Let's talk about Dean Ambrose for a second...

Champagne Kudo

Shyness Boy
Oct 17, 2014
conquering north korea for nice tight asian p*ssy
People don't get it..they turned against 4 PPVs for Daniel Bryan? Come on:laugh: If that's not a draw in this industry and the DEFINITION of someone that people pay money to see.

I don't see Punk on the Bryan level. When he quit, it made hysteria and people chanted for him but he was just like Ambrose and Ziggler, he was in the ring when the crowd wanted Bryan more than him too. Night of the Slammys during that Cena/Blandy promo and the crowd took over with the Yes and Daniel Bryan chants and at the Rumble when they heeled on a match that was more designed to get Punk over than for Bryan. Punk needed the pipe bomb to get as over as he did..technically the pipe bomb is a lot of complaining about not getting paid enough and not getting the same political backing that Cena got with a couple of slick shots at the Rock and Cripple H tossed in for good measure to make it seem controversial to a gullible IWC. It worked and it worked big..so he deserves props for that. Merchandise was selling big and they eventually gave him that title reign but he had a limit to that reign as a underling to whatever was going on with Cena. When Bryan took over, they pushed aside and did everything they could to keep that title on Bryan during that injury because his segments were the highest rated and he was definitely moving that needle, Cena or no Cena on that show. And he didn't quit when it got hard and won at WM..something that will always be more legitimate for him on the books than how Punk handled not getting another huge push because he couldn't draw on the upper level.

Bryan came back doing jobs on Raw to Wyatt...Ambrose was probably winning more heading into WM 31 so they were doing something with him ahead of Bryan but the fans saw through the bull$hit again and knew it was a backstage deal where they wanted Bryan LESSENED so Roman and Cena could look better, since they never lose and look dominant all the time. That's why Bryan came out to the pop he did at WM 31 and Roman and Cena didn't. I don't think there is anything Ambrose can do to get to the level Bryan has but he could definitely go a step further in his ways as a heel.
I think you're under rating how big Punk was. The pipebomb brought viewers back to the WWE product because of how big an event it was. I don't think he got what Bryan got (people hijacking ppv for him) because he wasn't in the same situation as him. Bryan got over from the yes chants and being a dope performer first. The people wanted Bryan but wwe kept taking him from them and that caused him to get even more over. Punks situation was different but it doesn't mean he wasn't just as over. Yes they hijacked shows from Bryan but Punk had different cities chanting his name disrupting the shows so much that Stephanie had to respond to that shyt. Bryan gets over more because wwe keeps denying him from the people. For whatever reason they didn't do that with Punk and they don't do it with Dean because wwe likes them more than they do D Bry I guess.

You don't think if Punk came back rn and stood across that ring from D Bry the crowd wouldn't be mixed as fukk on who to chant for? And yeah the pipebomb was just punk complaining about shyt but that shyt he complained about came from a real place and for whatever reason stuck with the fans and took him to an entirely different level.

Back to Dean though he's hella over like I said but honestly his character is the established as much but even without he's still managed to get over like he has, that's really says something and shows huge promise for him. Let Dean be the character he should be and then give him that Baby face push I guarantee you that he'll be a problem :sas2:

Champagne Kudo

Shyness Boy
Oct 17, 2014
conquering north korea for nice tight asian p*ssy
And his promos haven't been knock out either...the dummy promo was bashed HARD but the fans in the arena didn't want to boo him, they just went quiet. U don't get that kind of stuff with Bryan..he just does heartfelt promos and the fans are with him. $hit, he got screwed over by Michaels, and Michaels did all the talking the night after yet they booed Michaels hard and chanted "You SOLD OUT" at him when they usually stay with him since he's been around so long.
That dummy promo was 100% a product of Vince and Dean has said that himself so I can't defend that.

And Dean in summer 2014 isn't even comparable to Bryan at his most over. That why I'm saying give him time and proper booking he can easily get there.


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
I think you're under rating how big Punk was. The pipebomb brought viewers back to the WWE product because of how big an event it was. I don't think he got what Bryan got (people hijacking ppv for him) because he wasn't in the same situation as him. Bryan got over from the yes chants and being a dope performer first. The people wanted Bryan but wwe kept taking him from them and that caused him to get even more over. Punks situation was different but it doesn't mean he wasn't just as over. Yes they hijacked shows from Bryan but Punk had different cities chanting his name disrupting the shows so much that Stephanie had to respond to that shyt. Bryan gets over more because wwe keeps denying him from the people. For whatever reason they didn't do that with Punk and they don't do it with Dean because wwe likes them more than they do D Bry I guess.

You don't think if Punk came back rn and stood across that ring from D Bry the crowd wouldn't be mixed as fukk on who to chant for? And yeah the pipebomb was just punk complaining about shyt but that shyt he complained about came from a real place and for whatever reason stuck with the fans and took him to an entirely different level.

Back to Dean though he's hella over like I said but honestly his character is the established as much but even without he's still managed to get over like he has, that's really says something and shows huge promise for him. Let Dean be the character he should be and then give him that Baby face push I guarantee you that he'll be a problem :sas2:
It didn't bring in many viewers at all in 2011. That's what people never understood. It felt like It with the reactions he was getting and how they were cheering him so hard as heel but it didn't really do a dent in anything. Ratings, gates, buyrates, anything except merchandise once the white shirt came out. There was like a SLIGHT increase for Money in the Bank 2011 but that was his limit. Punk got a deal where he made a lot of money and talked about change for his coworkers but once he started winning all the time, that agenda flipped quick and he became a comedy top face who was cracking jokes about AJ, Cripple H, and Bryan. They were gonna take that belt off of him so Rock would have a heel foil for Rumble and he didn't want to take a backseat that early so he turned heel to stay in the spotlight instead of doing what he ADMITTED he wanted to do and that was stay face and collect more easy money for his merchandise because that sold more with him in that role.

Punk just as over as Bryan? Nah...not really. He got RED HOT and fans talked about him online a lot...crowds were into him like they were into RVD in 2001 but did that translate over into the rest of the brackets? Nah...Bryan getting the highest ratings, fans heeling on PPV shows for him:laugh:..you didn't see that kind of thing for Steve Austin after his screwjobs...that's how much they believed in Daniel Bryan and his ability. So he was WHOLE another level we never saw before really and it started to catch on across the board because the ratings for his stuff were higher than everyone on the show....Punk never got higher ratings than Cena when he was at his strongest. He did those Rock segments and people watched that but that was his limit. He did a few great rating segments with Vince and Paul Heyman too but he wasn't as consistent as Bryan and didn't push Cena to the back like they did when Bryan got that belt at WM XXX. Even when Cena came back, they still had Bryan and Blandy headline for the title over Cena.

You can make up the reasons why "Bryan gets over more"..people turned on PPVs for him. Tha'ts the bottom line and they didn't have to if he was lesser than Punk and Cena. That's too many different markets going crazy for one guy.

If Punk came back and faced off with a Bryan who lost his father and his been kept from performing because of his injuries? You think the crowd is just gonna instantly choose Punk over him? Think that would happen? I don't. There is a segment of the crowd that is NUTS for Punk and will go insane for him coming back in that first month but will it stick and against Daniel Bryan? I think if you did that match at WM in front 80k, the crowd won't be against Bryan at all. No chance of that happening. Punk comes in hot in any return these days because he quit and created that energy where fans thought he got wronged at the end but the Bryan connect with the fans isn't phony and "Thank You, Daniel" chants are MUCH more sincere than fans just chanting Punk to be annoying at lesser acts. Punk had to quit to get his face energy back...Bryan didn't.


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
That dummy promo was 100% a product of Vince and Dean has said that himself so I can't defend that.

And Dean in summer 2014 isn't even comparable to Bryan at his most over. That why I'm saying give him time and proper booking he can easily get there.
He's had time...it hasn't worked. They used Bryan to try to do what they are doing with Roman..fans booed that because it was too phony. Roman beating him clean and Bryan doing that promo the night saying he was beat by a better guy. The fans saw through it IMMEDIATELY and knew it was Vince and Stephanie. Ever since, Roman has been seen as a utter corporate act that fans think gets pushed to lessen other acts.

Champagne Kudo

Shyness Boy
Oct 17, 2014
conquering north korea for nice tight asian p*ssy
He's had time...it hasn't worked. They used Bryan to try to do what they are doing with Roman..fans booed that because it was too phony. Roman beating him clean and Bryan doing that promo the night saying he was beat by a better guy. The fans saw through it IMMEDIATELY and knew it was Vince and Stephanie. Ever since, Roman has been seen as a utter corporate act that fans think gets pushed to lessen other acts.
He's barely had the right amount of time lmao.

He's barely been able to develop as a character. Bryan didn't get to where he was in a years time. Bryan was on the roster 3 years he had that match was Cena. Dean has only been on the main roster as a singles star a few the over the year.

shyt takes time and good booking.

Champagne Kudo

Shyness Boy
Oct 17, 2014
conquering north korea for nice tight asian p*ssy
It didn't bring in many viewers at all in 2011. That's what people never understood. It felt like It with the reactions he was getting and how they were cheering him so hard as heel but it didn't really do a dent in anything. Ratings, gates, buyrates, anything except merchandise once the white shirt came out. There was like a SLIGHT increase for Money in the Bank 2011 but that was his limit. Punk got a deal where he made a lot of money and talked about change for his coworkers but once he started winning all the time, that agenda flipped quick and he became a comedy top face who was cracking jokes about AJ, Cripple H, and Bryan. They were gonna take that belt off of him so Rock would have a heel foil for Rumble and he didn't want to take a backseat that early so he turned heel to stay in the spotlight instead of doing what he ADMITTED he wanted to do and that was stay face and collect more easy money for his merchandise because that sold more with him in that role.

Punk just as over as Bryan? Nah...not really. He got RED HOT and fans talked about him online a lot...crowds were into him like they were into RVD in 2001 but did that translate over into the rest of the brackets? Nah...Bryan getting the highest ratings, fans heeling on PPV shows for him:laugh:..you didn't see that kind of thing for Steve Austin after his screwjobs...that's how much they believed in Daniel Bryan and his ability. So he was WHOLE another level we never saw before really and it started to catch on across the board because the ratings for his stuff were higher than everyone on the show....Punk never got higher ratings than Cena when he was at his strongest. He did those Rock segments and people watched that but that was his limit. He did a few great rating segments with Vince and Paul Heyman too but he wasn't as consistent as Bryan and didn't push Cena to the back like they did when Bryan got that belt at WM XXX. Even when Cena came back, they still had Bryan and Blandy headline for the title over Cena.

You can make up the reasons why "Bryan gets over more"..people turned on PPVs for him. Tha'ts the bottom line and they didn't have to if he was lesser than Punk and Cena. That's too many different markets going crazy for one guy.

If Punk came back and faced off with a Bryan who lost his father and his been kept from performing because of his injuries? You think the crowd is just gonna instantly choose Punk over him? Think that would happen? I don't. There is a segment of the crowd that is NUTS for Punk and will go insane for him coming back in that first month but will it stick and against Daniel Bryan? I think if you did that match at WM in front 80k, the crowd won't be against Bryan at all. No chance of that happening. Punk comes in hot in any return these days because he quit and created that energy where fans thought he got wronged at the end but the Bryan connect with the fans isn't phony and "Thank You, Daniel" chants are MUCH more sincere than fans just chanting Punk to be annoying at lesser acts. Punk had to quit to get his face energy back...Bryan didn't.
Bryan wasn't the sole reason ratings were going up around that time so idk why you're acting like he was you had guys like the shield getting over and people really starting to get behind Cesaro and we also had Brock around. The product as a whole was different and better than it was when Punk dropped the pipebomb.

And of course people didn't hijack shows for Stone Cold. They didn't have to lmfao. The company wanted to push Steve Austin. They all get to that different ways but they get to that level nonetheless. And I didn't say the crowd would just turn on Bryan for Punk. I'm saying it would be mixed. There would be some kind of divide. We're talking about arguably the two most over guys of this decade.

Speaking of Austin though. Wwe's sales took a huge hit when Austin turned heel. If anything that's comparable af to people hijacking for Bryan.


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
Barely had time? Ambrose was the top guy on Raw with Bryan and Cena out....he was very over. He still is. Bryan was put in a tag team with Kane to hold him back after WM 28..so 3 years is when it should of started anyway. But they were so obsessed with pushing Punk and Cena at the time? They kept him in "Team Hell No" and took his theme music away as he ate pins for the team and helped put over Shield in all of those 6 man matches.

Champagne Kudo

Shyness Boy
Oct 17, 2014
conquering north korea for nice tight asian p*ssy
Barely had time? Ambrose was the top guy on Raw with Bryan and Cena out....he was very over. He still is. Bryan was put in a tag team with Kane to hold him back after WM 28..so 3 years is when it should of started anyway. But they were so obsessed with pushing Punk and Cena at the time? They kept him in "Team Hell No" and took his theme music away as he ate pins for the team and helped put over Shield in all of those 6 man matches.
Cena was only gone for like what a month around that time? Right?


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
Bryan wasn't the sole reason ratings were going up around that time so idk why you're acting like he was you had guys like the shield getting over and people really starting to get behind Cesaro and we also had Brock around. The product as a whole was different and better than it was when Punk dropped the pipebomb.

And of course people didn't hijack shows for Stone Cold. They didn't have to lmfao. The company wanted to push Steve Austin. They all get to that different ways but they get to that level nonetheless. And I didn't say the crowd would just turn on Bryan for Punk. I'm saying it would be mixed. There would be some kind of divide. We're talking about arguably the two most over guys of this decade.

Speaking of Austin though. Wwe's sales took a huge hit when Austin turned heel. If anything that's comparable af to people hijacking for Bryan.
Bryan damn sure was the sole reason ratings were going up because his segments were HIGHER than everyone else. That makes him the lead dog...the top watched guy..the guy people paid to see. Dude did a promo and Stephanie tried to bury him again saying "You think these people in this arena actually paid to see you" And the entire crowd chanted "YES"...CM Punk must of wept in the back:laugh: Shield wasn't getting no fukking raings up:laugh: Shield was just a pushed heel act that got hot around the time they faced off with the Wyatts in Feb 2014 at Elimination Chamber. Bryan and Kane built those guys up and made them who they are...that's why it was a big payoff when he finally ended their undefeated streak and started his single's push. They did that little Mark Henry heel turn interlude but they went right back to Bryan to headline Summerslam afterwards. Cesaro didn't do a speck to ratings..he was just a underused talent that Heyman was kind of burying to put over Brock at the time for some odd reason.

For Austin to get what he had, they made sure they got rid of Bret Hart first. That was the first part of Vince's plan and then the Tyson angle put Austin over huge to compliment what he got from WM 13 with the fans 9 months earlier. So it all worked out. No need to hijack a show for a guy you needed to get behind as the Nwo was kicking your ass in the ratings. There is no competition so fans are geared different when it comes to when guys get hot and they think they have to make a different statement since they keep spinning the Cena reactions as "polarizing" instead of negative. That's how we got to this point with Bryan...fans had to chant "WE WANT DIVAS" during Cena title matches and turn on the Rumble for Bryan to make them put Bryan as a focus on Raw the next night. You never got that with CM Punk when Nash kept power bombing him and punking him out or him losing to Cripple H out of the blue for that Night of Champions match when he was red hot. He had 400 days as champion to prove he was a huge draw but he didn't. He had a limit and it was reached.

If Bryan and Punk face each, it would be like Warrior vs Hogan likely where both get cheered. It was like that at Money In the Bank 2013 when they both came out to huge pops and the fans went nuts for them during the same match. It was about as CLOSE as you're gonna get to the energy with fans being behind two top faces circa Rock and Austin 99-2001.

Champagne Kudo

Shyness Boy
Oct 17, 2014
conquering north korea for nice tight asian p*ssy
Bryan damn sure was the sole reason ratings were going up because his segments were HIGHER than everyone else. That makes him the lead dog...the top watched guy..the guy people paid to see. Dude did a promo and Stephanie tried to bury him again saying "You think these people in this arena actually paid to see you" And the entire crowd chanted "YES"...CM Punk must of wept in the back:laugh: Shield wasn't getting no fukking raings up:laugh: Shield was just a pushed heel act that got hot around the time they faced off with the Wyatts in Feb 2014 at Elimination Chamber. Bryan and Kane built those guys up and made them who they are...that's why it was a big payoff when he finally ended their undefeated streak and started his single's push. They did that little Mark Henry heel turn interlude but they went right back to Bryan to headline Summerslam afterwards. Cesaro didn't do a speck to ratings..he was just a underused talent that Heyman was kind of burying to put over Brock at the time for some odd reason.

For Austin to get what he had, they made sure they got rid of Bret Hart first. That was the first part of Vince's plan and then the Tyson angle put Austin over huge to compliment what he got from WM 13 with the fans 9 months earlier. So it all worked out. No need to hijack a show for a guy you needed to get behind as the Nwo was kicking your ass in the ratings. There is no competition so fans are geared different when it comes to when guys get hot and they think they have to make a different statement since they keep spinning the Cena reactions as "polarizing" instead of negative. That's how we got to this point with Bryan...fans had to chant "WE WANT DIVAS" during Cena title matches and turn on the Rumble for Bryan to make them put Bryan as a focus on Raw the next night. You never got that with CM Punk when Nash kept power bombing him and punking him out or him losing to Cripple H out of the blue for that Night of Champions match when he was red hot. He had 400 days as champion to prove he was a huge draw but he didn't. He had a limit and it was reached.

If Bryan and Punk face each, it would be like Warrior vs Hogan likely where both get cheered. It was like that at Money In the Bank 2013 when they both came out to huge pops and the fans went nuts for them during the same match. It was about as CLOSE as you're gonna get to the energy with fans being behind two top faces circa Rock and Austin 99-2001.
Yeah Bryan was the leading he's not the sole reason everybody tunes in. Just lie with Austin, he lead the show but they still had a bunch of other superstars that people wanted to see too.


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
Yeah Bryan was the leading he's not the sole reason everybody tunes in. Just lie with Austin, he lead the show but they still had a bunch of other superstars that people wanted to see too.
Bryan was the top reason people were excited for the show..if he wasn't they would be turning on shows for all the Shield members and Cesaro these days. But they aren't.


Street Terrorist
May 1, 2012
Yeah Bryan was the leading he's not the sole reason everybody tunes in. Just lie with Austin, he lead the show but they still had a bunch of other superstars that people wanted to see too.
Well Rock was getting the highest ratings on the show so Austin definitely wasn't the sole reason. Rock was a heel so damn hot they created the next show after him "Smackdown". Austin is called the "top guy" of that era but reality was the Rock was the backbone of the show because he wrestled more and was in the mix for all the marketing and everything that kept ratings high as they got.