blathering blatherskite!
This isn't JUST a cash grab, this is potentially grounds for a lawsuit involving false advertising. This is a COMMON issue with Sony games where the developers outright LIE to their hard-working customers. They did this with Killzone and someone took them to task.
Sony needs to remove this video from their Youtube page and shoot a brand new one with EVERYONE working at ND visible with a 1-minute explanation of each of their roles. Then, at the end of the video Neil Druckmann has to announce some sort of tangible that can come out of this. Every purchase of the game should come with a 3 month early beta for Factions WITH progress that carries over. If this doesn't work, I think hundreds of people need to assemble outside of the developers houses with laptops simultaneously playing the 2020 GDC Cerny video talking about the power of the PS5 and then to all say in unison, "Where's the power NIEL!?", "Where's the power!?"
I'm literally sick to my stomach over this. I can't see myself ever turning on my Playstation 5 after this fiasco. I might even put this shyt up on Offerup and use the funds on some hoes.
Pre order bonus should be a leak of the next game before the official leak