Spurs are so boring.
Your team would get treated like virgin puss against the Spurs![]()
Stick a needle in your arm heroin fakkit
West was a more complimentary PF for CP3...his mid range game was far superior to Flakes
if david west was on this same clipper team they would probably win the series.....(with a healthy cp3)....blake griffin is that bad
The Heat would give an better showing that these bum ass Clippers. If they beat OKC like this maybe I'll give them some props. But frankly I'm not impressed looking at their roster. Looks like an bunch of washed up veterans with some D-League all-stars sprinkled on top.
Stick a needle in your arm heroin fakkit
West was a more complimentary PF for CP3...his mid range game was far superior to Flakes
lol at you talk'n to yourself. can't even get in three posts with an alias without expos'n @ you being the only one that actually gets it
This part I agree with. They will be OKC just as easily. Westbrook will be the reason why![]()
lol at you talk'n to yourself. can't even get in three posts with an alias without expos'n himself.
Game link
smh Kerr you really trying to compare the Spurs and the PAtriots? the f**k......Have the SPurs used spygate already?