bourgeoisie tall freak
Not everything should be about brute strength, height, or the appearance of masculinity when it comes to finding a man. Why are women so embarrassed to dwarf their spouse? What if he’s a manlet and a good man?

Not everything should be about brute strength, height, or the appearance of masculinity when it comes to finding a man. Why are women so embarrassed to dwarf their spouse? What if he’s a manlet and a good man?
I agree. Exclusively liking taller men, despite the fact height doesn’t dictate that a man will be a quality spouse, is weird. It’s a shame that sisters are beholden to these constructs.Exclusively liking women/men who look nothing like you/the people you came from is weird as hell. Running away from yourself can indicate a bunch of things.
This is true. But at the same time this is sad.I'm not a short bruh (6'3.5) but I think the reason a lot of women are leery about dating short men has a lot to do with that short man's genetics being passed down to their potential children.
For example, say a woman that's already between the height of 5'2-5'5 and the man she gets with is around 5'5-5'8, which means their child(ren) more likely than not will be short as the father or even shorter because of the mother already being short herself.
Two short individuals creating a child will make that boy or girl as short as them or even shorter. A lot of women want an adult aged son who's at least taller than her to an extent, doesn't have to be 6'1 and above but at least taller than her.
But if that tall masculine dude has bad qualities, then who’s gonna protect you from him?Most women seek security and to be protected.
I’m not a woman but no way I’m dating a dude that short. Gotta be at least 5”11 and packing steel.
The initial attraction would be to a man that is perceived to be a protector. Its innate. Everything else is considered after that.But if that tall masculine dude has bad qualities, then who’s gonna protect you from him?
Quality should matter over height. And there’s plenty of brothers out here who are manlets who are good men. But society is silly.
Gotta aim high my brother.