn't lead to subconscious biases with greater ramifications (which it often does). That's my 2 cents on this topic, Napolean will go at this for days like it's a J. Cole hate thread, I can't breh

Homie, you know what the difference is between me and a lot of people on most subjects....I know the shortcuts people take and I understand entirely where you're coming from, but I will give people the benefit of the doubt before assuming that they are in that box that I suspect they might be. An uncompromising belief in shades of grey and the potential of positive human contradiction I suppose...