Kobe Bryant Was Not Impressed by the Miami Heat’s Trayvon Martin Protest

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Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
Ilso not a fan of c00n on this board is so over used. Kobe hasn't done anything to set black people back at all, so I don't see why we have to throw that word around. He obviously just can't understand the difficulty of the struggle. He has a two parent home, grew up in a 6 figure family. He is ignorant but certainly hasn't done any harm to the race. I agree that his comments where bullshyt but just because he doesn't understand doesn't make him some race traitor.
I don't think his background can be used to excuse his ignorance. There's plenty of black people who grew up privileged who still understand the realities of racial injustice, be it from experience and interaction of just observation and research or both.

If there's uppercrust ass white people who can understand the reality of racial injustice from an outsider's perspective even though they can't feel the full gravity of it from their experience, there's no reason why a black man with two black parents can't.

I won't even call Kobe a c00n, just naive and ignorant, as is anyone who simply appeals to the existence of a colorblind society (which is a good ideal in the abstract) as he did, while tacitly promoting racial oppression by sticking his head in the sand about it.

To give him a pass for ignorance because he grew up rich and removed from the experience of most black people is to basically say people are so myopic that they can't see the world outside themselves, and I don't think that's a standard we should hold people to. If anything, being a black man with the educational resources he has access to within his privileged role in society is all the more reason for him to be erudite on racial matters.


Hollywood North
May 6, 2012
:russ: This feels like literally Kobe was so caught up in dimissing any question related to Lebron and the Heat that his salty ass didnt realize what he was saying in his full on serious Bean mode

Like that had to be it.

Dude was all like "What do you think of Lebron and Miami..."
Kobe: :childplease: Man lemme tell you something people so quick to defend anything black, they dont know shyt


Kobe: What? :mjpls:

*30 Minutes later*
Kobe: Yeah I told they ass, think I care about the big 3 and what they do even if it was riding for a little...:dwillhuh::patrice:



May 1, 2012
Context would be great, cuz the quote is just :wtf:.
Yup it's why I am not on the kobe is a c00n bandwagon in this thread. The quote looks like it came out of no where without context it's just too little info to make an accurate judgement. Haters are foaming at the mouth with this opportunity though.
:heh: at these two idiots. The context is perfectly clear.

I won’t react to something just because I’m supposed to, because I’m an African-American,” he said. “That argument doesn’t make any sense to me. So we want to advance as a society and a culture, but, say, if something happens to an African-American we immediately come to his defense? Yet you want to talk about how far we’ve progressed as a society? Well, we’ve progressed as a society, then don’t jump to somebody’s defense just because they’re African-American. You sit and you listen to the facts just like you would in any other situation, right? So I won’t assert myself.”

Beat it with that "context" excuse. Not only does he make it clear that he doesn't feel any solidarity with blacks he chastises those that do implying that we're racist. That "reverse racism" game he's runnin is straight from the white supremacy handbook. He's no different than a klansmen trying to use MLK's words against black people. The nerve of him saying this after all the info is out and Zimmerman has been let off by the system is just......wow. The only thing more c00nish is his fanboys trying to defend him.
:mjlol: I had Jay Z's verse on Fukwitmeyouknowigotit playing in my head while I was reading that statement.
:shaq: the obligatory Jay Z reference from this purple lipped fakkit.


Dr.TheNig DDS
May 1, 2012
Brolic... Alcoholics
Kobe stans keep tryin to bring up Jordan to take the heat off when ultimately the Jordan "no nikkas" shyt comes from not wantin to give an autograph to an already has been rapper who he prolly never even heard of while he just tryin to party. Sorry but not even close brehs. :patrice:

This is from somebody who actually developed a level of respect for Kobe over the last few years. shyt is a terrible look for him.
If all you're doing is responding to those dudes, then I take you as about as serious as I take them


May 1, 2012
:heh: at these two idiots. The context is perfectly clear.

I won’t react to something just because I’m supposed to, because I’m an African-American,” he said. “That argument doesn’t make any sense to me. So we want to advance as a society and a culture, but, say, if something happens to an African-American we immediately come to his defense? Yet you want to talk about how far we’ve progressed as a society? Well, we’ve progressed as a society, then don’t jump to somebody’s defense just because they’re African-American. You sit and you listen to the facts just like you would in any other situation, right? So I won’t assert myself.”

Beat it with that "context" excuse. Not only does he make it clear that he doesn't feel any solidarity with blacks he chastises those that do implying that we're racist. That "reverse racism" game he's runnin is straight from the white supremacy handbook. He's no different than a klansmen trying to use MLK's words against black people. The nerve of him saying this after all the info is out and Zimmerman has been let off by the system is just......wow. The only thing more c00nish is his fanboys trying to defend him.
:shaq: the obligatory Jay Z reference from this purple lipped fakkit.

First of all context does matter. Does he mean that he as an african american should react to something without finding out all the facts first? That could be what he means but anyway It's hard to understand what kobe really means with just a few sentences. You are a kobe hater so I'm not gonna argue with a guy who is already biased as you. You are gonna interpret what kobe says as the worst possible thing regardless so it's pointless to have an argument with you.

OG Talk

May 1, 2012
Heaven on Earth
Now Tobe stans are turning this against Nas and LeBron. :heh:
The shift around post 300 still has me :laff:

The first part of the thread was all disgust and righteous anger...Then I saw it slowly bubbling.. Dudes were just struggling to make sense of it all.. I could feel the wheels spinning in their heads and them desperatly searching for a life raft...They couldn't believe they had Stanned all these years for someone that wouldn't spit on their Black azz if they were on fire.. Then Barnone threw on his c00n Cape and muddied the waters with a semantical argument about the thread title...

That was the out that they needed and they pounced...


Now I'm reading the last few pages of n1ggas criticizing Jim Brown, Nas, Chicago Crime, World Star Hip Hop, NYC Rebel, low carb diets, alternative fuel sources etc...

The N1g somehow brought up his military service and how he fought for our freedoms


This thread is a instant classic....

Love rappers and basketball players more than your own Blackness brehs..



Dr.TheNig DDS
May 1, 2012
Brolic... Alcoholics
The shift around post 300 still has me :laff:

The first part of the thread was all disgust and righteous anger...Then I saw it slowly bubbling.. Dudes were just struggling to make sense of it all.. I could feel the wheels spinning in their heads and them desperatly searching for a life raft...They couldn't believe they had Stanned all these years for someone that wouldn't spit on their Black azz if they were on fire.. Then Barnone threw on his c00n Cape and muddied the waters with a semantical argument about the thread title...

That was the out that they needed and they pounced...


Now I'm reading the last few pages of n1ggas criticizing Jim Brown, Nas, Chicago Crime, World Star Hip Hop, NYC Rebel, low carb diets, alternative fuel sources etc...

The N1g somehow brought up his military service and how he fought for our freedoms


This thread is a instant classic....

Love rappers and basketball players more than your own Blackness brehs..

It was in response to @MsBigHead questioning my character.
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