Let me hear you objectively argue Lebron is the greatest player of all time
•higher postseason peaks than anybody in history, and roughly equivalent---
not behind---with Jordan's postseason peaks (as measured series' by series', by WS48, WS, PER, GmSc, any statistical evaluation or the actual eye test---->there certainly hasn't been a more consistently higher playoff performer since Jordan's '98 retirement, and when you're lining up LeBron's peak performances with anybody in history from '98 on backwards, he and Mike stand out way ahead of the field consistently)....he's right there with Mike as far as peak is measured and you can argue his very best is higher, key word it can be
•one of the most dominant regular season players in history, again objectively measured by statistical evaluation or the eye test compared to people we've seen. Amongst GOAT candidates the only players in this sector of conversation with LeBron would be Mike, Kareem, and Wilt. You could stretch and add Larry and Shaq but they didn't hold that longevity of otherworld dominance as long as the other guys...
•greatest floor raiser in NBA history, not a single player in NBA history has done more with less so consistently...
•arguably the greatest all around player ever, I mean how many guys are truly deserving to be mentioned in the convo with him? There have been plenty of good-to-great all around players, very, very few did these things as well as LeBron. Scoring might at best be his third greatest skill and he somehow made himself one of the greatest scorers ever...
•not a single superstar player I've ever seen with comparable offensive responsibilities and/or talent, was as destructive defensively at their peak. His ability at peak to man anybody on the floor, particularly in crunch time, is rare shyt; even rarer is his ability to completely dominate a game and alter the opponent's offensive gameplan----->how many SUPERSTAR, GOAT-level guys have had that ability? Its unique as hell...
•greatest prep-to-pro player in NBA history; longevity as an elite player at this point is only rivaled by Kareem and Kobe; had roughly a decade-long run as the best player in The League, rivaled by only Kareem and Mike; 4th-most decorated (awards/accolades) player in league history, after Mike, Bill, Kareem, and all of these guys were of different eras besides the 5-year overlap late in Cap's/early in Mike's career, so it can be said in context that
60 years of NBA history was dominated by four guys way above anyone else, as Kareem was drafted right after Bill's retirement; Mike only overlapped 5 of Kareem's 20 seasons, and LeBron was drafted right after Mike's last retirement...
I can keep going but I'll stop there. I've said this many times and I'll reiterate here: while LeBron is the greatest basketball player I've ever seen, I'm not positive he's the greatest
ever---->but all these baseless claims that he doesn't have an argument for it are ridiculous. Any objective evaluation of him makes it clear he doesn't just have an argument, he has one of the strongest any player has...