So @TheNig, we only supposed to care about shyt that directly affects us? That's that pure house nikka "we sick massa?" bullshyt
What page did cantstop comment on? I ain't tryna skim thru all these pages
So you're with the Kobe crowd that felt black people needed a talking to about advancing as a society because they felt a crazy need to ask for an arrest?
So I should only care for things on a personal level and not a transpersonal level?
You dapping shyt out of dislike for me or you really that stupid?
Nah. I'm a selfish person and do things when it's only relative to me. That's the brutal truth.
When the Trayvon Martin Foundation was set up, I donated $200 and left it at that. I feel for the family that they'll never see true justice but Iat people that try to share their outrage.
So @TheNig, we only supposed to care about shyt that directly affects us? That's that pure house nikka "we sick massa?" bullshyt
This is mad corny.
Either's amazing how we can talk about black people as a "group" but want to view things on an individual level when being outright stupid.
You don't know if you're coming or going bruh.
I was thinking the same thing that Wade was... Kobe is a naturally selfish person..So the fact that he's never personally come from the enviornment as Trayvon and doesn't have sons that will be viewed by America as future Trayvon's (like Bron, Wade, Chalmers, Bosh etc) he probably is unable to empathize.. I'm glad Wade spelled it out like that...Because Kobe views the world the same way some of my white associates did after the verdict.. No empathy...He really looks at the situation as an unbiased outsider...He was probably thinking "What's the big deal? I'm Black and white people love ME. So wtf are these n1ggas crying about"
His kids are latinos and are light enough to identify as such.Kobe should care because his daughters are going to face racism in their own lives and he himself faced racism right in the face during the Colorado rape accusation. Do you think John Elway would have went through that? I agree with that piece.
But I really believe Kobe was focused more on the Miami Heat dyckriding and fad jumping bull$hit they do. From wearing hipster clothes to doing the Harlem shake to Wade wearing woman's clothes and Capri pants with his suits dude was just trying to talk down on them as usual. He just chose a really bad example and walked into a minefield. Stupid ass move by Kobe there.
I guess they picked him back up, because that's the only reason we are where we are today , and the the only reason he would say something like this.Hilarious considering he was dropped by said white folk within hours of the rape accusations coming out.
If that wasn't a reality check then he's hopeless. fukk him.
Old man, did you think OJ was ever going to jail though? LA was not trying to have 2 riots in 3 years.OJ wasn't a movement. This was.
eurospaniardblasians?His kids are latinos and are light enough to identify as such.
neggedyall act like if someone discriminated against Kobe for being black he would take the abuse....he would raise hell! Standing up for yourself is good enough when it comes to racial actions...Kobe is only a C00N if he doesn't address the racism he faces and feels depressed etc.
Everyone has their own battle with if they don't let Kobe into the county club he isn't expecting universal black support, but he will bring it to the news and check the country club on the BS. Yes, others decided to help Trayvon Martin situation....but it was only required for the family to address it since he passed away.
if i experience a racial situation I handled it myself cause only I was there....i don't need to get a black collective together to address injustice done to me. I handle my situation and I say I feel ya to other blacks facing racial situations....but i don't need to ride with you.
You see it.
He'll defend it.