Kendrick Lamar - The Heart pt. 5 official video

The Dust King

A Childrens Story
Jul 25, 2012
the tri-state
T&Y was Lupe’s final album on Atlantic and we ALL KNOW at this point bow Atlantic tried to fukk Lupe’s career over because he wouldn’t renegotiate his contract to make it a 360 deal. They tried damn near everything they could to blackball him and his FANS staged a protest outside of the Atlantic offices and that hacker group Anonymous threatened to leak Atlantic emails if they didn’t let him release Lasers.

Atlantic wasn’t spending not one single CENT on that album beyond releasing it. No videos, no real promo, no nothing. TPAB in contrast, was HIGHLY hyped and promoted. Kendrick pretty much got the full court press when it came to promo. Doesn’t mean its not a classic album or an important album for this generation it just means that the playing field when speaking of both artists at this particular point in time wasn’t level in the SLIGHTEST.

He’s not a mainstream name NOW but at one point when he was playing ball with Atlantic he definitely was. I can’t BELIEVE that history is being rewritten regarding Lupe’s career when it was not even 15 years ago that the mainstream looked at Lupe almost the EXACT same way they look at Kendrick now. Lupe was called the “savior” of mainstream Hip Hop. The “Chosen One” who would bring balance to the Force after Snap Rap had taken over and a mockery of the genre. Food & Liquor was so heavily anticipated it was bootlegged to a level not seen since Illmatic. Jay-Z co-signed him to the point where he executive produced his album WHILE HE WAS THE PRESIDENT OF DEF JAM. Think about that! A PRESIDENT of a rival label executive producing an artist’s debut album! Nas, who at the time wasn’t praising anyone and declaring Hip Hop Is Dead, said that Lupe was the chosen one and he’s listen to ANYTHING he put out. He had Pharrell and Kanye fawning over him to the point where they formed a group with him and went on a world tour with him. He won a Grammy. He was named GQ Man Of The Year. Did I fukking DREAM all of this:lupe:

you said a lot but provided no reciepts

i remember it much differently