There really isn't a disagreement, you and your friends represent outliers. He is discussing base rates. To provide greater perspective:
And these numbers don't take into consideration debt and COL.
Again, I agree at a fundamental level that Black women’s expectations should be tempered.
What I don’t agree with is pushing a message to younger Black women (and younger Black men by extension) that most men don’t reach HV status until their 40s.
That’s bs. A young, Black male grad from Harvard Medical School @ 26 is definitely a HVM given his earnings trajectory. Using Kevin Samuels’ line of thinking, a lot of sistahs might begin looking over such men, thinking that only finished products like old man Kev Samuels or Dennis Sperling are their only options!
Only in the Black community are we now redefining HV as finished product. Which will likely lead to even more brothas getting plucked by non-Black women at younger ages since they understand earnings trajectory.