is a masterpiece a masterpiece if nobody hears it
It's a damn shame too. I mean, mostly hip hop heads will tell you they listened to Tetsuo and Youth. It's a damn shame you wont hear a T&Y song on the radio. And it's a damn shame people wanna try and blow him off because he doesn't like Obama. My girlfriend told me he ruined his own career when he spoke bad about Obama during the Obama Inauguration. Some joke his life being a Fiasco

. But let that man have his political opinions.
It's like that last TPAB track. "If shyt hit the fan, is you still a fan?"
He never really fell off. Food and Liquor 2 was solid, and Tetsuo should be in an art museum

The people who blow him off are the people who need to listen to him the most. And his album blew 2014 Forest Hill out of the water for sure. I don't count on the Grammy's for shyt, but if Kendrick doesn't get best rap album nomination, Lupe better get it.
Who really heard that Beck album???

But he beat Beyonce for Best Album.
But I still don't trust the Grammy's, especially since We Them Boys almost won a Grammy