How is anyone surprised by this?
Dude married a whored out mexican video chick who had so many trains ran on here they tattooed track marks on her back
Dude could have had his pick of any chick in the world to cheat with...and he picked a plain jain sloppy with a side of couch gut white chick to bang out...
shyt...the only thing I know Kobe ever did with a black sue his moms...
at this
Becuz I won't blindly bash him means that I'm defending him? One extreme to the next.Why are you defending him? Your first instinct was to give him the benefit of the doubt because of his skin color but he spits on that very idea in the article. You have admitted he was ignorant and obviously dont agree with the black support issue. Nobody is denying that he has had a great career. It seems that you are desperate to defend him but in the next breath tell me not to look to athletes as heroes (which i would never do btw).
Black women are going innnnn.. To be honest they already had an agenda against him, but he just poured gasoline on the fire...Twitter is blowing up over this now.
you just c/s'd @SubZeroDegrees post. Thats exactly what he said.I still don't get it. Niqqas need lessons on progressing as a society for protesting the non arrest of a shooter of an unarmed black teen?
shyt is retarded.
Becuz I won't blindly bash him means that I'm defending him? One extreme to the next.
Not really... you have already admitted that he was wrong.....but the rest of your argument seems like you are offering excuses. THAT is going from one extreme to the next
get some tweets brehBlack women are going innnnn.. To be honest they already had an agenda against him, but he just poured gasoline on the fire...
Drudge Report just gave him a complimentary headline....He's officially a far right wing pawn..
Good work Bean
Im at work so the twitter is blocked I'm just looking on my phone so can't post the direct links...But just for example..People with Ronald Reagan avi's are saying they are FINALLY a fan of Kobe now..get some tweets breh
Im at work so the twitter is blocked I'm just looking on my phone so can't post the direct links...But just for example..People with Ronald Reagan avi's are saying they are FINALLY a fan of Kobe now..
Im at work so the twitter is blocked I'm just looking on my phone so can't post the direct links...But just for example..People with Ronald Reagan avi's are saying they are FINALLY a fan of Kobe now..
That's a cop out...Dude is simply an athlete. .