The characters showing up at the end seemed so...I don't know, just seemed kinda normal. I don't know how to explain it, I was like "That's how they show up?" I know the characters from the comic but the reveal just seemed kinda...there.
I was kinda

at them trying to be quiet with a baby crying in the woods. They could have put some cloth or something in her mouth to act as a pacifier. Baby was crying loud too, they trying to sleep at night with the baby all loud.
I know one of them zombies was like: "

Hey, ya'll here that baby crying?"
Lizzie about to suffocate the kid had me like

because it came outta nowhere, I didn't even know that chick was like that.
I too am kinda like

when zombies sneak up on people, just seems like it happens so often along with someone almost getting bit and then either killing the zombie or someone else does first. They gotta switch it up a little with the zombie encounters. Have one jump out of a tree or something crazy I don't know

. Some of them be on their Splinter Cell out there. Either that or Goku taught a bunch of them that instant transmission. Vegeta on the sidelines like "
