Las Vegas family claims to see aliens after several report something falling from sky

Ty Daniels

Dec 13, 2019
we literally send rovers and fly bys to every planet. we would never send man to mars before rovers, that wouldn't make any logical sense :wtf:

If Aliens are/were real, what makes "sense" to them, may not be what makes "sense" to Humans.

Just like with many animal species on this planet, they do things that aren't "logical" to Humans.

Organisms with different biochemistry/origins and different selection pressures, would more than likely have different "motivations".

That would also include what makes "sense", or not.


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
we literally send rovers and fly bys to every planet. we would never send man to mars before rovers, that wouldn't make any logical sense :wtf:
we literally send rovers and fly bys to every planet. we would never send man to mars before rovers, that wouldn't make any logical sense :wtf:
Negro you didn’t specify from space :dahell:

You said send drones period. We send both people and drones too btw, they probably sent shyt centuries for all we know and been here posted up. There have been cave drawings and shyt all over the planet

[Something Cool]

Not a Well-Known Member
May 6, 2012
exorbitant legal fees
To be fair mang we have no idea of the technology they use. A boat can travel the ocean across the world yet afew yards of land can down it.
Haha all I’m saying is this exploratory team is getting fired. They are getting whatever is the equivalent to an email from HR talking about “we’ve decided we’re going in a different direction”.
May 3, 2012
St louis
shyt is getting weird.


A Doctor of Love
May 11, 2012
If you think you're lonely now, ohhh girl...
So, I don’t even see what this family would get out of this by lying about it :jbhmm: . The kid Alex is sort of inarticulate. He’s not going to be able to parlay this into money, and he’s essentially acting as the family spokesperson. Clout? More like ridicule. Some of the shyt sounds fascinating, yet so weird that I don’t even think it could be made up. For instance, he said if you look at the creature directly everything gets blurry and you feel like you have sleep paralysis. That’s intriguing. Another thing he said was at one point one of the creatures sat in a fork lift. Was he about to move some pallets or some shyt :jbhmm: ? Alireh was sitting in the forklift like, “.;•••.~..** I told your ass you didn’t know how to pilot . I’m done fukking with you. Imma sit my ass down on this here thing until you fix the ship. Don’t ask for my help either :unimpressed: .”

They could be lying. I just don’t see what this particular group of people get out of lying. The police were also shook. Something seems to have happened.


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
So, I don’t even see what this family would get out of this by lying about it :jbhmm: . The kid Alex is sort of inarticulate. He’s not going to be able to parlay this into money, and he’s essentially acting as the family spokesperson. Clout? More like ridicule. Some of the shyt sounds fascinating, yet so weird that I don’t even think it could be made up. For instance, he said if you look at the creature directly everything gets blurry and you feel like you have sleep paralysis. That’s intriguing. Another thing he said was at one point one of the creatures sat in a fork lift. Was he about to move some pallets or some shyt :jbhmm: ? Alireh was sitting in the forklift like, “.;•••.~..** I told your ass you didn’t know how to pilot . I’m done fukking with you. Imma sit my ass down on this here thing until you fix the ship. Don’t ask for my help either :unimpressed: .”

They could be lying. I just don’t see what this particular group of people get out of lying. The police were also shook. Something seems to have happened.
My thing is, most illegal immigrants not trying to call the police

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
There are giant holes in the story. The main ones I noticed right away:

#1. The 911 call comes a full 40 minutes after the meteor sighting. If the UFO was the crashing meteor, then what was it doing for those extra 40 minutes? The UFO suddenly stopped crashing, chilled for 40 minutes, and then landed in a random suburb? It crashed in their front yard 40 minutes earlier and they took almost an hour to notice it?

#2. No one else in the neighborhood saw it. So you're saying this crashing UFO was so bright it was seen across 3 states, but in the VERY PLACE where it crash lands, it's not bright or loud enough to alert the whole neighborhood, just this one family? And all those people watching it across the sky, but none of them said the final destination was that neighborhood?

#3. This thing was flying though the sky going thousands miles an hour, but it crash-lands with just a depression in the ground?

#4. How the fukk would multiple 10-foot-tall aliens be engaged in interstellar travel in a ship so small it creates just a little depression in a front yard? Heck, even if it was just their equivalent of a rover or something, wouldn't the bare minimum size to accommodate multiple 10-foot tall creatures be quite a bit bigger than that?

I think the real explanation is obvious. People been talking about UFOs like crazy this week. When the meteor flashed across the sky, it created more UFO hysteria. Either this family decided to exploit that hysteria for clout and TV attention, saw something mundane and interpreted it wildly due to their own hysteria, or (my most likely explanation), someone decided to exploit the meteor sighting to play a prank on them. It's Vegas, people got weird costumes and set pieces all over. Someone played dress-up for laughs.

That would explain the 40-minute discrepancy. Either it took this family 40 minute to decide to set up their prank, or whoever played the prank on them took 40 minutes to make it over there.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
My problem is that creatures so advanced that they traveled from as far as they did to get here look like Hollywood’s description.
Tall, big eyes etc..
From a completely different planet in a different solar system, yet they’re just us with a few modifications?
I’m pretty sure Hollyweird got the description from them :mjlol:

And it varies but not even all Hollywood aliens look like that either

Nah, the Hollywood aliens came first, and within months of grays showing up on TV, random people telling their stories started matching the Hollywood descriptions.

The first ever mention of beings that looked like greys was in an H.G. Wells story. His story wasn't actually about aliens, but about evolved humans in the future.

In the 1893 article "Man of the Year Million", the well-known author H.G. Wells had envisioned the possibility of humanity transformed into a race of grey-skinned beings; who were perhaps 1 meter tall, with big heads and large, oval-shaped pitch black eyes. In his 1901 book The First Men in the Moon, Wells described Selenites (natives of the Moon) as having grey skin, big heads, and large black eyes. He also briefly describes aliens resembling Greys brought down to Earth as food for the Martians, who were the antagonist characters in his 1898 novel The War of the Worlds.

The first reference to greys outside of H.G. Wells was in a Swedish 1933 sci-fi story:

In 1933, the Swedish novelist Gustav Sandgren, using the pen name Gabriel Linde, published a science-fiction novel called Den okända faran (The Unknown Danger), in which he describes a race of extraterrestrials: "...the creatures did not resemble any race of humans. They were short, shorter than the average Japanese, and their heads were big and bald, with strong, square foreheads, and very small noses and mouths, and weak chins.

The first depiction of greys on television were on the Twilight Zone episode "Hocus Pocus and Frisby", which aired on 13 April 1962.


The second depiction of greys on televsion was on The Outer Limits episode "The Bellero Shield", which aired on 10 February 1964.


The first ever mention of "grey aliens" like that in real life is the Betty and Barney Hill story. Betty and Barney Hill recovered their experience during late February 1964, just two weeks after that "Outer Limits" episode aired. Their actual "abduction" had come three years earlier, in 1961, but they NEVER described the aliens as grays until after the Outer Limits episode.

The second mention of greys in real life is the Roswell incident. But there are ZERO recorded descriptions of the Roswell incident mentioning greys before the 1960s. All of the witness testimonies that describe the aliens as looking like grays came well after the Betty and Barney Hill story was publicized.

The fact that gray aliens with big bald heads and wrap-around eyes began showing up in abduction stories immediately AFTER silly shows like The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits depicted it seems like too big a coincidence.
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Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
Nah, the Hollywood aliens came first, and within months of grays showing up on TV, random people telling their stories started matching the Hollywood descriptions.

The first ever mention of beings that looked like greys was in an H.G. Wells story. His story wasn't actually about aliens, but about evolved humans in the future.

The first reference to greys outside of H.G. Wells was in a Swedish 1933 sci-fi story:

The first depiction of greys on television were on the Twilight Zone episode "Hocus Pocus and Frisby", which aired on 13 April 1962.


The second depiction of greys on televsion was on The Outer Limits episode "The Bellero Shield", which aired on 10 February 1964.


The first ever mention of "grey aliens" like that in real life is the Betty and Barney Hill story. Betty and Barney Hill recovered their experience during late February 1964, just two weeks after that "Outer Limits" episode aired. Their actual "abduction" had come three years earlier, in 1961, but they NEVER described the aliens as grays until after the Outer Limits episode.

The second mention of greys in real life is the Roswell incident. But there are ZERO recorded descriptions of the Roswell incident mentioning greys before the 1960s. All of the witness testimonies that describe the aliens as looking like grays came well after the Betty and Barney Hill story was publicized.

The fact that gray aliens with big bald heads and wrap-around eyes began showing up in abduction stories immediately AFTER silly shows like The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits depicted it seems like too big a coincidence.
Actually, 1891 was the first description of them, and I was specifically talking about Hollywood.

The origins of the Grey alien may go back to the late 19th century. In 1891, the novel Meda: A Tale of the Future was published by Kenneth Folingsby, in which the narrator encountered small, grey-skinned aliens with balloon-shaped heads. In 1893, H. G. Wellspresented a description of humanity's future appearance in the article The Man of the Year Million, describing humans as having no mouths, noses, or hair, and with large heads. In 1895, Wells also depicted the Eloi, a successor species to humanity, in similar terms in the novel The Time Machine.[7]


May 24, 2022
There are giant holes in the story. The main ones I noticed right away:

#1. The 911 call comes a full 40 minutes after the meteor sighting. If the UFO was the crashing meteor, then what was it doing for those extra 40 minutes? The UFO suddenly stopped crashing, chilled for 40 minutes, and then landed in a random suburb? It crashed in their front yard 40 minutes earlier and they took almost an hour to notice it?

#2. No one else in the neighborhood saw it. So you're saying this crashing UFO was so bright it was seen across 3 states, but in the VERY PLACE where it crash lands, it's not bright or loud enough to alert the whole neighborhood, just this one family? And all those people watching it across the sky, but none of them said the final destination was that neighborhood?

#3. This thing was flying though the sky going thousands miles an hour, but it crash-lands with just a depression in the ground?

#4. How the fukk would multiple 10-foot-tall aliens be engaged in interstellar travel in a ship so small it creates just a little depression in a front yard? Heck, even if it was just their equivalent of a rover or something, wouldn't the bare minimum size to accommodate multiple 10-foot tall creatures be quite a bit bigger than that?

I think the real explanation is obvious. People been talking about UFOs like crazy this week. When the meteor flashed across the sky, it created more UFO hysteria. Either this family decided to exploit that hysteria for clout and TV attention, saw something mundane and interpreted it wildly due to their own hysteria, or (my most likely explanation), someone decided to exploit the meteor sighting to play a prank on them. It's Vegas, people got weird costumes and set pieces all over. Someone played dress-up for laughs.

That would explain the 40-minute discrepancy. Either it took this family 40 minute to decide to set up their prank, or whoever played the prank on them took 40 minutes to make it over there.
#2 isn't fully right, they do have a ring camera which clearly shows that there was something that landed and was bright as hell which matched what the officers kinda randomly saw.

All your other points are what I also have issues with, and honestly feel like someone was playing a prank or they just vastly misidentified what they were seeing.


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
There are giant holes in the story. The main ones I noticed right away:

#1. The 911 call comes a full 40 minutes after the meteor sighting. If the UFO was the crashing meteor, then what was it doing for those extra 40 minutes? The UFO suddenly stopped crashing, chilled for 40 minutes, and then landed in a random suburb? It crashed in their front yard 40 minutes earlier and they took almost an hour to notice it?

#2. No one else in the neighborhood saw it. So you're saying this crashing UFO was so bright it was seen across 3 states, but in the VERY PLACE where it crash lands, it's not bright or loud enough to alert the whole neighborhood, just this one family? And all those people watching it across the sky, but none of them said the final destination was that neighborhood?

#3. This thing was flying though the sky going thousands miles an hour, but it crash-lands with just a depression in the ground?

#4. How the fukk would multiple 10-foot-tall aliens be engaged in interstellar travel in a ship so small it creates just a little depression in a front yard? Heck, even if it was just their equivalent of a rover or something, wouldn't the bare minimum size to accommodate multiple 10-foot tall creatures be quite a bit bigger than that?

I think the real explanation is obvious. People been talking about UFOs like crazy this week. When the meteor flashed across the sky, it created more UFO hysteria. Either this family decided to exploit that hysteria for clout and TV attention, saw something mundane and interpreted it wildly due to their own hysteria, or (my most likely explanation), someone decided to exploit the meteor sighting to play a prank on them. It's Vegas, people got weird costumes and set pieces all over. Someone played dress-up for laughs.

That would explain the 40-minute discrepancy. Either it took this family 40 minute to decide to set up their prank, or whoever played the prank on them took 40 minutes to make it over there.
I fukks with the skepticism

They said it took time for the police to come AFTER they called… like a whole hour. They also said they were in the house after the saw the things running around and could hear footsteps outside and on the roof

A lot of people saw the light but not the crash.. the ring light saw a light flash too. I don’t think breh is that smart to fake ring cam footage but I could be wrong

I wondered about the circle in the ground too… I expected something more telling. I also wondered about the sound.. I expected it to be louder but it sounded like a regular car accident or something at slow speed.

Idk… Didn’t the cops say they got the call minutes after the one with the bodycam reported it too? I was wondering wtf took them so long to get to the scene. Maybe 911 thought it was a joke?

Regardless, one thing I’m wondering is why come up with the hoax.. lil buddy didn’t seem that bright. Most families with immigrant members try to stay low key (I know from experience) and the boys accent and lack of articulation makes me think he hasn’t been here long. They could be legal though

And if it was a meteor then where is the meteor?
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May 24, 2022

Cliffs for those that don't want to watch... TV station does a follow up cause it's such a big story, the family has apparently agreed then backed out of an interview multiple times and just stopped answering their phones. It goes over some of the youtube video that this kid did, then the cops perspective before stating that the family said people in government vehicles and suits were patrolling their house after the events lol

Gave a good drone shot footage of what the house, and backyard look like along with the "indent" that the crash left. But of course to make things spicy.....

They said that there is a camera in that yard to watch over some of their equipment, and apparently after reviewing the owner of the camera says it shows all the way up till the "crash" then the camera goes black for a couple of min before coming back on to just show the circular indent on the ground


And just to throw this out there since people on the internet been trying to go over that video all damn day lol

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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
#2 isn't fully right, they do have a ring camera which clearly shows that there was something that landed and was bright as hell which matched what the officers kinda randomly saw.

All your other points are what I also have issues with, and honestly feel like someone was playing a prank or they just vastly misidentified what they were seeing.

Can you link me the ring footage of the "crash"? I've seen all the other footage but not that part.

I fukks with the skepticism

They said it took time for the police to come AFTER they called… like a whole hour.

Yeah, I think the police were half-assing it. But the bigger issue for me is the initial 911 call not starting until 40 minutes after the meteor passed.

They also said they were in the house after the saw the things running around and could hear footsteps outside and on the roof

Intergalactic travelers that can just disappear like that, but also running around on people's roofs.

Regardless, one thing I’m wondering is why come up with the hoax.. lil buddy didn’t seem that bright. Most families with immigrant members try to stay low key (I know from experience) and the boys accent and lack of articulation makes me think he hasn’t been here long. They could be legal though

Yeah, I think someone playing a joke on them more likely.

It works be pretty funny if it was just random fiends looking to steal shyt and they freaked out. Someone gonna start robbing cars in alien gear.

And if it was a meteor then where is the meteor?

Vast majority of meteors burn up before they reach the ground.