Just like Halo right? OopsSony stans don't care.
Any slight new coat of paint they'll play full retail price for and then some.
Sony knows this.
They can market the shyt out of it, but all the leaks where true.
It's too late. I don't care what ND has to say at this point cause anything they're going to say is just a blatant lie in hopes to mitigate the outrage. This is beyond a cash grab at this point, this is a violation, they think we were born yesterday!
Sony needs to give everyone a free 12 months of the Super VIP Ultra tier of PS+ and give this game away for free for ever thinking they could try some shyt like this on their hardcore fans. Arrogant Sony never left, they was just scheming the entire time!
fukk THEM
If Sony was serious about making this game to introduce new fans to the franchise, they would have called up Phil Spencer and put the game on Game Pass.
It's obvious Jim Ryan is trying to exploit the hardcore fans with this targeted cash grab. That's all he's been doing since he been running Playstation. He wants to extract all the money he can from the PS brand and destroy all goodwill they created over the years! He must be fired!
This isn't JUST a cash grab, this is potentially grounds for a lawsuit involving false advertising. This is a COMMON issue with Sony games where the developers outright LIE to their hard-working customers. They did this with Killzone and someone took them to task.It's too late. I don't care what ND has to say at this point cause anything they're going to say is just a blatant lie in hopes to mitigate the outrage. This is beyond a cash grab at this point, this is a violation, they think we were born yesterday!
Sony needs to give everyone a free 12 months of the Super VIP Ultra tier of PS+ and give this game away for free for ever thinking they could try some shyt like this on their hardcore fans. Arrogant Sony never left, they was just scheming the entire time!