Shane clearly changed from the first episode. HHow does that not mean anything? you said he only cared about coral and lori and I pointed out he didn't.
That otis situation was a kill or both die then coorl dies. Shane made an executive decision. fukked up? yeah but it was a sign of the times they living in. We talking the Zombie Apocalypse, no church in the wild
Shane was a liability? Rick nursed back to health a dude who was trying to kill him and going to come back with his crew and kill him and rape the women but shane was a liability
Shane would have eventually left that group or killed every member.Shane kept more people alive with a fence of cans than rick did with a farm and a fortified prison. This is fact.
If Shane was the governor waiting to happen then rick is Herschel waiting to happen and we know what happened to him
Corrlll put a bullet thru his dome and based Rick still alive so who really
You'll always have 2 seasons with your hero tho