Latinas have wandering eyes like no other group of chicks


All Star
Jul 10, 2012
I think part of it is some chicks just like being liked, especially latina women because that's where the media tells them their worth lies. I know chicks that will get pissed off if you pay them no mind. With so many thirsty dudes out there, their first instinct is this guy is going to look at me and if I don't attract male attention what is wrong.

And on the opposite side of the coin, real talk, black men have the most wandering eyes.
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Cabbage Patch

The Media scene in V is for Vendetta is the clue
Feb 11, 2014
The Last Frontier
I think part of it is some chicks just like being liked, especially latina women because that's where the media tells them their worth lies. I know chicks that will get pissed off if you pay them no mind. With so many thirsty dudes out there, their first instinct is this guy is going to look at me and if I don't attract male attention what is wrong.

And on the opposite side of the coin, real talk, black men have the most wandering eyes.
I dapped for the first paragraph.

Black men having more confidence is not the same as black men having the most wandering eyes.

Besides, Italians will fight you on that one (with pride). And don't Eastern Euros have stereotypes about Georgians?

Which groups get that in Asia?
May 14, 2013
I thought I was the only one that noticed this. :why: And no, it's not just the Americanized Latinas either. I live in Maryland where most Spanish people are fresh off the border Salvadorans. And countless times I've seen Spanish couples in my age group, the woman has been eye fukking me like shyt. :ld: I can pass for Latino, but I'm not. Sometimes, I think it is a dangerous shyt test. Especially every time it's happened in a wooded area in a park. :jbhmm: Outchere, a huge to dominant percentage of Salvadorans are affiliated with MS-13 or 18th Street and the bytches are essentially mob wives. If they think I'm Spanish, they want me at 6' to jump out there and disrespect the mob. Then they get to greenlight my ass and shove me in the back of a Honda Civic and drive me to Langley Park or somewhere in Northern VA and cut me up like a Thanksgiving turkey. :ufdup:shyt like that happens out here.

But it isn't that all the time because I seen older married Latina women eye fukking me too. I think Latina women want to date out of their race very badly, much like Asian women have been doing for the past few decades. Many Spanish dudes bust their ass for pennies. Spanish men are the new quasi-slave class in America doing all the dirty work for peanuts that no one else wants to do. :martin:

But this shyt is just strange with Latina women who are visibly with their men. :mindblown: I remember seeing this bad Latina at Walmart eye fukking me and I was about to holler and I didn't realize she was with her man the whole time while they were shopping. :dahell: I get eye fukked by white women out with their men a lot too, but only in certain contexts and not nearly as much as Latina women out with their men. Most Asian women seem happy with their white or Asian boyfriends. The only time Asian women eye fukk me when they are with their boyfriends is if they are with a short wack black dude with struggle outfits. :pachaha:Black women only really eye fukk me when they are by themselves or with female friends, but I get the most looks from black women, period.


Land, water, wherever.
Dec 10, 2014
@flea 's mother has wondering eyes for anything moving with a dikk. This fakkit was getting poked in the face by multiple dikks during her pregnancy. That's why he still lives with her at the ripe age of 26, and why he is also ugly as fukk with his weak bone structure. Go vomit some more blood you dikk suckin fakkit :heh:


Apr 30, 2012
Dade County
@flea 's mother has wondering eyes for anything moving with a dikk. This fakkit was getting poked in the face by multiple dikks during her pregnancy. That's why he still lives with her at the ripe age of 26, and why he is also ugly as fukk with his weak bone structure. Go vomit some more blood you dikk suckin fakkit :heh:
i got this fakkit furious :laff:


Land, water, wherever.
Dec 10, 2014
I thought I was the only one that noticed this. :why: And no, it's not just the Americanized Latinas either. I live in Maryland where most Spanish people are fresh off the border Salvadorans. And countless times I've seen Spanish couples in my age group, the woman has been eye fukking me like shyt. :ld: I can pass for Latino, but I'm not. Sometimes, I think it is a dangerous shyt test. Especially every time it's happened in a wooded area in a park. :jbhmm: Outchere, a huge to dominant percentage of Salvadorans are affiliated with MS-13 or 18th Street and the bytches are essentially mob wives. If they think I'm Spanish, they want me at 6' to jump out there and disrespect the mob. Then they get to greenlight my ass and shove me in the back of a Honda Civic and drive me to Langley Park or somewhere in Northern VA and cut me up like a Thanksgiving turkey. :ufdup:shyt like that happens out here.

But it isn't that all the time because I seen older married Latina women eye fukking me too. I think Latina women want to date out of their race very badly, much like Asian women have been doing for the past few decades. Many Spanish dudes bust their ass for pennies. Spanish men are the new quasi-slave class in America doing all the dirty work for peanuts that no one else wants to do. :martin:

But this shyt is just strange with Latina women who are visibly with their men. :mindblown: I remember seeing this bad Latina at Walmart eye fukking me and I was about to holler and I didn't realize she was with her man the whole time while they were shopping. :dahell: I get eye fukked by white women out with their men a lot too, but only in certain contexts and not nearly as much as Latina women out with their men. Most Asian women seem happy with their white or Asian boyfriends. The only time Asian women eye fukk me when they are with their boyfriends is if they are with a short wack black dude with struggle outfits. :pachaha:Black women only really eye fukk me when they are by themselves or with female friends, but I get the most looks from black women, period.

You realize Latinas aint a race right? So whatchu groupin them with Asians/blacks/whites and shyt.

But thread is word to god, Latina women (a.k.a. Spanish speaking bytches) are the most hoish of them all.


Symbol Of Excellence
Apr 7, 2014
even though it is a generalization, i have seen it more than a few times. latin girls are just very boy crazy at a young age and it stays with them til they get older. ive seen it mostly with PR chicks in the bronx, but alot of these dominican girls that were born and raised here too(not that there arent chicks in DR that act the same way).

one time me and my wife were at chipotle and there were these 2 little young dominican girls ahead of us in line, maybe 12 or 13. some boys walked in and one of the girls thought one of the boys was cute but she was too shy to talk to him. so her friend was like "im gonna go tell him u like him" and was like "cool". her friend went over to them (they were behind us in the line) and was like "see that girl? u think she cute? cause she likes u. if u dont think she cute, i like u too :shaq:"

me and my wife looked at each other like :merchant: and i was like "i dont want any daughters :sadcam:"
Literally had tears in my eyes after reading this.

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
Beware the adultress friend. They want your life. It's so demonic when a woman will engage you demonically just to make a man she loves upset aND they will use your destruction to Bring thrm back together again. Let's be wise and not fall for the parlor tricks
May 14, 2013
You realize Latinas aint a race right? So whatchu groupin them with Asians/blacks/whites and shyt.

But thread is word to god, Latina women (a.k.a. Spanish speaking bytches) are the most hoish of them all.

I'm talking about mestiza women. And I think that is what the OP was talking about. Out here in Maryland, most Latinas are Central American mestiza. Same thing where I'm from in the Bay Area. But in the Bay, mestizas date out and are much more likely to mess with brothers, whiteboys, Asians etc. This is because there is a large population of Americanized Mexicans in Northern Cali.

I don't know how it is up north in NYC and Philly. But it seems like Dominican and Puerto Rican women have no problem messing with brothers. Every other black person I meet from NYC is half black/half Dominican or half black/half PR. Not to mention DR's and PR's have hella black blood even though most black looking DR's and PR's I've met insist that they aren't black. :jbhmm:

I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that Latina women are rarely ever single unless they are hugely fat and disgusting. But even those bytches manage to find a way to have five kids. :scust: In Latino culture it seems that no one is single, ever. Any average Jose can always find a Catalina to fukk with. It's not like that in America. In America, you have entire demographics who are more likely to be single and remain single regardless of income, looks, intelligence (i.e. black women; particularly darker skinned black women and Asian men). In America, we have Kents and Elliot Rodgers. In America, we have successful beautiful educated black women who are perpetually lonely and single. :why: This is because American culture tends to be cold, a bit antisocial and isolationist compared to other foreign cultures where people are generally and genuinely more open and and friendly. Most time I see Latinas, period, they are with a man. And I know a lot of them bytches ain't happy with who they got and it shows. :martin:
May 14, 2013
Beware the adultress friend. They want your life. It's so demonic when a woman will engage you demonically just to make a man she loves upset aND they will use your destruction to Bring thrm back together again. Let's be wise and not fall for the parlor tricks

I know all the Spanish nikkas around my way are cliqued up and I look Spanish even though I'm not. If I see their broads eyeing me, I'm not getting involved. I already look Spanish enough to get hurt before others. My homie, who is a dark skinned nikka, tried to holler at a Salvadoran bytch while he was working at McDonald's and a day later, five cars deep of MS-13 pulled up and caught him leaving his shift to question him about it. :ufdup:

Mr. Somebody

Friend Of A Friend
May 10, 2012
Los Angeles
I know all the Spanish nikkas around my way are cliqued up and I look Spanish even though I'm not. If I see their broads eyeing me, I'm not getting involved. I already look Spanish enough to get hurt before others. My homie, who is a dark skinned nikka, tried to holler at a Salvadoran bytch while he was working at McDonald's and a day later, five cars deep of MS-13 pulled up and caught him leaving his shift to question him about it. :ufdup:
Those gang members were unreasoNable