Let's Be Reality: Islam Is A Problem.


Jun 11, 2012
:what: are stupid? Horrible and untrue analogy.

well, judging from your response, think you're proving my point. :snoop:

out of everything that i wrote, that was the part you had an issue with? :sas1:


Retired troll
Jun 16, 2014
baby, that was the old me
That doesn't mean the earth is fukking flat:mjlol:

Let me guess, NASA has been lying about earth being round. Its actually fukking flat:mjlol::mjlol:

Whats the benefit about lying about a round earth. That's all I want to know.

Think. You'll get the answer soon enough. Why would they lie about space and the million galaxies theories ? Lie about sending man on the moon and space travel? Or about the inside of earth?

Why would they about the sun being the center of the universe and that Earth is just rotating ball, an insignicant minuscule dot in universe with billions of "planets"?


Retired troll
Jun 16, 2014
baby, that was the old me
Do you ever stop and consider the situation of many of the people who follow Islam?

Millions of them are uneducated citizens living in the Middle East with a lack of resources and terrible housing conditions. Of course a book preaching a better tomorrow after this life would be followed by them.

This is why I think it's a privilege to live in Western areas like most of us here, where we can discuss and analyze religion without fear of physical reprisals.

I'm not afraid to admit as an Atheist, a higher power may exist. But the inconclusive evidence along with the experiences I've been through leads me to lean opposite that though.

Islam being the most followed religion should not be an argument point for it's validity. McDonald's is one of the most consumed foods across the world, does that make it healthy? :mjlol:

It is said that most inhabitants of Paradise will be poor people.

There is no "may" possibility. It is fact, you and I have a creator.


Tupac KONY and GOAT
Jun 23, 2013
well, judging from your response, think you're proving my point. :snoop:

out of everything that i wrote, that was the part you had an issue with? :sas1:
:mjlol: of course. Im the biggest pac stan on the coli :win:


Retired troll
Jun 16, 2014
baby, that was the old me
@DIMES Serious question time.

Have you travelled and if so, where to?

Are you a true Muslim who has made the pilgrimage to Mecca?

Making Hajj is a important thing to any Muslim's life. One of the pillars of Islam actually.

However, if you don't have the means to make the trip, it's not required of a Muslim.

Inshallah I will have means to do so in the future.


Dec 2, 2015
[QUOTE="GetInTheTruck, post: 16597548, member: 594"]It's true that most Muslims aren't about that violent life, but for instance, when you go to a mosque, pay attention to those dudes who stay well after all the prescribed activities and huddle up in corners to "talk." Those are the extremists, and there's enough of them to cause concern.

People can talk that all religion is a problem stuff all they want, but no other religion is producing people like this at such a problematic rate at this point in time.
100% truth[/QUOTE]

Christians are 100% truth.
Look at the American Christians spreading violence all over the world.
US Christians took out 3 countries, not bombed 3 nations, but took out 3 nations, Libya, Syria, and the Ukraine in the span of what 3 years.


Retired troll
Jun 16, 2014
baby, that was the old me
So you believe the story that an angel came to an illiterate man in a cave and gave him religious texts (with no one to witness or verify, mind you) is perfectly believable?

Yes, the Quran could not been made from a human being.:smile:

Analyze it and you will find zero contradictions or inconsistencies. Perfect sentences after sentences. It explains things impossible for like you said, an literate Arab to know.

If all of beings tried and tried they could make a single chapter of the Quran.

Say: If the mankind and the jinn were together to produce the like of this Quraan, they could not produce the like thereof, even if they helped one another ;

[al-Israa 17:88]


Rhyme Reason
May 11, 2012
got a call for three nines
100% truth

Christians are 100% truth.
Look at the American Christians spreading violence all over the world.
US Christians took out 3 countries, not bombed 3 nations, but took out 3 nations, Libya, Syria, and the Ukraine in the span of what 3 years.[/QUOTE]

I don't think you can lay that at the feet of Christians as a group... The US isn't a Christian country. If you were to say spreading anti-gay legislation in Africa or killing Doctors in the US I'd agree.
Jun 24, 2012
58 Years AGO...

BBC reports that – in 1957 – the British and American leaders approved the use of Islamic extremists and false flag attacks to topple the Syrian government:
Nearly 50 years before the war in Iraq, Britain and America sought a secretive “regime change” in another Arab country… by planning the invasion of Syria and the assassination of leading figures.
Newly discovered documents show how in 1957 [former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom] Harold Macmillan and President Dwight Eisenhowerapproved a CIA-MI6 plan to stage fake border incidents as an excuse for an invasion by Syria’s pro-western neighbours, and then to “eliminate” the most influential triumvirate in Damascus.
Although historians know that intelligence services had sought to topple the Syrian regime in the autumn of 1957, this is the first time any document has been found showing that the assassination of three leading figures was at the heart of the scheme. In the document drawn up by a top secret and high-level working group that met in Washington in September 1957, Mr Macmillan and President Eisenhower were left in no doubt about the need to assassinate the top men in Damascus.
Mr Macmillan ordered the plan withheld even from British chiefs of staff, because of their tendency “to chatter”.
Driving the call for action was the CIA’s Middle East chief Kermit Roosevelt, grandson of former president Theodore Roosevelt.
Kermit Roosevelt had a proven track record in this sort of thing. According to the New York Times, he was the leader of the CIA’s coup in Iran in 1953, which – as subsequently admitted by the CIA – used false flag terror to topple the democratically elected leader or Iran.
BBC continues:
More importantly, Syria also had control of one of the main oil arteries of the Middle East, the pipeline which connected pro-western Iraq’s oilfields to Turkey.
The report said that once the necessary degree of fear had been created, frontier incidents and border clashes would be staged to provide a pretext for Iraqi and Jordanian military intervention. Syria had to be “made to appear as the sponsor of plots, sabotage and violence directed against neighbouring governments,” the report says. “CIA and SIS should use their capabilities in both the psychological and action fields to augment tension.”
The plan called for funding of a “Free Syria Committee” [hmmm … sounds vaguely familiar], and the arming of “political factions with paramilitary or other actionist capabilities” within Syria. The CIA and MI6 would instigate internal uprisings, for instance by the Druze [a Shia Muslim sect] in the south, help to free political prisoners held in the Mezze prison, and stir up the Muslim Brotherhood in Damascus.
Is it purely coincidence that the U.S. has heavily armed Al Qaeda Muslim extremists in Syria (and seethis), and trained the jihadis who later became ISIS?
Regime change in Syria was not a once-off plan. Neoconservatives also planned regime change in Syria more than 20 years ago … in 1991.
The West Has Been Arbitrarily Breaking Up Middle Eastern Countries for 100 Years

The Western powers agreed 100 years ago to arbitrarily divvy up the Middle East, without regard for historical boundries.
Neooconservatives in the U.S. and Israel have long advocated for the balkanization of Syria into smaller regions based on ethnicity and religion.
The goal was to break up the country, and to do away with the sovereignty of Syria as a separate nation. (The same goal has long applied to Iraq and other Arab states as well.)
In 1982, a prominent Israeli journalist formerly attached to the Israeli Foreign Ministry allegedly wrotea book expressly calling for the break up of Syria:
All the Arab states should be broken down, by Israel, into small units ….
Dissolution of Syria and Iraq later on into ethnically or religiously unique areas such as in Lebanon, is Israel’s primary target on the Eastern front in the long run.
In any event, it is well-documented that – in 1996 – U.S. and Israeli Neocons advocated:
Weakening, containing, and even rolling back Syria ….
Michel Chossudovsky pointed out last month:
Destabilization and political fragmentation in Syria is also contemplated: Washington’s intent is no longer to pursue the narrow objective of “regime change” in Damascus. What is contemplated is the break up of both Iraq and Syria along sectarian-ethnic lines.
And the following map prepared by Lieutenant-Colonel Ralph Peters (retired colonel of the U.S. National War Academy) in the Armed Forces Journal in June 2006 shows a balkanized Syria and Middle East:

In summary, we don’t have conclusive proof that the U.S., Israeli or their allies have intentionally broken up Syria.
But in light of such claims – and the 57-year old American-British plan to stir up Muslim Brotherhood and other religious extremists in Syria – maps showing the Islamic jihadi group ISIS’ carving up of Syria (and Iraq) into “the Islamic State” are interesting, indeed: