Kevin Samuels Discussion Thread


Dec 27, 2017
goes haywire how?
Haywire because it quickly dissolves into berating, feeling of superiority over BW and always comes down to sexual access. That’s the only thing that these conversation always revolves around.

Black men who sees women who have just as many options or not more than they do, watch how they speak of them even when these women possesses all the negative traits they claim they don’t like in BW.

Black men can’t speak to white girls or Asian girls or mixed girls or select BW the way they speak to a larger group of BW because these women don’t need to rely on them for their companionship.


Oct 11, 2015
Petty Vandross.. fukk Yall
I guess his good lighting and nice suit does a good job to hide the fact that he's just repeating the same gender war babble I've been hearing on YouTube since 2012.

Shaming women for their preferences has never worked and never will. Women get the best men they can. The problem is, black women dont have as much options as other women, firstly because they're not considered as attractive as other women, secondly, because of black men's collective, empirical failure to compete with other races in economics, and thirdly, because of the US government systemic destruction of the black nuclear family by way of the welfare state and mass incarceration. When the men in her neighborhood are pretty much all economic failures, and she can get food and housing from the state which negates the need for a traditional beta husband, she's gonna emphasize the physical for sexual and romantic partners. It also incentivizes masculine traits in the women because of their low respect for the men. That's a failure of us black men, not black women. Remember men lead, women follow.
Check your left and right pocket..
Make sure your nuts are still attached..
You wrote absolutely nothing but pandering shyt..
It’s good men out here but women want a lifestyle..
They want “Sex in the City/Housewives of whatever”..
I know several hardworking, blue collared brehs..
That are single as fukk..
God fearing men who only want to marry black women..
Guess what..
Since their jobs are not as glamorous..
And they don’t drive foreign..
nikkas are getting overlooked..
Even at the age of 40..
Stop protecting women with this baseless shyt..
Their are a lot of women out here in delusional states..
Having absolutely nothing to offer..
But desire the world..
You are not owed anything just because..
Most women can’t even tell a breh why she really likes him..
Furthermore you left out all kinds of shyt..
Black male unemployment is rampant because of certain practices by employers..
Not getting calls back because of their names..
Can’t qualify for bank loans..
To start their own business
Because as soon as they see a black man..
Everything has to fall in line to the final T..
We are paid less than some of our counterparts in specific fields..
The whole war on drugs/incarceration sentences
Mental illness
I could go on and on about the shyt black men face..
And how we have to be 20x as great in every aspect of life..
But let some cornball Latino/cac..
Walk by and these bytches capitulate faster than Flo Jo..
Stop the bullshyt..
Women hate being called out on accountability..
Only to hide behind preferences..
Mar 23, 2013
The black manosphere anit no joke it anit the like coli were you can talk this shyt and not have to get up on the panel like you do on YouTube when somebody call you out in the chat . Especially when you start to get up in the upper echelon of the black manosphere cause you talking to guys like Dr. T. Hasan Johnson who teaches I believe male gender studies and dynamics at Fresno State . Women don't go over there cause they don't want to be challenged for the better . Hell sistas like Kendra D and Nikole Ali aren't like because they are REDPILL WOMEN ....they go in on many topics and can't stand stragg energy .


May 1, 2012
He's selling dreams to all these women that want "high value men" that makes 300k+.

The average man make 40k a year. What percentage of Black men make that? .001% ?
I think he was being more realistic than the women who called into the show. Hardly any of them believed they should have to compete for 6 figure black men against other races of women.

Trying to shame black men into dating them exclusively ain't gonna work anymore. That kind of shaming language won't work going forward with the younger generation of men. So if sister's want to remain competitive they need to start mimicking the attitudes of these other races of women.

His point was spot on about Latinas being the biggest threat to taking black men. And that black women waiting until they reach 35, 45 or even 50 years old to try and date dudes they considered lame is stupid. Because these men won't want them now after being ignored for years. They have way more options now especially if there successful.

But as usual the message will get muddied because simps and women on here will just pick apart his delivery.
Mar 23, 2013
Check your left and right pocket..
Make sure your nuts are still attached..
You wrote absolutely nothing but pandering shyt..
It’s good men out here but women want a lifestyle..
They want “Sex in the City/Housewives of whatever”..
I know several hardworking, blue collared brehs..
That are single as fukk..
God fearing men who only want to marry black women..
Guess what..
Since their jobs are not as glamorous..
And they don’t drive foreign..
nikkas are getting overlooked..
Even at the age of 40..
Stop protecting women with this baseless shyt..
Their are a lot of women out here in delusional states..
Having absolutely nothing to offer..
But desire the world..
You are not owed anything just because..
Most women can’t even tell a breh why she really likes him..
Furthermore you left out all kinds of shyt..
Black male unemployment is rampant because of certain practices by employers..
Not getting calls back because of their names..
Can’t qualify for bank loans..
To start their own business
Because as soon as they see a black man..
Everything has to fall in line to the final T..
We are paid less than some of our counterparts in specific fields..
The whole war on drugs/incarceration sentences
Mental illness
I could go on and on about the shyt black men face..
And how we have to be 20x as great in every aspect of life..
But let some cornball Latino/cac..
Walk by and these bytches capitulate faster than Flo Jo..
Stop the bullshyt..
Women hate being called out on accountability..
Only to hide behind preferences..

:wow::wow: Damn :salute:


May 1, 2012
compete for men who don’t respect them? Or think they are doing a favor of....a lot of BW will be just fine.

If you say so....But the female callers into the show didn't seem fine with not having husband's.
Mar 23, 2013
I think he was being more realistic than the women who called into the show. Hardly any of them believed they should have to compete for 6 figure black men against other races of women.

Trying to shame black men into dating them exclusively ain't gonna work anymore. That kind of shaming language won't work going forward with the younger generation of men. So if sister's want to remain competitive they need to start mimicking the attitudes of these other races of women.

His point was spot on about Latinas being the biggest threat to taking black men. And that black women waiting until they reach 35, 45 or even 50 years old to try and date dudes they considered lame is stupid. Because these men won't want them now after being ignored for years. They have way more options now especially if there successful.

But as usual the message will get muddied because simps and women on here will just pick apart his delivery.

Look out @JT-Money here today :wow:. Talk that shyt . I say it all the time the gender war is over ...and men won . It just that men NEED to realize they have won especially if you on top of your shyt . You would like the work BGS gave out on a panel recently he pretty much echoed what you just said . Here you go ...

Last edited:


May 3, 2012
We live in an era that women don't have realistic standards.
A hard working man that makes decent money in the eye of a lot of women ain't her best option.
So just following your logic most women ain't submitting
Feminism has created a society where women can earn their own being a hard working man who makes decent money is rarely enough in this day and age. That's not her best option anymore. The days where women got married for survival is over.

Now if you can be a hardworking man with decent money... and you satisfy her sexual needs... and she likes posting you on social media for likes from her friends and family because you're a handsome dude who inspires excitement in your lifestyle, you might have a shot.
Mar 23, 2013
Now this woman reminds me of those other women I saw Steve Harvey talking to on Oprah years ago about what they see and want in a black man and all have the same responses

now look at her and her list... guarantee in 2020 she’s single

...and what NOBODY wants to ask these women is what makes you think YOU QUALIFY for these men :what:


May 19, 2013
This anit it . I can say this cause I've had real conversation with other races of women . The notice what happens to black men . This is the first time in history that black men have had a choice of who they mate with . The boomers and the gen xers had race loyalty if you will because that was what's taught . If you you look at the generation z's thoe they just go were they are loved and they fukk with who fukk with them and I can't blame them .

I will say I lost a good Latino women because of the thinking of " man they just look at me as a fetish" . I can honestly that failed relationship was my fault but it was my conditioning from the GYNOCRACY that made me think that way . One of these days I will tell that story and how useless the mental programming is for black men and why they attempt to program us in a ceartin men.

My mentor kills this topic

So he's saying the black American women are not socialized for marriage like other women are.... :patrice: