Passport bros are lame lmaoo
Never said that my bad it was from the passport bros pov and my rebuttal was the last sentence to that ideology women are going to be headaches no matter what angle you come fromI'm not sure I agree that the grass is not greener on the otherside
However,most foreign women still prefer to date and marry within their own race and that's why most passport bros settle for escorts who provide girlfriend experience
Well that can be blamed on the American diet but even that is being exported globally tooPassport bros have a point for one simple reason: women are thinner overseas. All that other stuff about American attitudes etc are ancillary points. If the average weight in America was closer to 80's levels everything else would work itself out. And I'm not a passport bro I do fine stateside.
I will state my own take on this and leave the floor to coli brehs
Majority of black American women do not respect black men on a fundamental level, there are many reasons for this such as low income,high incarceration rate
poor literacy rate,c00ning (goes both ways btw)
Black women also weaponise child support to punish black men and keep them from seeing their own children then complain disingenuously that black men don't want to handle
their responsibility and be in their kids life (now some black men are guilty of this ofcourse but what percentage are is up for discussion)
For the average black women to treat a black man with respect, He has to go above and beyond to earn it whereas it is given to white men freely, A lot of black men see this
and are rebelling, the result of this rebellion is what is fueling the passport bro movement. "why do I have to put up with this"
On the other side of the coin, passport bros that go oversees to buy p*ssy are lame AF, why spend all that money and travel thousands of miles around the world just to seek prostitution. That shows that the reason those kind of breh give for becoming a passport bros is bogus, you can buy p*ssy in America as well
However those with genuine intentions to find love abroad I have zero issues with and perhaps they shouldn't be put under the same umbrella as "passport bros"
I ain't been to Europe in a min... But all over Europe. Kenya... And D.R.Which countries are you referring to.
How do you and others like you (well travelled brehs) feel about the lack of distinction people make between what you do and what passport bros do
Because most people just label any black breh travelling abroad as a passport bro now.
The vast majority of white men that do sex tourism are old white men, 60 plus. When young white men go abroad, they get the p*ssy thrown at them freelyyou have no idea how many white men how many white man are sex tourists.
I ain't been to Europe in a min... But all over Europe. Kenya... And D.R.
Feel like I'm missing some places. Like in the middle east..
but those are the places I've been to the most just to chill and really get in with the people.
The crazy thing is I don't like to talk about traveling cause I actually hate traveling. I hate sight seeing. I like just getting a good vibe from the culture, atmosphere and the people...
And to the bolded... The only distinction might be the type of person one dude is, compared to another dude.
In the States I ain't looking for love or even care about relationships like that. Other guys do.
But whether your a nikka like me, who thinks he's James Bond lol or another dude who is looking for a wife out the country or just sex... There's nothing wrong with it. So the distinction doesn't matter.
I personally just don't like the "passport bro" thing cause people have been traveling the world, getting into adventures, sexing beautiful exotic women, or finding love in different countries for forever.
But these ignorant nikkaz and bytches who just got their passports like 5yrs ago because of Instagram and social media. Are making the travel life look strange and goofy. And people are bringing a negativity to it.
But that's what always happens to everything once social media gets a hold of it.
Also, I'm reading the comments and people are making this about bashing black women.
You don't have to bash the obvious.
People in general are different in these places.
The women are different. At least go experience it and judge for yourself
What’s wrong with what’s app? LolVirtually every passport bro video includes an interview of a South American or Asian woman saying she enjoys dancing/drinking at the club and goes to university, while holding a phone that includes WhatsApp. All while clearly being attracted to the perceived western wealth of the passport bro.
Young women are similar across the globe. The difference is access. If you are broke or socially retarded, like passport bros tend to be, you’re not going to get women in the US. Nor should you, to be honest. Fix yourself instead of flying overseas to experience having financial advantages over poor women.
I have heard great things about Kenya. The social life there is meant to be amazing
100%The vast majority of white men that do sex tourism are old white men, 60 plus. When young white men go abroad, they get the p*ssy thrown at them freely
regardless of the continent. white pedestal is global