Low key most men that have problems communicating with women low key feel like they are superior to them and there isn't anything they'll really learn or benefit from having casual conversations with them.
Hence why so many "smart" or cocky men always talking about how they need an educated woman that's going to challenge them.
It also depends on how your brain works too, if your always looking for technicalities, faults and "the point" in reg old conversation that gets old in a relationship after so long. Some time there really isn't a over all "point" and its just convo about feelings.
I'm terrible at communication in the reverse where I try to overtly explain things and my thoughts and opinions on things aren't shallow enough to do that, I think very abstract and I also suck at explaining things so I tend to leave people confused while getting a general point across.
You just seem like a very Problem-(I like you) plan ( pursue you) -answer (yes or no) -solution (happy ever after) type guy. All the in between isn't your strong suit, so you really just need to come across someone like that and that can deal with it. I
@Kant really think of anyone right now tho.
I'm not surprised your an IT guru, it makes perfect sense the way it seems your mind works.