Let's Be Reality: Islam Is A Problem.


Jan 31, 2015
^^corrected for accuracy
Guns arent the problem, who is? PEOPLE
Religion isnt the problem, who is? PEOPLE

not there yet?
Nuclear power came from Scientists. Were they trying to blow somebody up? NO. but someone in the military was.

Timeline of the Nuclear Age [1890s] | atomicarchive.com

^^that aint a bunch of guys trying to kill people.

lets take it a step further.

The bible does like abortion, thats for sure. But no where does it say go kill those who are giving women abortions. Now it does say God himself will deal with those that do not obey his laws and are unrepentant. yet PEOPLE take it upon themselves to "do god's work." and kill people they believe are unrepentant sinners. Sounds similar to these muslim extremist. Now i dont know what the quran says about this. perhaps it does advocate for violence from it's followers. If so, thats an issue with the religion. but again the main issue would still come from the PEOPLE who choose to practice that stage in the religion. It's always your choice what you do with your belief system(s).

No matter how you slice it. PEOPLE have to take action. a book or a preacher, imam, etc. can say whatever he/she likes. If no one is going to listen or do what that person says. IT doesnt matter what has just been said. Can people/books incite? Sure to some degree. but even then. Who has to get up out of their seat, pick up some guns, start making bombs and nonsense like that? the PEOPLE do. There's a lot of time inbetween someone getting incited and carrying out these atrocities. Yet they choose to go thru with them anyway. Sorry, i cant let them slide on "i was told to do it by my imam or by some book." naw bruh. You did that one on your own cause Youz is crazy. Dont try to cover up your crazy with sanity by saying a book or a person(group, said, etc). nope. You are crazy.

White Supremacy is that of Crazy white people. Yes there were times in history where some people were trying to get a legit mental disorder diagnosis for racist. Of course the whites in charge were not having that. because no one wants to be called crazy.

But thats exactly what you are. If you hates someone because they practice a different religion then you. You're crazy
if you hate someone because of their skin color, your crazy.
if you hate someone for any reason. you're crazy.

you cant hate the faults in a person. you can hate the sin. but you never are to hate the person. there is a huge difference between the two. I think islam is the wrong path. i want all my muslim brothas and sistas to go to heaven too. So i would tell them just that and tell them Jesus is the way and the light. only thru him can you get into the kingdom. by chance they dont agree. Fine by me. whatever happens to them and their souls in then in God's hands. I did my part. i put the gospel out there. i gave them an application to sign up for heaven. if they throw it away. thats not on me. It's not my job to force them to sign it. that goes for atheist too. its not my job to convert anyone. thats a personal experience anyway. i tell you where it is. if you choose not to go there. thats on you.

i wonder if extremist of any religion understands even if you force people to convert to your way of thinking. those people will not die and live with your creator. due to the fact that the bases of making it in is all a personal decision. not a forced one. sure they can fool some isis dudes so they wont get their heads chopped off. but you cant fool God. So then what? you're killing people to scare the rest into submission is all for not. Which tells me this aint about religion. its about YOU. the crazy person. You're just crazy, trying to come up with another excuse to do what you desire to do to people. You desire to chop off heads, rape women and children, oh and men and film it. its on you to run up in an abortion clinic and start shooting. you just want to shoot someone and not feel bad about it. sorry bruh. you're a nutcase. you always have been crazy. now you just needed an excuse to show your true crazy to world.
:jbhmm:skimming through YOU JUST KICKED SOME JEWELS THO...all facts:sas1:

Just like bruddas

Couple shooters in the cut.
May 1, 2012
Funny how many of us are against being judge based on a few people but will sit here and judge all muslims based on a few that wanna declare jihad