I look at it this way:
Some people at work called me a 90s baby, and I won't disagree much on that. I have a working memory of the 90s, but a late start; my first memory is when I was 4 (so '93)...
I don't have multiple memories until '95, that was a fun year, but my memory doesn't really take off, I don't have a grip of memories until the late-90s (97/98/99). So its funny, I technically experienced every day, the entire 90s, but I only really remember about half of it, the back half...
To go along with that, when Y2K hit, I was only 10 (turned 11 in summer '00). So even the part of the 90s I did experience, I was a child. That experience counts, but it didn't groom me the same...
The '00s (2000-2009) is the era that groomed me. I became a teenager in the '00s, started having sex ('03) and experiencing other "coming of age" moments in the '00s. I'm partial to '00s music because it's the music I truly grew up on----->I remember a LOT about music in the 90s, and I also remember in the 00s, they romanticized the fukk out the 90s so you heard 90s music all the time, all throughout the decade...
The 00s shaped me also from the standpoint I didn't live a criminal existence in the 90s, but in the 00s ('04) I "jumped off the porch", as they say in those circles. I can tell you what I've heard about the 90s, but being that so much of the person I became was shaped thru the lens of taking part in criminal activity, the era those activities took place was the '00s...
So I consider myself a 00s baby. I was 10 when the decade started, 20 when the decade ended...
And I respect everyone's right to call themselves what they want, but your "coming of age" years, whether you define it as just teenage, or 10-20, or college years (18-22), whatever decade you experienced that in, is the decade that shaped you most. We are all shaped to an extent by our prepubescent years, but if we're keeping it 100, universally the education you get after 10 compared to before is night and day...
So in homegirl case, she was born September '98. She didn't turn 10 until September 2008, didn't become a teenager until September 2011, that's this decade, and she's 21 now. Overwhelmingly the person she is and is becoming was influenced more by the 2010s than any other decade...
She wasn't dating and having consensual sex in the the 00s, let alone the 90s, nor was she likely dressing herself and creating her own experiences...
She's a 2010s baby. She doesnt wanna claim this era but you know the funny thing? In five years (around '24 when she's going on 25/26 years old), everybody her age is gonna be talking about how wack the '20s are and how "weird" the new generation is and they all gonna be nostalgic and clamoring for the 2010s (2010-2019). Its gonna happen lmao...
Cats born in the 90s may have some memories of the 90s, particularly if they were born earlier in the decade, but you not a 90s baby when you weren't even double digits in the 90s, still getting dressed by your mom, etc. You're just kids who were born in the 90s...