You can't disprove a negative. That's like saying disprove god didn't create the universe.
What I'm saying is what you're suggesting is an isolated event, and the story was passed on to different people. There might have been a flood in that region which the stories are based upon ... I don't deny that there were major floods back then. But that doesn't mean that same flood was also in the Americas, East Asia and so on. Furthermore, there's no way someone could justify that it was from a particular god to wash away the sinful people of the earth. If someone has evidence that could pinpoint multiple pieces of evidence to an event like this during the same year (which, I'm not even sure if we have the tools to do so) then that would be something. But I think it's much more likely civs adopted a flood myth rather than it happening exactly as it's told in the bible.
Then why is the concept of a great flood so unbelievable to you then, why is the bible so ridiculous if you even admit the this floods happen all over the Earth
Also the Bible takes place in Africa, and this flood is documented by every civilization that has ever existed on the continent. Look up the ruins the found in east Africa I'm tired of doing work for you, Ethiopia and ETHIOPIAN ARE MENTIONED IN THE PEOPLE NUMEROUS TIMES
Europe, asia, and every other place is NOT so we talking about Africa here when we talk about the bible
If Ethiopia is called Ethiopia today and it was called that in the Bible, then all that bullshyt they say about the middle east , turkey, and what not is bullshyt