God Emperor of SOHH
"I'm not trying to defend or downplay what the Europeans did to the Indians..........................but most of the Indians were killed by accident and there wasn't anything that the Europeans could do about it. I'm just saying "
You got to laugh at dishonest a$$holes for their lack of shame. They're so stupid that they think that others will fall for the stupid game that they run. Sure some Indians died because of the natural spread of disease brought upon them by the Europeans. That doesn't change the fact that the Europeans committed genocide against the people native of this land. Once they realized that Indians had no resistance for diseases such as small pox, Europeans used those diseases as biological weapons against the Indians. This "oh it was mainly by accident" stuff is white-washed rhetoric that is used to cloud the issue and dodge responsibility. Regardless of how many Indians were killed "accidentally" by the spread of disease, the Europeans deliberately conquered/mass murdered the natives, stole their land, and subjected them to their system of white supremacy.
how exactly is that worse then what the mongols did?