NYC Rebel
...on the otherside of the pond
We're talking about tokes that predate pun and them.Give it a rest Puerto Rican influence in hip hop is minimal. A few congos and break dancing doesn't say PR's made a great strides in hip hop. They saw what the liked and joined in. Just like everybody else that jocks black culture when convenient. Sad because there were more white rappers that were better than any PR rapper for the most part. Most PR rappers were trash. Big Pun. One and done son. lol
I get cats want to datamine their way into these discussions. I get it...that's how it works. But they played a huge role in hip hop. To some in here that say hip hop came out of disco, how do we ignore the New York Rican influence on the music? The conga section on most of those cuts was heavily influenced by salsa that was popping at the time. Blacks were absorbing too.