Don't bring logic into this discussionObviously they're not that far from the prison. I wonder if this other community heard the various battles between Rick's group and The Governor. They had to be wondering what all that Vietnam was about for the past months/year.
On top of that, how did The Governor not come across these people in his various travels?
What about that random group of people The Governor convinced to attack Rick's group. They'd not heard of this new group either.
Or anyone that had come to the jail.
No scouts, or anyone had met these people that made a supercommunity right down the railroad tracks?
Maybe it's just far away enough. I guess that the survivors wouldn't have found out about it if it weren't for clumsy middle-aged white man, who was just as weak in zombielife as he was in normal life.
As a human, attempts to hug zombies.
As a zombie, attempts to hug people.
Some just weren't meant for either life.
At this point, wouldn't most survivors, from anywhere, be weathered veterans in this zombie world game? If Rick's crew is headshotting zombies in a strafing pattern from 40 yards, wouldn't most crews be getting good at shooting as well, in theory?
Just enjoy the ride

Yeah, this show's writing is ass