Let's discuss the true meaning behind the Bible


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
Still Benefited said:
I however am not a rapist,just a black man taken out of context just like how that idiot does Jesus.

The ones taking J out of context are you, the guy arguing about 'the g-d within' and the retarded, hypocritical, theologically illiterate, YouTube 'personality' you're promoting that doesn't know WTF he's talking about because he's a scammer and wannabe cult-leader like David Koresh, Jim Jones, and Joseph Smith. His 'arguments' only appeal to those with weak minds and no understanding of theology, Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic, or anything to do with Ancient Near East culture.

You're a rapist, sir. If not in act, then in thought which is bad enough by itself, but you keep trying to justify your poor moral compass which shows just why gnosticism is wrong AND dangerous.........



May 31, 2012
The ones taking J out of context are you, the guy arguing about 'the g-d within' and the retarded, hypocritical, theologically illiterate, YouTube 'personality' you're promoting that doesn't know WTF he's talking about because he's a scammer and wannabe cult-leader like David Koresh, Jim Jones, and Joseph Smith. His 'arguments' only appeal to those with weak minds and no understanding of theology, Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic, or anything to do with Ancient Near East culture.

You're a rapist, sir. If not in act, then in thought which is bad enough by itself, but you keep trying to justify your poor moral compass which shows just why gnosticism is wrong AND dangerous.........

Jesus' message is love thy neighbor. Yet, you're accusing and judging. Where is the love? Do you only have it for those who espouse your ideas? I've said Peace to you and that it's all love numerous times. Yet here you are going on and on about what's dangerous and labeling others.

1 John 4:20
King James Version

20 If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?

Love starts within bro, but as of today you've consistently ignored the message. God is love

John 15:12
King James Version
12 This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.

Spread more love bro! That is the real message. Love yourself.

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
The ones taking J out of context are you, the guy arguing about 'the g-d within' and the retarded, hypocritical, theologically illiterate, YouTube 'personality' you're promoting that doesn't know WTF he's talking about because he's a scammer and wannabe cult-leader like David Koresh, Jim Jones, and Joseph Smith. His 'arguments' only appeal to those with weak minds and no understanding of theology, Hebrew, Greek, Aramaic, or anything to do with Ancient Near East culture.

You're a rapist, sir. If not in act, then in thought which is bad enough by itself, but you keep trying to justify your poor moral compass which shows just why gnosticism is wrong AND dangerous.........

Nothing to justify,only explain the context to those who dont know. So if youve heard me explain the context and still believe im a rapist. You are either retarded or hate me for other reasons. Ive outclassed many here intellectually,you were one of the many. You should take that with some dignity and grace. However i should have been more humble and not as heavy handed. Also apologies for sending up prayers for your demise in the past. Even though Im sure I gave you numerous chances to stop bearing false witness against my name.