Why are you posting this old infographic? This information is flawed because it didn't take the lockout into account which is why some of the teams LeBron faced didn't have 50 wins even though they likely would have given their pace...
'16 Golden State Warriors | 73 wins
'16 Toronto Raptors | 56 wins
'15 Atlanta Hawks | 60 wins
'14 Chicago Bulls | 50 wins
'14 Indiana Pacers | 56 wins
'13 San Antonio Spurs | 58 wins, in reality a 60+ win team Pop rests guys
'12 Oklahoma City Thunder | 47 wins, in lockout shortened season
'12 Boston Celtics | 40 wins, in lockout shortened season
'12 Indiana Pacers | 42 wins, in lockout shortened season
'11 Chicago Bulls | 62 wins
'11 Bostons Celtics | 56 wins
'07 Detroit Pistons 53 wins
By the time LeBron retires he'll probably have beaten 15-18 50+ win teams. Also, LeBron is the only one to have beaten a 70 win team out the names on that list.
that's cute, I'll just list 50 win teams from Jordans last 3 peat
1996 - Orlando 60-22, Seattle 64-18
1997 - Atlanta 56-26, Miami 61-21, Utah 64-18
1998 - Charlotte 51-31, Pacers 58-24, Utah 62-20
So in conclusion Jordan and his bulls beat 8 50+ win teams in a span of 3 seasons while Lebron on MIami and Cleveland combined beat 12 50 win teams in a span of 12 seasons