Houston is a choclate city, Los Angeles is not. You are right, there are no leaders in L.A. The leaders fought for a gang truce but not for any kind of unity so people left. You are wrong to say that this is a rampant problem in all of los angeles. LA County is huge friend and really the only places i hear these hate crimes happening are in and around south l.a. Still, there are neighborhoods that no one would even think to move to because they are already entrenched in demonic activity which is not inviting to outsiders.
Secondly, los angeles for being the size it is, is not on any top ten American city lists for violence. People are just moving not being killed away. This is a war and our frontline soldiers, the blood and crips are losing. Mainly because they dont have enough community support due to the bad taste alot of their skirmishes have left in the mouths of civilians. People are moving to cities with better housing markets and more opportunities (Atlanta, Houston). Places where the proceeds from drug dealers and underworld mobsters are more prevalent and actually feed citizens.
Still everything moves in cycles. When this violence dies down, people will begin to move back in. The neighbors, who may or many not appreciate this will move out with violence no longer being a staple of keeping their neighborhood and the city will go to someone else. Nothing lasts forever. Black people are still heavily entrenched in Inglewood and Long beach. Losing Compton isnt a big deal but who knows, with the influx and reproduction of more Latinos eventually, everyone may move to cities where they have a greater presence with multicultural pockets in the mix.
But the only people pulling out pistols to defend these neighborhoods at the moment are gang members, mainly because these neighborhoods are heavy in demonic underworld trade which demons love.