All you have to do is three things:
1. Wrong place at the wrong time.
2. Just be doing to simplest thing and you can be jailed, attacked or killed.
3. Sometimes just being Black and alone no one knows who you are.
They can lie. They can say you did this and that. They realize your word is powerless and you are powerless. Every Black man or woman can get their card pulled. Actors, Actresses, Basketball players, etc. They will tell you why are you out that late? You shouldn't have that car? Well why were you talking back when you weren't but it's your word v. there's and it's not just the cops it's everyone who is a white supremacy. Soft or hardcore one.
Just look at the recent events. The kid in Madison, WI, Thabo the NBA player, Walter Scott, the kid in Chicago, the actress from D'Jango, Chris Rock, etc. Every Black man or woman is now a target.
What do we do?
1. We get a registered gun. You need to train at least once a week for your own safety and tell friends and family.
2. You start thinking about Black economics. Not just in terms of spending but also communication. Don't waste no time with friends talking about the Empire, Housewives, Saul, Lebron or video games. All convo should have some productive talk.
3. Start to education yourself on our history. Once you do that, then start getting into finding out what systematic white supremacy is? If you don't know your history, you will have little to no interest in what white supremacy is anyway unless you just want it to end so you can live the life you really want to live. Yes I am talking about you
4. If you haven't, start preparing for your day the day before. It can help you be a lot more organized and actually stick to wanting to make this work before you become a victim.
5. Stop complaining. It solves nothing, we have to work to a solution. If you want to talk, fine but talk and work at the same time.
6. How do we get to a solution, get to number 2 and go from there.
7. Stay strong in your faith. If you worship God as a Christian or Allah in the Quran, remember Moses didn't save the Israelites by complaining about Egypt and their serpents. He did it by following a plan. Muslims, That's part of what Marcus Garvey did. He sat a plan. Gather funds, distribution it among the members for certain causes and the money grew and the people grew confidence even in hostile environments. Remember, the most feared Blacks are one ones who can empower the next positively.
Stay strong.