See, this is my main complaint.
A better writer, could condense this and and make it more impactful. he's just too wordy and taking his diary entries and poetry essays and putting them over music.
Its just a chore.
And theres no punchlines. Its just revelations and generic affirmations filling space.
He can perform it well, but its always been tough to digest him knowing he rarely has been able to do what his peers did by actually using the skill of inference and reference and other leitmotifs to get his point across.
This is spoken word. This is not rap
music, per se. At least to me.
If he wrote for a magazine, he would be referred to an editor to tighten this up.
@xCivicx @FruitOfTheVale @Cadillac @IVS @SirBiatch @UserNameless @ReturnOfJudah @charmander @SwagBoy @Ravishing Brick Rude @TruDatz @Illuminatos