God Emperor of SOHH
dog you a troll if you really think there is nothing "particularly" evil" about the white man who completed wiped out the native populations of what is now north america, south america and the Caribbean, tens if not hundred of millions of people killed, whole cultures destroyed in a relatively short span of time, and thats with out including what happend during the trans Atlantic slave trade , the millions of lives displaced and lost there, and nothing about that seems particularly evil to you lol , no other race has done that on such a scale before and you sitting here likethey not that bad , at least they not Mexican.
first of all im not trying to defend or downplay things done by europeans
second of all the majority of native americans died from disease carried by europeans, im not defending what happened, but i dont see what could have be done about it or how tying every death from disease as evidence of evil is logical
third of all what the europeans did in the americas is not much different than what the mongols did in asia and the far east, the mongols also were involved in killing millions of people and wiping out civilizations
fourth the arab slave trade in africa lasted longer and enslaved more people than the european slave trade
fifth the history of asia, in particular china and japan, is a history of millions of people being massacred for various reasons
so i stand by my statement, in terms of world history there is nothing particularly evil about europeans, and black people would be foolish to traipse around the world and make geo political calculations based on the notion of equating non white with non racist or a sign of benevolence
all you have to do is look at the story that started this thread to know that that is a foolish way of looking at the world, there are devils all over this world and not all of them are white, you are foolish if you think otherwise