Whole bunch of SLUTS on this site, who attract SLUTS and then assume everyone is a SLUT like them. No nikkas everybody isn't on that B.S.
Why do you have to put down sluts though?
Whole bunch of SLUTS on this site, who attract SLUTS and then assume everyone is a SLUT like them. No nikkas everybody isn't on that B.S.
Why do you have to put down sluts though?
Exactly, and notice this simple-minded nikka got mad over a comment that wasn't directed at him or had anything to do with him. This nikka took my original comment about being mentally aroused as a personal affront to himself as if MY DESIRE to be mentally aroused takes away something from his life. There are some mentally ill people on this site.
Because the sluts on this site stay thinking they are better than other sluts. A slut is a slut is a slut.
I've noticed it's like a slight woman hate thing. They put all women in a box and if you show your even a little different they bash you for it.
Dudes lie on here daily, and it's obvious. It's the rare exception if they get called out and cursed out like that. The most I see is the duck smilie and some bullshyt comment about how they're just having fun. It's sick. Lol.
From what I've seen of your posts, you seem to be a bit holier-than-thou yourself.
so you wouldnt
I've wanted to be a web troll for a while, but you've made me realize I just don't have it man. You win.
If I was a woman I'd be a lesbo and stay squeezing breasts.
same pleasure (sometimes pain ) but less chance for aids or std
I'm sure a lot of woman have. shyt, if i was a chick i'd keep me a dime ass nicca with at least 7.5 inches on deck just to get dikked down when i need it. but, i agree with @dora_da_destroyer, we got to prevent those feelings from developing.