Sim City sold over a million copies. it is what it is. gamers bytch about everything but still end up buying it. go on Neo Gaf and you'll seem gamers bytching about the cover art revisions on a game box.
damn wimpy, you stay naive
nobody wants that to be a requirement. i don't want that but if that's the way the console is i'll deal with it and i'm still buying it. if yall don't want it i feel you just skip it.
i bet is publishers start favoring Microsoft because their console sells more games (people can't buy used) and has less to no piracy (can't play offline) Sony will cave and implement a similar system to appease them.
do yall honestly think the few of yall throwing a hissy fit over the console always being online talking about not buying it even matter. the majority of the people complaining about this still are gonna cop day one.
people were buying multiple 360s after they RROD on them after the warranty period. Microsoft made a piece of shyt system that was defective and broken and people still continued to buy it over and over again.
people were buying multiple 360s after they RROD on them after the warranty period. Microsoft made a piece of shyt system that was defective and broken and people still continued to buy it over and over again.
hell some people spend hundreds on a "slim" model just because they thought it wouldn't red ring on them.
gamers bytch but they still buy. that's the way it is.
I never understood how nikkas could hate Microsoft so much.
Microsoft Studios' creative director has some choice words about always-online
The dudes over at r/gaming are SLAUGHTERING this clown :shookrock: