Las Vegas family claims to see aliens after several report something falling from sky


Uptown Thoroughbred
Jun 10, 2018
Ignore this incident. Its a distraction and a hoax. The real thing we need to be aware of is the recent whistleblower who suggested that the US is in possession of non-human made craft.

Okay can we have the discussion of what collective or individual we think will happen if there is 4K proof one day. What do you think would be impacted the most ?

Are we going to just give it a Instagram and reality show and look for the next thing?
The fabric of society as we know will be ripped to seams?

If we just find out they exist?

I don’t think much will fundamentally change. A lot of people will be talking and it will be big, but I don’t think society will collapse.

Now when the details of what they know, do, and say happens, or lets say they hop on television and tell us through some mass broadcast, or lets say we see definitive video they exist, then yeah I think the world will flip upside down but maybe thats not a bad thing.
By any ordinary standard, successfully sending humans to Mars would be an astonishing triumph—a world-historical feat for the nation (or corporation) that manages to pull it off first. Talk to the right people, though, and you might be surprised to learn that more than 30 years ago the U.S. military accomplished just that.

You’ll find the evidence of it in a document freely available on the public “Reading Room” section of Central Intelligence Agency’s website....
Contextual details are scarce in the document, which goes under the unassuming title “Mars Exploration: May 22, 1984.” A brief explanatory note indicates that “the subject” was given a sealed envelope “immediately prior to the interview” but was instructed not to open it yet. During the interview itself, the subject only had verbal access to “elected geographic coordinates, provided by the parties requesting the information.”


[Subject]: … I’m seeing, ah … It’s like a perception of a shadow of people, very tall … thin, it’s only a shadow. It’s as if they were there and they’re not, not there anymore.

[Monitor]: Go back to a period of time where they are there.

Sub: … Um … (mumble) It’s like I get a lot of static on a line and everything, it’s breaking up all the time, very fragmentary pieces.

Mon: Just report the data, don’t try to put things together, just report the raw data.

Sub: I just keep seeing very large people. They appear thin and tall, but they’re very large. Ah … wearing some kind of strange clothes.

In what follows, the conversation jumps around rapidly as the monitor directs the subject to investigate different coordinates, providing no other information. As the subject does, he describes some of the sites of interest that he notices, including a large “obelisk” that reminds him of the Washington Monument, “rounded bottom carved channels, like road beds,” and, most strikingly, “pyramids … like shelters from storms.” In those structures, he finds the shadowy people he had seen before, hibernating. “They’re an ancient people,” he tells the monitor. “They’re ah … they’re dying, it’s past their time or age.”

The 3-by-5-inch card in the sealed envelope—which, remember, supposedly went unseen until all these visions had faded—provides some clue as to what the subject was witnessing. Like the dateline of some LSD-soaked cartoon, it read,

The planet Mars.
Time of interest approximately
1 million years B.C.

This is, in other words, a purportedly real record of some real intelligence service’s attempt to visit another world through astral projection while examining its distant past


Relevant CIA document

Lastly, everybody seriously considering this should familiarize themselves with this book ('The Stargate Conspiracy'). A relatively quick read (I read it in an afternoon), packed with names, dates, and details. Dont trust these crackers bout shyt, EVER.



Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
By any ordinary standard, successfully sending humans to Mars would be an astonishing triumph—a world-historical feat for the nation (or corporation) that manages to pull it off first. Talk to the right people, though, and you might be surprised to learn that more than 30 years ago the U.S. military accomplished just that.

You’ll find the evidence of it in a document freely available on the public “Reading Room” section of Central Intelligence Agency’s website....
Contextual details are scarce in the document, which goes under the unassuming title “Mars Exploration: May 22, 1984.” A brief explanatory note indicates that “the subject” was given a sealed envelope “immediately prior to the interview” but was instructed not to open it yet. During the interview itself, the subject only had verbal access to “elected geographic coordinates, provided by the parties requesting the information.”


In what follows, the conversation jumps around rapidly as the monitor directs the subject to investigate different coordinates, providing no other information. As the subject does, he describes some of the sites of interest that he notices, including a large “obelisk” that reminds him of the Washington Monument, “rounded bottom carved channels, like road beds,” and, most strikingly, “pyramids … like shelters from storms.” In those structures, he finds the shadowy people he had seen before, hibernating. “They’re an ancient people,” he tells the monitor. “They’re ah … they’re dying, it’s past their time or age.”

The 3-by-5-inch card in the sealed envelope—which, remember, supposedly went unseen until all these visions had faded—provides some clue as to what the subject was witnessing. Like the dateline of some LSD-soaked cartoon, it read,

This is, in other words, a purportedly real record of some real intelligence service’s attempt to visit another world through astral projection while examining its distant past

Lastly, everybody seriously considering this should familiarize themselves with this book ('The Stargate Conspiracy'). A relatively quick read (I read it in an afternoon), packed with names, dates, and details. Dont trust these crackers bout shyt, EVER.

Yeah you’re describing remote viewing

The CIA and Germany were training “psychic spies” back in the early days… I forget what the project was called.. Apperently the team for Project Blue Book ran into them as well.

But it’s remote viewing I believe and the FBI and etc. still use them today. There’s even videos that teach people how to try and do it, and not by super famous or popular people either… just guys in the program.

I also have read things about ancient civilizations on Mars at one point as well.


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
Pretty trippy, but I honestly don't believe alienbrehs would just be chilling nonchalantly. I mean, they had to have heard/seen the fam lurking nearby. Why would dudes just stand around like that? :patrice:
Because they don’t give af probably :mjlol:

Cant believe em without proof:hubie:


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
How? We haven't detected any life or movement within the galaxy. And while I get there would be a government conspiracy to stifle information, if this galaxy had life in it how would you prevent shyt like advanced telescopes from finding it lol.

Even if it's only 1 light year, that equals 37,000 years in earth time. Which tells me they have advanced technology to the point we would be little more than ants to them. Or they've somehow been hiding in our galaxy without being detected, but their origin would still have to be so far away that it would be a hyper advanced race that looks nothing like us.

The detail about the alien breathing is the most ridiculous thing from my perspective. It just happened to evolve lungs - or whatever type of respiratory system - in the exact place that ours is located?
It’s been told they have respiratory systems just like we do… just like arms, legs, feet, eyes, etc… humanoids

They’re not just floating around outside of space chillin on moon rocks most likely


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
I looked at the video again and I still see absolutely nothing...I must be blind to this because it doesn't look human enough so my brain just doesn't see it.

I am going to guess - that this family since they've disappeared - were contacted by the US government who went in as soon as possible - and relocated them + made it clear they cannot talk to the media.

This is actually not unheard of and HAS happened before - I can recall hearing about other incidents which the MITB movies were based upon - there are things the US government does not want them discussed or known and there's the possibility probably of some type of exposure.
The rise of social media/attention from the news is much different than it was 20 years ago.
They didn’t disappear

Dude posted a video monday right outside of his house. They’re just tired of it it seems like.

Dwight Howard

May 24, 2012
I always ask this but why is it that nobody finds it weird that virtually every alien encounter describes a humanoid figure. Why would a living creature from lightyears away, on a different planet with different atmospheres than earth, produce virtually the same type of advanced being: a head, two arms, two legs, respiratory system (he says he say it breathing) in the chest area, etc? What sense does that make logically? In fact the only logic seems to be that we are creating imaginary figures that look like us, because why wouldn't they look like their creator.

And how come everyone on that scene had a camera yet nobody got a picture or video.
Who says they're from a different planet?


Apr 30, 2012
I was always into "conspiracy theories" right from a young age. Read up on David Icke but thought his theory about reptilians was too far-fetched. I was like "dude ain't right in the head" Little did I know alone.

I've been weirdly thinking it somewhat safe to assume that anything the human mind can creatively think of, is possibly based on reality? The mind can only operate based on the limitations it has of the reality and universe we live in, so can it only think of that which is native to the Universe?

If someone can think of an alien beings appearance , how can the mind conjure up something outside of the universe?


Apr 30, 2012
The detail about the alien breathing is the most ridiculous thing from my perspective. It just happened to evolve lungs - or whatever type of respiratory system - in the exact place that ours is located?

I hear you bro. But maybe there are laws within the universe so to speak that oxygen must be consumed. And it's not to say they have "lungs" flr breathing, maybe it's some type of other body part