Lets put the whole "starting a business is the best/jobs are always for suckers" lie


Dade County carol city
Apr 30, 2012
Carol city

im a lab tech/chemist for a fortune 500 company...been here 4 yrs...been in the industry for over a decade...why would i bother lying to you...I DONT KNOW ANY OF YOU!!! :win:

that said...i want to leave corporate america...i am involved in primerica...and i see it as an oppurtunity to live a better life....and im taking it. :stylin:

:pachaha: ain't you the one said you in law school?


May 2, 2012
Banana Town
The whole BE A BOSS thing is just a fantasy for broke lazy people, there entire goal is to try to become this cartoon character type CEO they imagine in their head who just sits around all day collecting money. That isn't how shyt works. Most "bosses" of small business es i know are working all the time because you have to be pulling all the strings to have your business working. There is no sitting back with a cigar collecting money unless you are some big type corporate boss, and the funny thing is these 90 percent of all the CEO's of big companies probably worked their ass off for years for somebody else to get to that position in the company lol.


GoldenAgeGamer82 - PSN ID
Dec 24, 2012
Gamers Paradise
The whole BE A BOSS thing is just a fantasy for broke lazy people, there entire goal is to try to become this cartoon character type CEO they imagine in their head who just sits around all day collecting money. That isn't how shyt works. Most "bosses" of small business es i know are working all the time because you have to be pulling all the strings to have your business working. There is no sitting back with a cigar collecting money unless you are some big type corporate boss, and the funny thing is these 90 percent of all the CEO's of big companies probably worked their ass off for years for somebody else to get to that position in the company lol.

I feel you, but that's apart of the journey. Yeah, every small business won't turn into a multi-national, multi-million dollar corporation, but that is the spirit of entrepreneurship... seeing what you can build and doing it to be self-sufficient, and if you ever get to that point.... You can hire someone to do all the grunt work because you paid your dues in full, so you can sit on your a** like a fat cat and smoke fine cigars and drink while your minions make money.

Everybody's definition of success isn't the same though. Some just want to be able to own their houses, cars, being able to pay bills and take care of their families... to some people, that is success.


GoldenAgeGamer82 - PSN ID
Dec 24, 2012
Gamers Paradise
Most of the richest people in the country are "workers" (executives at big corporations)

I don't doubt that either... I'm actually that type of person that doesn't like to give up control.... If anything fails or succeeds, it will be on my watch. The most intelligent people that possess leadership and critical thinking skills, usually end up the most wealthy and successful individuals.

TLR Is Mental Poison

The Coli Is Not For You
May 3, 2012
The Opposite Of Elliott Wilson's Mohawk
I don't doubt that either... I'm actually that type of person that doesn't like to give up control.... If anything fails or succeeds, it will be on my watch.
This is true for a business owner or a business executive. Someone leading a group of hundreds of employees generating millions of dollars in revenue is in control. Yes they might have to answer to other execs, but a business owner has to answer to clients and other contractors. Its all the same shyt.

The most intelligent people that possess leadership and critical thinking skills, usually end up the most wealthy and successful individuals.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
I feel you, but that's apart of the journey. Yeah, every small business won't turn into a multi-national, multi-million dollar corporation, but that is the spirit of entrepreneurship... seeing what you can build and doing it to be self-sufficient, and if you ever get to that point.... You can hire someone to do all the grunt work because you paid your dues in full, so you can sit on your a** like a fat cat and smoke fine cigars and drink while your minions make money.

Everybody's definition of success isn't the same though. Some just want to be able to own their houses, cars, being able to pay bills and take care of their families... to some people, that is success.
Yeah people don't get this part. I know people that make 2-5g's a month online and yeah while they aren't "rich" but having that free time is so much more important than trying to be the biggest baller since Escalade. I wouldn't hate on either cause I'm glad its not alot of people that want to start their own cause that means its less comp for those that are serious about getting it. Thats how I look at it.
May 1, 2012
I feel you, but that's apart of the journey. Yeah, every small business won't turn into a multi-national, multi-million dollar corporation, but that is the spirit of entrepreneurship... seeing what you can build and doing it to be self-sufficient, and if you ever get to that point.... You can hire someone to do all the grunt work because you paid your dues in full, so you can sit on your a** like a fat cat and smoke fine cigars and drink while your minions make money.

Everybody's definition of success isn't the same though. Some just want to be able to own their houses, cars, being able to pay bills and take care of their families... to some people, that is success.

why do people think 'bill gates' type success is the only type of success there is...

success to me: own my own home...no debt....money saved....able to travel when and how i want...

i dont need 60 billion to do that

that could be done on less than 200k...
May 1, 2012
Yeah people don't get this part. I know people that make 2-5g's a month online and yeah while they aren't "rich" but having that free time is so much more important than trying to be the biggest baller since Escalade. I wouldn't hate on either cause I'm glad its not alot of people that want to start their own cause that means its less comp for those that are serious about getting it. Thats how I look at it.

thats the thing...theres nothing wrong with either...do what makes you happy.


By Way of Deception, Thou Shalt Do War
May 31, 2012
Dallas, TX
These arguments are always just people with different values in life talking past each other

Some people value the power, freedom, and control of being the head man in charge. Some people possess skills in execution rather than leadership and strategy, so they are best fit in life "working for someone else" and there's nothing wrong with that. In terms of individual accomplishments, people will be happiest when their skills are providing value to something/someone, and different people are capable of providing value in different ways.

If someone who is great with excel but has no people skills, leadership ability, or business acumen tries to start his own business, he's not gonna get very far. But if you try to run a large business without at least one person who knows his way around a spreadsheet? Guess what, you're not going to get very far either. Any entrepreneur NEEDS these same folks some of them seem to hold such little respect for - employees.

Which is why some of these "entrepreneur" types make me laugh. The Nigerian, I don't doubt at all that you have the drive to succeed and maybe even the ideas that can get you there. But if you don't change up your attitude toward people who don't think like you, you're not going to get anywhere. How can you inspire loyalty and motivate if you think everyone who works for you has a "serf" mentality and you see them as beneath you? You're clearly in this purely to satisfy your OWN personal ambitions and goals, and the people you hire to work for you WILL see your lack of respect (really, borderline disdain) for them and it will be much more difficult for you to get people to work hard for you. Buying them off with a salary won't be enough. Enough to keep them in their place maybe.. but to really go the extra mile? For YOU?! Listen to yourself.

If you can find it in you to actually give a damn about leading the folks you hire, or give a damn about actually adding value and providing for the customers you target rather than viewing them as the mindless sheep forking money over to you, I'd be willing to bet your business will last longer. But you remain in this "Me > you because I'm here and you're there" mentality and I just can't see that being an effective way to lead.