right around the ACC
Hilarious considering he was dropped by said white folk within hours of the rape accusations coming out.I was thinking the same thing that Wade was... Kobe is a naturally selfish person..So the fact that he's never personally come from the enviornment as Trayvon and doesn't have sons that will be viewed by America as future Trayvon's (like Bron, Wade, Chalmers, Bosh etc) he probably is unable to empathize.. I'm glad Wade spelled it out like that...Because Kobe views the world the same way some of my white associates did after the verdict.. No empathy...He really looks at the situation as an unbiased outsider...He was probably thinking "What's the big deal? I'm Black and white people love ME. So wtf are these n1ggas crying about"
If that wasn't a reality check then he's hopeless. fukk him.