Not gonna lie the DBZ Abridged Youtube Series got me

about certain issues I didn't think about the first time around. After seeing 18 give Vegeta that work again

it got me me thinking.....
How the hell did Dr. Gero make androids strong enough to break a super saiyan's arm when he didn't know what the hell a super saiyan was? As they pointed out Gero only had information on the Z-Warriors BEFORE they went to Namek/King Kai's Planet where they all leveled up tremendously. His creations shouldn't have had a chance
Why the hell was 17 and 18 that strong but Gero's body or 19 wasn't? Why the hell would you design a weak body or yourself to the point where your own creations can easily kill you? Then again maybe he knew that might happened which he design Cell to absorb both of them
Why didn't 17 or 18 have them energy draining sensors inplanted in their hands like 19 and Gero had?