Johnny Cochran (the main lawyer in the case that you speak of) has 2 daughters, and so does OJ, you stupid fuk. You don't see their daughters busting it wide for every rich dyck thrown their way, Johnny was a major civil rights lawyer before Kim K's father. Kim K (as part of her celebrity lineage, has a sex tape with a black man, that's her claim to fame; as well as hanging out with another rich cac, Paris Hilton on her reality show). Paris Hilton put her on you stupid piece of c00n shyt. Paris (father is the owner of the Hilton Hotel brand) - who was a whore with her own "publicly leaked") sextape too.. (Noticing a pattern here? u idiot) Having those type of connections and not to mention her mother, Kris Jenner fukking at coke filled orgies and doing all that wife/husband swapping shyt.. that's how they got on (pun intended). White people have access that blacks do not and most of us aren't down with that animalistic demonic lifestyle they live regardless.Yeah it's not like her biological father was involved in one of America's most notorious court cases
Johnnie Cochran's daughter is a legal entrepreneur and has invested her time in working at her father's Brain Tumor Center... but I don't see no one acknowledging her investment and commitment to those DAY TO DAY ventures in which she helps people without the publicity attached.... Melodie Cochran is an Engineer. a white whore with notoriety, money and a sextape has more value than black women with education, money, charities, their own philanthropic activities, who work with black men and women in continuing their father's legal legacy the right way in the community and no sextapes. Kim K does one thing and it's all hail the pawg queen...fuk r yall on?

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