Kobe and Gigi Bryant Memorial Thread (RIP)

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Sunset Park
May 15, 2012
Seriously, what does it matter? It was a tragic accident. Yes it could have been avoiding. Blaming the pilot isn't going to bring any of them back. That pilot lost his life. That pilot had a family that is devastated right now. We need to stop looking to blame people. It doesn't fix shyt. All this talk about the pilot is starting to become irritating.

Crashes are thoroughly investigated by the NTSB for purposes of using that information to try and prevent another crash.

When I was watching the head lady of the NTSB press conference yesterday, she said they wrote a recommendation, in 2004 after a crash with the same chopper in Galveston Texas which killed 10 people, urging the FAA to adopt NOZ (pardon the spelling) software on any aircraft that carries over 6 people. NOZ software digitally replicates terrain layout in the event the pilot can't see.

After another crash in, I believe, 2010, the NTSB recommended it again to the FAA, again the FAA ignored it. In 2015, the NTSB finally threw in the towel and closed their recommendation.

Yes, the media can be salacious with wanting to the know the details. But for purposes of investigators its extremely important to try to piece together as much facts as possible to prevent these situations from happening again. And it works because, say what you want, commercial flying (with all its flaws) its the safest it has ever been since the advent of flying.

Now the FAA needs to adopt some stricter regulations for private flying. Hopefully, a positive can come out of Kobe's, and the 8 other victims, death.


Sep 11, 2013
Talked to a friend of mine who is a pilot and he said the pilot is fully responsible for this. He said so many red flags that were ignored. He was flying low. He went in a fog. He knew the helicopter they were flying. He knew that making that wide ass turn could have disorinted him. He just gambled with people life.

Basically when it is that foggy. You rely on the insteument and the radar to fly. You fet clearance levels and highest object in your fly zone. Dude basically ignored everything and still went on. He got several warnings about flying low and ig ored them. If Kobe or anyone else knew how to fly, they could have picked up on it that dude was confused and did not know his whereabouts. Unlike airplanes, there is no autopilot for helicopters.

My friend said the pilot should have made an emergency landing by Burbank the latest. Same rwason we get jet lagged is same reason these pilots can get congused in the air. Thats why thwy have a max number of hours they can work monthly. I think 8 or 12 days a month.

Still dude cost Kobe and other ppl their lives and theres no coming back from that.
A helicopter expert made a YouTube video that’s posted in this thread somewhere saying that the model kobe was in had autopilot but you have to be going a certain speed for it to work


I'm Lamont's pops
Nov 20, 2016
Straight from Flatbush
:francis:Pilot error in foggy conditions. They need to get rid of SVFR clearance for any civilian travel. If it’s not good enough for the LAPD to fly in, no one should.

Same shyt I said fam.. LA county emergency services had grounded their helicopters due to insufficient flying conditions... that could have been a memo to all airmen in the area to ground their fleet until the notice is lifted... Kobe his daughter and everyone on board that helicopter would be alive today

FAA need to issue a notice effective immediately for private operators of helicopters to follow their local government agencies who operate helicopter fleets their notices on weather related conditions


I'm Lamont's pops
Nov 20, 2016
Straight from Flatbush
So it looks like he lost all sense of direction. Somebody in the YouTube comments said it's something called "spatial disorientation". You can't distinguish up from down, left from right. So the aircraft most likely sped up while in a vertical position and spiraled out of control. I'm also reading that if a copter descends too fast it can actually stall out. Basically once dude lost his sense of direction he completely panicked and lost control.

Even commercial jet engine pilots experience this that’s why it is mandatory for them to fly IFR at night and during heavy weather conditions like snow, fog etc... They always hit the autopilot and like the plane follow its navigation route with no issues.

Michael's Black Son

Blanket Jackson
Sep 30, 2013
New York City & Neverland Ranch
I told dude to make a youtube video but he said nah. Dude is a genius at piloting. Instead he does IT and pilot on weekends only for commercial flights.

About the confusion, its sudden but your brain becomes aware you confused then you freak out. Some pilots master it and can find their way out of it due to excessibe training. Dude said he should have had another pilot with him if he wanted to risk that flight. He should have grounded the flight at Burbank. No question about that. Dude was flying low over a highway. Although not really dangerous but you cant see the power wires from uptop at all. He should have known better. After the highway thats where he went really confused by the fog.

Now that fool is dead and cost innocent people to lose their lives too.

Bad conditions
Told to stay in the air for at least 15 minutes
Then told he was flying too low
Then told he was losing control

Then that mofacka did nothing.

Man I m getting so mad typing this shyt. You right though. Thats why I always say if tou rich, certain things should be handled by people that love and care for you.

You see how they never reveal who the pilot is ?

dude is a bozo for that shyt. Chopper had tons of fuel so it’s not like they were in danger of running out and he wasn’t flying some organs to an emergency heart surgery so why risk it. Don’t give a fukk who is on board. Put the damn thing down somewhere safe even if it has to be a supermarket parking lot.

Regardless, the rules remains the same: protect the boss at all costs. Even if the boss is a danger to themself, you step in and deal with it. Look at how many celebs recently have died putting themselves in danger and their squad didn’t do shyt to make sure the bag stays intact.

- Juice: swallowing pills instead of letting the designated weed carrier take the charge

- Mac: ordering pills and p*ssy like Popeyes chicken sandwiches and ODing

- Whitney: did coke and pills and died in a tub

- MJ: OD’d off some damn IV drugs hooked up at the crib (WTF)

- Aaliyah: whole squad loading up a plane with too much shyt and the pilot doesn’t push back enough to tell them it’s a bad look and they all go down

- Jose Fernandez: getting shyt faced and smashes his boat up at night and bodied himself and two of his boys

That’s just a few off the top of the head but the point is that if you’re in these inner circles, you gotta know that if some shyt happens to the boss, y’all all fukked. And sometimes the boss just ain’t making the right calls.

Would you rather be the one letting some shyt slide and disaster happens or speaking up and risk getting alienated from the circle? Because either way, your bag is compromised.

Look at that Kevin Hart shyt that just came on Netflix. Dude at least knows when to say when but he even said some slick shyt to one of the dudes on his team and they were ready to square up. Obviously Kevin woulda gotten folded but dude on the squad didn’t give a shyt who he was. They patched things up but that showed you how important is is to have the right people on the team.

now we done lost a GOAT over some bullshyt. Just crazy.

Hijo de luna

Sep 3, 2014
Listening to NTSB stammer through these explanations
made me literally sick to my fukking stomach.

All I gather was pilot went off Visual Confrimation
Flew anyway despite the weather conditions
Almost made clearance before it slammed into a

Now, I'm not a pilot, but damn.
I'm learning more about the limitations of helicopters. You would think a helicopter can stop and hover in place anytime they are in a jam. High hover can be done but it requires a lot power and advanced pilot skill especially when using only instruments. Looking at the flight pattern, they got disoriented in the fog but had to keep forward momentum so the pilot kept hitting turns hoping to get clear of the clouds. Ended up getting sandwiched between the low ceiling and rising terrain of the canyons. The pilot had to make a choice and it ended up being the wrong choice. Of course we won't know for sure until the NSTB completes its investigation.