LeBron is officially cooked. Come pay your respects

Trojan 24

Apr 30, 2012
Just Win Baby
When his co-stars numbers are good than it's they carried Lebron. When their numbers are lower, than it's Lebron hindered them.:mjlol:

People always point out Bosh, Love, Davis, Westbrook putting up big numbers on losing teams, then when they join Lebron their counting numbers drop in a smaller role. Obviously it's easier butting up numbers on some bum team that no one watches, has zero expectations vs getting every opponents best effort on national TV every night.

When Westbrook was in Washington was anyone watching him? seriously? On Lebron's team every single game is discussed on every sports talk show daily regardless of who they play. Of course some of these guys mentally crumble.

So Bron pretty much Minny Kevin Love with more people watching? All stats and no impact :ohhh:


Apr 30, 2012
That's the 2012-13 season, dumbass. Everyone calls that the 2013 season. You literally have a post in THIS THREAD saying that's the 2013 season. :dwillhuh:

So which season is the 2013 season to you? You have comments in this thread claiming that BOTH seasons aren't the 2013 season. :laff:

Artest's defense in 2013 was just fine and YOU said so at the time. I literally quoted you saying it yourself and now you want to claim that that's not the 2013 season anymore?

Well if you don't believe your own words, let's check Laker media:

Don't believe me? 82games.com keeps track of a player's effect on team defense by measuring the team's defensive efficiency when the player is on and off the court. For example, take Dwight Howard, who is unsurprisingly the team's best defender. When Dwight is on the court, the Lakers give up 105.1 points per 100 possessions. When he is off the court, the Lakers give up 111.7, so Dwight's net defensive rating is -6.6. Metta World Peace's net is a strong -5.4. Steve Nash makes the defense worse with a net of +1.4. Where does Kobe stand? +3.2. Yes, he's worse than Nash. His net is matched by Antawn Jamison. Only Earl Clark's surprising +3.9 (no doubt skewed by his on-again, off-again participation in the rotation) prevents Kobe from being, statistically, the worst defender on the team.

Kobe's hypocrisy knows no bounds

Hmmm....so Dwight and Artest were playing great defense in 2013, and Kobe was one of the worst on the team. But you claimed Artest was ass after 2010.....even though I have quotes of you from the 2012-13 season saying that Artest was playing fine on defense and Kobe was the problem. Hmmm...
I’m not reading your essay but quoting a post Nov 2nd which means the season was maybe 2 games at most and passing it off as a reflection of an entire season is a prime indication of how disingenuous and embarrassing you fatherless dweebs are. Chase a bag instead of chasing a man from team to team.
So guys if you make a comment on a specific game’s performance, it’s a reflection of an entire season according to @Rhakim so post accordingly.
Next time Malik Monk makes 6 threes a game, I’ll be sure to watch what I say, I wouldn’t want @Rhakim to think I believe he’s been Ray Allen status all season.

Too easy


Mar 13, 2014
No we can blame Dwight’s numbers on Dwight because Kobe has made every big he’s played with look great, Shaq, Pau and even Kwame had career years with Kobe. Meanwhile Dwight played for half the league after his Laker stint because he was too stubborn to do what he was intended to. Don’t believe me, ask Steve Nash. Next.
And Bron won championships with star guards before. Westbrook been on four teams in four seasons. Can’t blame Bron for his decline.


Apr 30, 2012
Still infinitely better than Kobe at 37.

17-65 record and 18ppg on 35% shooting and 28% from three :picard:
We knew Kobe was washed and didn’t care. Lebron and his Stanley’s like yourself pretend he’s still elite while he pounds the ball putting up empty impactless numbers while getting laughed at by the likes of Jae Crowder and Desmond Bane.

Trojan 24

Apr 30, 2012
Just Win Baby
Still infinitely better than Kobe at 37.

17-65 record and 18ppg on 35% shooting and 28% from three :picard:


Why you telling me that breh, I've said multiple times Kobe's last few years hamstrung the franchise with his play and contract :childplease:

But if you gave me a choice to do it all again I would, he earned that right

Marc Spector

the 4'11 Cuban
Aug 7, 2014
The Milky Way
This is why no one takes LeStanleys serious. Comparing that Nash team to this is strange considering Kobe tore his Achilles leading his team to the playoffs while Bron is leading himself to personal accolades and his team to 30 pt losses. You guys obviously don’t care because you guys just follow a man and not a team so team success is secondary to y’all.

Kobe tears his achilles along with Nash, Gasol and Dwight being hurt hmmm a team hampered by injuries to their biggest guys and a lack of chemistry.....

Sounds awfully similar to Bron, AD, Melo, Nunn and Ariza all spending extensive times out due to injury and a bad Westbrook signing?

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I’m not reading your essay but quoting a post Nov 2nd which means the season was maybe 2 games at most and passing it off as a reflection of an entire season is a prime indication of how disingenuous and embarrassing you fatherless dweebs are.

November 23rd, liar. Lakers were playing their 13th game of the season and already set the tone.

And the article I posted showing Artest's defense was great and Kobe's was the worst was from March 26th 2013, almost the end of the season.

First you lied and claimed that was the 2012 season, now you're lying and claiming it was November 2nd and they'd only played 2 games. I already caught you on 4-5 other lies just today. How many more times are you going to lie on this thread?
Last edited:


Apr 30, 2012
Kobe tears his achilles along with Nash, Gasol and Dwight being hurt hmmm a team hampered by injuries to their biggest guys and a lack of chemistry.....

Sounds awfully similar to Bron, AD, Melo, Nunn and Ariza all spending extensive times out due to injury and a bad Westbrook signing?
Sure if you think a team making the playoffs wining 45 games is similar to a team winning 29 games currently and being the laughingstock of the lock while being a fake 9th seed. If you live in that fantasy world then yea it’s similar.


May 26, 2012
We knew Kobe was washed and didn’t care. Lebron and his Stanley’s like yourself pretend he’s still elite while he pounds the ball putting up empty impactless numbers while getting laughed at by the likes of Jae Crowder and Desmond Bane.
So he's "washed" at 37. What a travesty :yeshrug:

I bet you thought he'd be washed around 31.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Kobe lost a finals with a super team and a sizeable amount of blame is due to him and shaqs fukkery along with the Nash/Dwight floundering in near identical fashion to this years lakers....

And you nikkas are quiet as church mice about it. But shouting from the rooftops about Lebron being washed

Funny thing was, they weren't quiet in 2013. Now they just want to pretend 2013 never happened because stan wars are more important than reality even though Kobe looked far worse on defense at 34 than Bron looks at 37 and they all knew it.

CantStop himself said so at the time and is trying to rewrite history now:

kobe plays 0 defense
Pau and Kobe are doing absolutely nothing on defense.
I'm not even gonna front Kobe been pissing me off on defense. Is he even trying to guard anyone?
As far as defense is concerned, Kobe needs to start setting the tone there. That guy was a matador last night and has been most of the season. Artest and Dwight are the only guys trying on D in the starting lineup.
Yup, our D is pure trash and it has a lot to do with Kobe and Pau. Morris, Dwight and Artest hold their own.
We were trash with Mike Brown. We're trash with D'Antoni. Just look at our team an you'll see that no coach will our defense. Kobe just chilling on D
:weirdo: Yea, this is easily the worst Kobe has looked on D. He hasn't been that good on D the past couple of seasons, but this is the first year in which he is downright :trash: and :gag: on D. At least he showed stretches of great defense the past couple of seasons, but now its just :snoop:
Its just basic stuff that he sucks at. He is constantly gambling, always gets caught looking at the ball and pays zero attention to his man. Even Nash isn't as bad as Kobe is. His position defense is terrible.

Kobe has always been an overrated defender, but my God man he is fukking terrible this season.
I don't know whose idea it is for Kobe to be a lazy ballwatcher but I've never denied that it's systematic. His coaches have openly said they want to conserve him on that defensive side so he could carry the offense. My objection to his defensive reputation is that someone who is taking the defensive side off (whether it's by choice or because of lack of ability) is simply not someone worthy of an all-defense award. Even if he's following coaches of orders of "play no defense" to a T, the successful application of NO defense is not something that merits recognition.
The problem is there's no one to corral him when he's getting out of control with his shot selection of lack of effort on defense. It's clear he has no respect for Pringles.
anybody see how Kobe stop tracking his man, stayed under the basket while his man walked to the 3pt line and buried a shot?

Kobe used the be the best perimeter defender in the NBA. Its just that the past 3 years nicca stopped playing defense. I thought it was because of his knee but nicca got some of his explosiveness(through that PRP treatment) back and still dont play defense.
I wouldn't say he can't play defense because when Dwight Howard got on him earlier, he played defense for about 2 games and went back to the same sht again.
Kobe is pathetic. You would think someone that can't shoot 3's anymore would not shoot that pull up 3. You would think someone that isn't contributing offensively would play defense. Dude is a joke. He's a part of the problem.

Even Kobestans couldn't front at the time - they were disgusted by Kobe's defense. Laker media was even worse.

To call Kobe Bryant's defense this season bad is to call the Pacific Ocean big, or the sun hot. He hasn't just been bad and he's not just a liability. His presence on the defensive end of the court has actually become a detriment, in the truest sense of the word. And the worst part? He's not failing to play defense. He has willingly decided that he no longer needs to try.

That Kobe Bryant, undisputed leader of this team, needs to be held accountable for horrific effort on defense tells you all you need to know about why this team is playing the way that it is. If the team's defense is terrible, it is because the team's leader is very clearly stating with his play that defense does not matter. If the team lacks chemistry, it is because it is tough to like and respect a guy so clearly hanging you out to dry on the defensive end. If the team's effort is inconsistent, it is because the team's leader only tries half the time. If nobody is doing the little things, it is because the team's leader isn't doing anything he doesn't want to do.

You can say that Kobe Bryant never gives up, even when things look bleak, if you are paying attention to one side of the court. If you pay attention to the other side, Kobe Bryant gives up before the game even tilts in one direction or the other, for no apparent reason. When it comes to defensive effort, make no mistake: Kobe Bryant is tanking.

Kobe Bryant has no business criticizing the team's defense. Not when he's done this. And this. And this. Those are all posts, by three different authors, two of which are born and bred Lakers fans, criticizing Kobe Bryant for his horrific defense this season. Kobe has not been a consistently awful defender, but for large swaths of the season, he has defended recklessly, idiotically, or he simply hasn't defended at all. Kobe doesn't just gamble, he plays Russian Roulette without taking out any of the bullets. He doesn't just collapse to the paint, he ball-watches as if in a hypnotic trance.

It is impossible to tell if the Lakers have a defensive scheme problem, because first and foremost, their defense has a Kobe Bryant problem. The Lakers defense has rarely been on the same page, whether Bryant is involved or not. But Kobe's defense isn't even in the same book as the rest of the team's.

I don't see anybody else on the Lakers double teaming random players off the ball. I don't see too many instances of anybody else comically over-gambling the passing lanes. And at least 80% of the Lakers' most egregious cases of ball-watching (something which does happen to everybody from time to time) seem to involve Kobe Bryant as well. If any of these actions are a part of the Lakers' defensive scheme, then Mike D'Antoni should have been fired the moment he unveiled it. But, since nobody else on the team is doing this shyt, it seems pretty clear that Kobe is the one breaking the defensive playbook.

Kobe is ruining his own historic season
Kobe's hypocrisy knows no bounds


Apr 30, 2012
November 23rd, liar. Lakers were playing their 13th game of the season and already set the tone.

And the article I posted showing Artest's defense was great and Kobe's was the worst was from March 26th 2013, almost the end of the season.

How many more times are you going to lie on this thread?
So in your world 15% of the season dictates the entire season. You failed every stats course you ever took.


May 1, 2012
See this shyt right here proves that you’re just delusional and you just hate this guy. You hated him when Kobe was playing


You don’t have Jerry West and Dr. Buss pulling the strings anymore…

You talking about HISTORY. What happened in THE PAST…

You dismissed the 2020 title :what:

Dawg you sound ridiculous

What about now????

Jeannie Buss gonna get you more titles??
They don't hate him as much as they love Kobe and want Kobe to be placed higher on the all-time list than Bron. It's an insecurity they have about how Kobe is viewed. Funny thing is Kobe ain't give a shyt about that and was like leave me out of them list battles.


May 1, 2012
Funny thing was, they weren't quiet in 2013. Now they just want to pretend 2013 never happened because stan wars are more important than reality even though Kobe looked far worse on defense at 34 than Bron looks at 37 and they all knew it.

CantStop himself said so at the time and is trying to rewrite history now:

Even Kobestans couldn't front at the time - they were disgusted by Kobe's defense. Laker media was even worse.

To call Kobe Bryant's defense this season bad is to call the Pacific Ocean big, or the sun hot. He hasn't just been bad and he's not just a liability. His presence on the defensive end of the court has actually become a detriment, in the truest sense of the word. And the worst part? He's not failing to play defense. He has willingly decided that he no longer needs to try.

That Kobe Bryant, undisputed leader of this team, needs to be held accountable for horrific effort on defense tells you all you need to know about why this team is playing the way that it is. If the team's defense is terrible, it is because the team's leader is very clearly stating with his play that defense does not matter. If the team lacks chemistry, it is because it is tough to like and respect a guy so clearly hanging you out to dry on the defensive end. If the team's effort is inconsistent, it is because the team's leader only tries half the time. If nobody is doing the little things, it is because the team's leader isn't doing anything he doesn't want to do.

You can say that Kobe Bryant never gives up, even when things look bleak, if you are paying attention to one side of the court. If you pay attention to the other side, Kobe Bryant gives up before the game even tilts in one direction or the other, for no apparent reason. When it comes to defensive effort, make no mistake: Kobe Bryant is tanking.

Kobe Bryant has no business criticizing the team's defense. Not when he's done this. And this. And this. Those are all posts, by three different authors, two of which are born and bred Lakers fans, criticizing Kobe Bryant for his horrific defense this season. Kobe has not been a consistently awful defender, but for large swaths of the season, he has defended recklessly, idiotically, or he simply hasn't defended at all. Kobe doesn't just gamble, he plays Russian Roulette without taking out any of the bullets. He doesn't just collapse to the paint, he ball-watches as if in a hypnotic trance.

It is impossible to tell if the Lakers have a defensive scheme problem, because first and foremost, their defense has a Kobe Bryant problem. The Lakers defense has rarely been on the same page, whether Bryant is involved or not. But Kobe's defense isn't even in the same book as the rest of the team's.

I don't see anybody else on the Lakers double teaming random players off the ball. I don't see too many instances of anybody else comically over-gambling the passing lanes. And at least 80% of the Lakers' most egregious cases of ball-watching (something which does happen to everybody from time to time) seem to involve Kobe Bryant as well. If any of these actions are a part of the Lakers' defensive scheme, then Mike D'Antoni should have been fired the moment he unveiled it. But, since nobody else on the team is doing this shyt, it seems pretty clear that Kobe is the one breaking the defensive playbook.

Kobe is ruining his own historic season
Kobe's hypocrisy knows no bounds
