Let's discuss the true meaning behind the Bible


May 7, 2012
syrup village
Why is a savior even needed then?

And how did the whole world get caught up into something that was only meant for a people during a specific time period?

God preserved a bloodline from Adam to Abraham (Jews) to Jesus with the intention of reaching the rest of humanity.

Isaiah 49:6 NASB
He says, "It is too small a thing that You should be My Servant To raise up the tribes of Jacob and to restore the preserved ones of Israel; I will also make You a light of the nations So that My salvation may reach to the end of the earth."

When Adam and Eve chose to sin it defiled them and their progeny, separating them from God. They gave away their life and their dominion of the earth to satan, identifying with his nature instead of God's. God is holy and pure, which means that He would have to destroy them if they remained in His presence in their sinful state. He separated Himself from them to avoid bringing judgment against their sin. From there they had lots of children who produced more children, and so on.
The Lord would reach out to people to show them the way back to having a relationship with Him again, but the people wouldn't stop doing evil. But there was a man named Abraham who wanted to know God and live righteously. The culture in Abraham's day was full of people worshiping demons and idols, offering their kids as sacrifices to them, there was rampant prostitution, homosexuality, theft, and murder. Abraham didn't want any of that. He wanted to live righteously, so the Lord approached him . He had faith in God and followed His leading, so God made a nation out of him and his family. God had always planned to reach the rest of the world through the Jewish people. He gave the Jews the Law of Moses as a guide for differentiating between right and wrong, and how to live a life that would be acceptable to God. But people couldn't live up to the strict standards of holiness that was presented in the Law.
God is what is referred to as the Trinity, meaning He is three persons while being one God simultaneously. The second person of the Trinity stepped down from His kingdom temporarily and took on a human form (100% human while still 100% God). He is Jesus Christ. He grew up and followed the Law of Moses without breaking any of its laws and never committing a sin. He kept God's strict standard of holiness.
During Old Testament times the people would offer animal sacrifices to God as a sign of devotion to Him and for repentance of their sins. The killing and bloodshed of the animal represented a covenant between God and man and acted as God's promise that He wouldn't hold their sin against them so long as they stayed devoted and reverent to Him. The animal sacrifice would represent the sins of the people, which when killed, would cover up the sins of the people. These sacrifices were only an outward sign of what God would do through Jesus by placing all of humanities sins on Him and sending Him to die on a cross. To the Jewish people, anyone hung from a tree was considered cursed. This means that Jesus took man's sin and curse on himself and took them away when He died. Jesus was resurrected by the Holy Spirit (the third person of the Trinity) three days after His death into an immortal form (still 100% God and 100% man). He's our connection to the Father (first person of the Trinity) and our only way to be saved from hell.


Eve was a thot.
Jul 2, 2018
The Bible is a source of direction and tells us how to live according to my Father. To simply have faith in Him is all that you need to do, and to let your actions be directed through faith and by the Holy Spirit.

Not in Harlem. :dame:
Tell him, Dad. And I lived in Harlem for a while.


May 31, 2012
God preserved a bloodline from Adam to Abraham (Jews) to Jesus with the intention of reaching the rest of humanity.

Isaiah 49:6 NASB
He says, "It is too small a thing that You should be My Servant To raise up the tribes of Jacob and to restore the preserved ones of Israel; I will also make You a light of the nations So that My salvation may reach to the end of the earth."

When Adam and Eve chose to sin it defiled them and their progeny, separating them from God. They gave away their life and their dominion of the earth to satan, identifying with his nature instead of God's. God is holy and pure, which means that He would have to destroy them if they remained in His presence in their sinful state. He separated Himself from them to avoid bringing judgment against their sin. From there they had lots of children who produced more children, and so on.
The Lord would reach out to people to show them the way back to having a relationship with Him again, but the people wouldn't stop doing evil. But there was a man named Abraham who wanted to know God and live righteously. The culture in Abraham's day was full of people worshiping demons and idols, offering their kids as sacrifices to them, there was rampant prostitution, homosexuality, theft, and murder. Abraham didn't want any of that. He wanted to live righteously, so the Lord approached him . He had faith in God and followed His leading, so God made a nation out of him and his family. God had always planned to reach the rest of the world through the Jewish people. He gave the Jews the Law of Moses as a guide for differentiating between right and wrong, and how to live a life that would be acceptable to God. But people couldn't live up to the strict standards of holiness that was presented in the Law.
God is what is referred to as the Trinity, meaning He is three persons while being one God simultaneously. The second person of the Trinity stepped down from His kingdom temporarily and took on a human form (100% human while still 100% God). He is Jesus Christ. He grew up and followed the Law of Moses without breaking any of its laws and never committing a sin. He kept God's strict standard of holiness.
During Old Testament times the people would offer animal sacrifices to God as a sign of devotion to Him and for repentance of their sins. The killing and bloodshed of the animal represented a covenant between God and man and acted as God's promise that He wouldn't hold their sin against them so long as they stayed devoted and reverent to Him. The animal sacrifice would represent the sins of the people, which when killed, would cover up the sins of the people. These sacrifices were only an outward sign of what God would do through Jesus by placing all of humanities sins on Him and sending Him to die on a cross. To the Jewish people, anyone hung from a tree was considered cursed. This means that Jesus took man's sin and curse on himself and took them away when He died. Jesus was resurrected by the Holy Spirit (the third person of the Trinity) three days after His death into an immortal form (still 100% God and 100% man). He's our connection to the Father (first person of the Trinity) and our only way to be saved from hell.

The connection between God and Christ is this...Christ represents the physical manifestation of the consciousness that we are to achieve. "Let this mind be in you that was in Christ Jesus." So, the Father or God is the source of the Christ awareness. In other words, God is THE divine ideas and righteous thoughts.

In the most simplest terms, we should "act" like Jesus. How do we act like Jesus? We act like Jesus by filtering out negative or dual thoughts which are represented by the Scribes and Pharises. Hell represents a state of mind, and conditions, which people experience as a direct outworking of their thoughts, beliefs, words, and acts. The English word hell is from the Saxon verb helan, 'to cover, or conceal,' and intrinsically contains no idea of a place of torment, and never did. Hell covers or conceals your higher self. If one's mental processes are out of harmony with the law of man's being, they result in trouble and sorrow; mental as well as bodily anguish overtakes one, and this is hell. Conversely, Heaven is the state of mind of all right ideas or the Kingdom of God.

Jesus was crucified which means he crossed out all sin or erroneous thoughts as an example for man. We "act" like Jesus by aligning ourselves with his spirit or consciousness, which is directly connected to God or infinite awareness. The book of "Acts," goes into details on how a follower of Jesus should walk this earth. The Disciples exhibited the same actions of Jesus in the book of Acts because Jesus taught them how to "act" or become one with their inner spirit or God consciousness. Thinking, acting, and speaking righteously or bringing the Father into expression through loving actions is what we are here to achieve. Peace!


May 31, 2012
The Bible is a source of direction and tells us how to live according to my Father. To simply have faith in Him is all that you need to do, and to let your actions be directed through faith and by the Holy Spirit.

Tell him, Dad. And I lived in Harlem for a while.

Thanks for sharing. Peace!


May 31, 2012
You can't define 'love' or 'truth' without refuting your entire stance.​

I just explained to you what the real truth is and that is love. The scriptures are very clear on this point. It is you who didn't answer my question though. So, let's try this again. In your opinion, what is the truth?


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
Aviso said:
The connection between God and Christ is this...Christ represents the physical manifestation of the consciousness that we are to achieve.

Absolute nonsense. The authors (Mark, Matthew, Luke, and John) ALL posited 'Christ' as 'G-d', not some 'physical manifestation of consciousness'. They also posited that 'G-d' was a 'being', not some mental exercise. Their connection was 'Father' and 'Son'.​


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
Aviso said:
I just explained to you what the real truth is and that is love.

And I told you that you can't objectively define 'love' without refuting yourself. Equivocating two meaningless terms (because you can't define them) is in no way an explanation of anything and renders your statements, and ideology, incoherent.​
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May 31, 2012
And I told you that you can't objectively define 'love' without refuting yourself. Equivocating two meaningless terms (because you can't define them) is in no way an explanation of anything and renders your statements, and ideology, incoherent.​

Again you ignore my question. In your opinion, what is the truth?


Nov 21, 2013
The Bible is not to be taken literally.

Wrong :ufdup:

The Bible is book denoting they historical happenings of one nation of people; Israel. It essentially states that they’d be scattered and regatherrd in the last days. There’s absolutely no other way to take that other than literal.

The NT is made up by gentiles. Maybe that’s where your confusion comes in


May 31, 2012
Wrong :ufdup:

The Bible is book denoting they historical happenings of one nation of people; Israel. It essentially states that they’d be scattered and regatherrd in the last days. There’s absolutely no other way to take that other than literal.

The NT is made up by gentiles. Maybe that’s where your confusion comes in

Who is a Gentile and Jew according to the Bible?


All Star
May 6, 2012
I posted this in the thread about God needing to forgive us for our sins, but I think it's important that many of you read this to truly understand the Bible.

The Bible is not to be taken literally. The stories are simply a means to teach you how to raise YOUR consciousness to that of God. Each Bible story represents various states of mind.

We are God as men but aren't aware of it until we reach the highest state of mind which is the Christ Consciousness. I AM is God or your awareness of being. To know this is when you can truly say that you are one with God and made in his image or as Jesus put it, "I and my Father are one."

Jesus stated time and time again that the Kingdom of God is in man, not outside of man, in the sky or anywhere else. What is the Kingdom of God? The realm of infinite wisdom, peace and right ideas that is obtained through a higher awareness of self, not through money, fame and fortune.

Of course many will doubt this, but it's true. Many doubt because the Bible is setup as a book of stories that don't seem relevant to history or make sense at all. In addition, many have been taught to search for a God outside of themselves. However, the Bible is simply a parable of exoteric and esoteric meaning used to teach you to think beyond your current issues and become one with an unconditional loving energy that exists within you. The exoteric meaning is the literal stories that you read. Again, do not simply read the stories and assume it's history. Instead, read each story and search for the deeper or esoteric meaning that can help you raise your state of mind.

If you've actually read the Bible, you know that Jesus only spoke in parables. Mark 4:34, KJV: "But without a parable spake he not unto them".
Jesus spoke only parables because not every mind is ready for this type of awakening. Once you have awakened to the truth of your true divine identity, you will realize that YOU create your own reality through your thoughts because you are one with the power of God. If YOU don't like what you're seeing in the world, then YOU need to crucify your old ways or put to death the thoughts of sin, which is the true meaning behind Jesus' crucifixion. Sin simply means erroneous thoughts or thinking. To change, you simply need to cross out those thoughts or repent which means to think again. Your ego, which is based in pride and fear, are the main things that keep you from being aware of the fact that we are pure consciousness. Please get past the Bible stories and look within yourself or as eastern religions say, know thyself. With that being said, your sins or erroneous thoughts are already forgiven when you awaken to this higher awareness. In other words, forgive yourself and stop looking for things outside of you to save you. Be a light to the world by thinking right thoughts.

The master formula to a higher awareness can be found in the verse Matthew 6:33 "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."

Simply stated, you must express love and righteousness in all that you do so that a higher awareness can be added to your overall being. Stop believing in fear, hate, anger, bitterness and pride, and be that better GODLY version of yourself! Let's discuss...